Tragic Details About Bill Rancic's Life

Bill Rancic shot to stardom in 2004 as the winner of the inaugural season of "The Apprentice," and he has remained firmly in the public eye ever since, despite a number of personal tragedies that have surely made excelling in business and media all the harder to prioritize. From a demoralizing infertility journey to a years-long cancer struggle, both Rancic and his wife — entertainment reporter and businesswoman Giuliana Rancic, respectively — have gone through the ringer when it comes to hardships. Throw in some dashed hopes, a gone-too-soon parent, and a tragic in-air accident and you have a tumultuous couple of decades that would make even Superman quiver behind his steely exterior. Luckily for him, while Rancic may not himself have otherworldly gifts, he possesses an extraordinary amount of strength and spirit.


Rancic has taken life's toughest moments and given them new meaning by spreading awareness about important health issues and engaging with charities. He has also doubled down on the idea of living life to the fullest, demonstrating a go-getter attitude so intense that it would certainly come off as overzealous if he were not also totally adorably. Rancic co-owns two businesses (RPM Restaurant Group and the Giuliana Prosecco), travels the nation as a motivational speaker, and has four books across multiple genres. He runs marathons, renovates homes, and even hosted series' on A&E and the Food Network. Here is a look at some of the tragic circumstances that Bill Rancic has experienced in his lifetime.


Bill Rancic lost his father to cancer in 1999

Giuliana Rancic's breast cancer diagnosis at age 36 threw her life, and her husband Bill Rancic's life, totally off course. For Bill, it was a somewhat familiar, albeit tragic, story. More than a decade before Giuliana's 2011 diagnosis, Bill dealt with a family cancer situation that ended far less happily (Giuliana has been cancer-free for over 10 years) when his beloved father died of the illness. Edward Rancic was 66 when complications from kidney cancer separated him from his son. This was in 1999, when Bill was a couple years shy of 30 and had yet to establish himself in the media world. Sadly, he will never know what his father would have thought about his decidedly public life, which began when he was chosen from upwards of 200,000 people who applied to be on Season 1 of "The Apprentice."


Edward also did not live long enough to see Bill become a father, but the businessman honored his dad in a very special way by naming his son, Edward Duke, after him. On numerous instances, Bill has spoken about how becoming a dad himself helped him to recognize how wonderful of a father he had when he was growing up. "Not a day goes by that I don't miss you. Thanks for teaching me how to be a dad. Happy Father's Day in heaven, dad," Bill posted on Facebook in 2020, alongside a photo from his parents' wedding that illustrates a striking resemblance between father and son.

Reality television almost ruined Bill Rancic's marriage

Bill and Giuliana Rancic have one of those rare celebrity marriages that actually seem relatively normal. And thanks to the time they spent on reality television, fans know that the pair are generally on the same page when it comes to decision-making and principles, like the importance of family time or the value of travel. Not only do the Rancics share many passions — like healthy eating and a deep love of Italy — but they also work well as a business duo. Bill and Giuliana Rancic co-own a number of businesses, including their popular chain of Italian restaurants. Heck, they have even written books together, which would be a recipe for disaster for most marriages, celebrity or not.


Things may generally operate smoothly for Bill and Giuliana today, but marital life was not easy when the pair first signed on to appear in their own reality series in 2009. "Giuliana and Bill" filmed seven seasons across six years, airing first on the Style Network before moving over to E! once Style stopped operations. According to Giuliana's 2015 memoir "Going Off Script: How I Survived a Crazy Childhood, Cancer, and Clooney's 32 On-Screen Rejections," the show created extreme tension for the then-newlyweds. "Giuliana and Bill was a major point of contention between us, and we argued about it constantly," she wrote. Amongst the conflicts were the intrusiveness of the crew, the surprising things that would come out in confessionals, and Bill's perception that Giuliana was being inauthentic for the cameras.


Giuliana Rancic's cancer battle was gut wrenching for Bill Rancic

Few other things continue to matter when a person is diagnosed with cancer — which, according to Cancer Research UK, is responsible for roughly 10 million global deaths each year. Though the bulk of the focus is typically (and understandably) placed upon the ill person themselves, cancers are very much diseases that affect the entire family. When Giuliana Rancic was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011, after a routine mammogram before what was supposed to be her third IVF cycle, her husband Bill's life changed just as quickly as hers. "It's gut wrenching," Bill told Coping Magazine. "As a husband, we want to always be the protector. We've got to be the problem solver. And this was a problem that I wasn't able to solve."


Bill and Giuliana, who were already documenting their fertility issues on their reality show, decided that it was important for them to also document her illness and recovery. "We were doing a TV show at the time, and we chose to use that platform for good and not evil," Bill said in an interview with Premiere Speakers Bureau. "So, I think that really helped the journey as well because we knew that we were going to be able to have an impact on a lot of people through the process." Both Bill and Giuliana told Coping the situation brought them closer together as spouses. It also prompted them to become involved with cancer-focused programs, including the Changing Cancer Care (C3) Prize program through Astellas Oncology.


Bill and Giuliana Rancic were devastated by their 2015 miscarriage

Bill and Giuliana Rancic were years into their IVF journey when Giuliana was diagnosed with cancer. Once the disease was in full remission, a new reality emerged — one that would require a gestational surrogate, as implanting embryos into somebody taking cancer-suppressing medications is not recommended. In August 2012, Bill and Giuliana finally realized their dream of welcoming a child when their son Edward (who they call by his middle name, Duke) was born. He did not come into the world as originally intended, but not much about their journey has gone according to plan.


Early into the couple's quest to become parents, in 2010, Giuliana miscarried a baby she was carrying. It was an agonizing occurrence for both husband and wife, as was the miscarriage their surrogate suffered in 2014. But when their surrogate miscarried again the following New Year's, it was something else altogether. Not only was she further along that time (nine weeks), but it was also the couple's final embryo. For years, they had publicly expressed a wish for another child, and while it for a time appeared they may go the adoption route — Giuliana posted about family expansion as recently as 2019 — the Rancics eventually came to accept themselves as a forever family of three. "We always thought we were going to...even in interviews before, Bill and I would say, 'Oh we want four kids.' But it's like, God gives you what is right for you," Giuliana said to People in 2024.


Bill Rancic barely escaped a fatal parachuting accident

Most people are at least somewhat exaggerating when they claim to have had a near-death experience, as death is rarely as close as these stories depict. For Bill Rancic, however, death was a very real possibility in 2015. In fact, Rancic was mere seconds from being involved in an in-air collision that killed another man. It happened at the Chicago Air & Water Show, an annual event run by the city and in which Rancic had been participating for years. Like the year prior, Rancic's 2015 role was that of skydiver. He successfully jumped out of an airplane with a parachute, but what followed was a horrendous accident that rattled his entire being.


Right after Rancic parachuted out of the airplane, two U.S. military members unexpectedly bumped into each other in the air. "Seconds after I jumped, Corey Hood, 32, from our plane collided mid-air with a parachutist, Timothy Holland, from the Navy plane. Hood died and Holland survived," Rancic explained to Central New Jersey News in 2016. "After surviving five tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, this was the way he died. It shakes you to the core. I was sitting with him, we jumped out 5 seconds apart. It could easily have been me. I think about him every night when I say my prayers." Interestingly, while Rancic based his first novel on a plane accident, he credits that to an experience with turbulence and not the skydiving tragedy.


