Inside Meghan Markle And Sophie Trudeau's Relationship Timeline

The Duchess of Sussex has not always had the easiest time with friendships. Although Meghan Markle and Serena Williams are said to as close as ever, the same cannot be said about a number of the duchess' other acquaintances. In fact, Meghan Markle has lost a lot of friends since becoming a royal — from her former "Suits" co-star, Gina Torres, to her ex-British buddy, Victoria Beckham.


One of the most awkward losses was of Meghan's friendship with her schoolmate, Ninaki Priddy. Back when Meghan married Trevor Engelson in 2011, Priddy attended the wedding as her maid of honor. Just six years later, the California-based jewelry designer told the Daily Mail that Meghan had been "calculated — very calculated — in the way she handled people and relationships." While it's impossible to verify whether or not these allegations are true, we do know that Meghan and Priddy are no longer best buds.

In 2024, certain reports indicated that the duchess may have experienced yet another friendship loss. Apparently, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau — the ex-wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — is rumored to have taken a step back from her relationship with Meghan. The two famous women were said to be quite close at first, but things between them changed over time.


Meghan Markle and Sophie Trudeau met in Canada in 2015

Before she ever crossed paths with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle was an actor residing in Toronto, Canada. During this time, she was focused on filming the wildly successful television series, "Suits," and integrating in Canadian high society. As a newly-famous figure, Meghan was invited to a number of exciting social events, including the 2015 Canadian Fashion Awards. It was there that she first met Sophie Grégoire Trudeau. 


Although little is known about that first encounter, Meghan has hinted that she liked Trudeau right away. Once the two women started talking, it didn't take long for them to realize they had a lot in common. They were both highly-educated women who had graduated from top universities. They both had television careers that forced them into the public eye. And, they had a mutual friend in Canadian socialite and stylist, Jessica Mulroney. It seemed they were destined to become besties.

A year after that initial encounter, Meghan, Trudeau, and Mulroney were spotted together at Soho House in Toronto. Pictures of their night out together were eventually published in the Daily Mail (via Press Reader) and show the trio posing for comical shots in a photo booth. 


Meghan Markle's 2016 relationship with Prince Harry brought her closer to Sophie Trudeau

If Meghan Markle and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau already had a lot in common, they only grew closer once Prince Harry was in the picture. As the then-wife of Canada'a Prime Minister, Trudeau knew a thing or two about the challenges of living in the public eye. Like many other political wives, Trudeau had to maintain her marriage and raise her children in the face of an incredible amount of scrutiny. It didn't take long for this to be Meghan's reality as well.


When Meghan and Harry began dating, the future Duchess of Sussex began to struggle with many of the same dynamics that had long plagued her Canadian friend. As Meghan Markle shared in the Netflix documentary, "Harry & Meghan," "It felt like all of the U.K. media descended upon Toronto." When she asked the police for protection, they told her it was impossible "because of who you're dating."

Meghan and Trudeau likely bonded over this common experience, and they began to exchange text messages. In an episode of her now-defunct "Archetypes" podcast on Spotify, Meghan described the way that Trudeau has supported her. "She used to send me these little meditations during my pregnancy and voice notes, just these moments of encouragement. And, I've gone to her over the years for advice. She knows what it's like to be a mom and a partner — and specifically a mom and a partner in the public eye."


In 2020, Meghan Markle had a public fall-out with one of Sophie Trudeau's friends

Even as Sophie Grégoire Trudeau and Meghan Markle built something of a friendship, they underwent a number of awkward social situations together. One of the tensest moments they endured occurred when Meghan cut off their mutual friend, Jessica Mulroney.


Things between Meghan and Mulroney grew tense in light of the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement. At the time, many members of the Canadian upper crust were on social media to voice their support for BLM. However, when Black influencer, Sasha Exeter, posted a personal opinion to her Instagram stories, Mulroney was quick to respond with harsh words. As Exeter put it at the time (via the Toronto Star), "Jessica Mulroney, took offense to a very generic call to action that I shared on my IG stories. And what happened next ... ultimately resulted in her sending me a threat in writing."

The public does not know exactly how the Duchess of Sussex reacted to this situation in private. However, it's understood that Meghan Markle and Jessica Mulroney quickly became ex-BFFs. Some reports have even indicated that Mulroney is planning to write a tell-all book about the implosion of her friendship with the former "Suits" actor. Considering the fact that Trudeau was linked to both Meghan and Mulroney, the situation was likely very tricky for the former Canadian first lady to navigate.  


Meghan Markle and Sophie Trudeau let their hair down together during the summer of 2022

Despite the tensions in their friend group, Meghan Markle and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau continued to spend time together. Part of this may have been due to their shared experiences in the spotlight. When fulfilling their respective public roles, the women were expected to behave primly and properly. However, they were able to experience more casual moments together in private.


As Meghan shared on her podcast "Archetypes," she and Trudeau once spent a day together at the pool. There, they were able to let their hair down and be themselves. "We swam, we drank wine, we splashed in the water. Then, threw some pool floats in," Meghan recalled.

The Duchess of Sussex celebrated the significance of the day as a moment of freedom. "This wasn't our day of being the wives and moms, all perfectly coiffed with up-dos and pearls and demure smiles," she said. "This was the other version of us. Both with wild curly hair and swimsuits and loose linen and huge belly laughs. Big cuddles with our little ones. And, quiet whispers of girl talk on the terrace, giddy like absolute schoolgirls. We were just having so much fun."


Meghan Markle and Sophie Trudeau collaborated on a podcast episode in November 2022

Of course, as two high-powered women, the Duchess of Sussex and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau have worked together professionally. Before Meghan Markle's podcast "Archetypes" was canceled in a dramatic split with Spotify, Trudeau agreed to be one of her guests. In an episode dedicated to the issue of mom guilt, Trudeau shared her reaction to this phenomenon, saying, "Women across this planet are still the nucleus of the family. They still carry most of the load for housework, contributing to the family's well-being, and most decisions concerning the kids."


As a women's rights activist herself, Meghan reacted very positively to these statements. In fact, much of what Trudeau said actually echoed the words that Meghan herself had uttered on "Nick News" at age 11. "I don't think it's right that kids grow up thinking these things, that just mom does everything" (via People).

Indeed, the two women seemed to get along very well throughout their recording session. They agreed on most topics and applauded each other's perspectives. Trudeau was comfortable enough around Meghan to imitate a lion's roar. Meghan, meanwhile, took the liberty of referring to Trudeau as "Soph." As far as anyone could tell, the duo were as thick as thieves.

In 2024, Sophie Trudeau publicly distanced herself from Meghan Markle

For many years, Meghan Markle and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau appeared to be a match made in heaven. However, by April 2024, their friendship seemed to be ancient history. In an interview with The Times, journalist Louise Callaghan asked Trudeau about her close friendship with Meghan. After all, as Callaghan noted in the article, the Duchess of Sussex had previously "gushed" about Trudeau. The former Canadian first lady, however, "did not gush back."


"I know her," Trudeau reportedly said before clarifying that she and Meghan do not spend a whole lot of time together. As if that weren't awkward enough, Trudeau quickly changed the subject to the issue of Princess Catherine's cancer diagnosis. "My heart just sunk when I saw what was happening," the former first lady said.

Although it's impossible to say what exactly went down between Meghan and Trudeau, it seems that the two are not on good enough terms to split another bottle of poolside wine. Trudeau's subtle nod to Catherine might also provide a hint or two as to where her loyalties truly lie.

