Don Jr.'s Reaction To Kimberly Guilfoyle's 2024 RNC Speech Doesn't Help Rocky Relationship Rumors

Kimberly Guilfoyle and Donald Trump Jr.'s friendship stretches back to 2007, when he was married to Vanessa Trump. After the marriage ended in 2018, Guilfoyle and Don Jr. started pursuing a romantic relationship. While Guilfoyle's been sporting an eight-carat diamond for three and a half years, the couple hasn't publicly divulged any wedding details. Besides this ambiguous future, there have been other signs of difficulty in Guilfoyle and Don Jr.'s relationship, one of which is her staunch campaigning for Donald Trump Sr.


On the third night of the 2024 Republican National Convention, Guilfoyle took to the stage to make an impassioned speech about her future father-in-law. Although her presentation garnered applause, when the camera cut to her fiancé, Don Jr. looked less than impressed. While he applauded politely, his expression was particularly somber. Donald Trump seemed to have a similar reaction to Guilfoyle's efforts.

The Trumps weren't the only ones with this reaction. Guilfoyle garnered some harsh media critiques. "Kimberly Guilfoyle could set the world record for worst convention moments if she keeps this up," asserted David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times. "She still doesn't seem to know that a microphone is a device for amplifying your voice and that you don't need to bellow." Given that Guilfoyle's TV career stretches back to the early 2000s, her lack of microphone technique seems surprising. Perhaps Don Jr.'s stoic demeanor was embarrassment over her amped-up volume, or maybe it was a sign of bigger issues between the couple.


Getting Trump back in the White House supersedes Guilfoyle's personal life

In multiple interviews, Kimberly Guilfoyle has expressed her determination for Donald Trump to be re-elected president when asked about her marriage plans with Donald Trump Jr. Back in 2019, before the couple had gotten engaged, they were asked about potential wedding plans on "The View." While Don Jr. started to hem and haw at the question, Guilfoyle interjected, saying, "We need to get the president re-elected!" In a 2023 interview with Newsmax, Guilfoyle fielded a similar question, answering, "We need more Trump," (via She Knows), which appeared to indicate that the presidential campaign took precedence over any personal plans between the couple.


Guilfoyle's zeal for achieving Trump's success seems to have grown over time. In that 2019 appearance on "The View," Don Jr. contrasted his and Guilfoyle's speaking techniques. "When you need a sledgehammer, I'm pretty good," Don Jr. explained. "When you need some subtlety and nuance, that's where she really steps in and does an amazing job."

However, by the 2020 Republican National Convention, it appeared that Guilfoyle adopted Don Jr.'s "sledgehammer" approach when she gave a strident speech. Her 2024 speech was a repeat, down to the color of her outfit. However, in this case, Guilfoyle went with a high neckline, possibly getting the memo about the inappropriateness of her previous day's dress. Maybe the next step will be a discussion about Guilfoyle returning to a more soft-spoken approach.


