RNC 2024: Body Language Expert Tells Us The Signs Trump Has Changed Since Shooting

At the Donald Trump rally shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, the former president had a brush with death. Surviving an apparent assassination attempt would surely have a major impact on anyone, including Trump. Just two days after the shooting, the GOP candidate headed to the Republican National Convention, and his body language indicated that the harrowing experience may be weighing heavy on him.


It was easy to see that Trump was a bit different on the first night of the RNC than he has been in his 2024 campaign. Yet, there is more to glean from the second-time presidential hopeful's behavior than what is on the surface. In an exclusive interview with The List, Fraud-Busting Body Language Expert Traci Brown, CSP broke down what made Trump's body language so unique from what we're used to seeing.

According to Brown, "We're seeing a softer look from him." She explained that the former president appears less angry than he typically does. Beyond the sadness and fear that surely comes along with the trauma Trump has just experienced, there's evidence that he's actually feeling more relaxed than usual.


Donald Trump's facial expressions show signs of inner peace

Footage of Donald Trump arriving at the RNC shows the former president looking somewhat somber and calmer than usual. One X, formerly known as Twitter-user posted the video with the caption, "When Donald Trump entered the convention hall, there was a new look of humility in his eyes I have never seen before. This is a man who knows he would not be alive but by the grace of God." This notion may be reinforced by subtle changes in his facial expressions.


"Body language can't reveal vulnerability, but we do see him showing much less anger than normal as evidenced by reduced scowl lines on [his] glabella area. That's the spot between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose," Traci Brown told us. This area on Trump's face also indicated something that may seem surprising from someone who went through a near-death experience just two days prior. Brown explained, "While [he] was in the tunnel for a moment, we saw a bit of sadness as evidenced by his eyebrows turning up at the glabella and quickly followed after that something very unusual, a look of peace."


Judging by these facial expressions, it seems that Trump has the tragic event on his mind even at a high-stakes, public moment like his RNC entrance. Furthermore, Brown says, "We don't see any of these from him often. So it's reasonable to assume the shooting has affected him."

Trump's body language was a far cry from his last RNC

Beyond his pensive look when entering the RNC, Donald Trump further displayed a new side of him as the evening progressed. While chanting U.S.A. along with the audience, Trump appeared to be overcome with emotion. One X-user noted, "I have never seen Trump look this emotional and moved before." Most of us recognize how drastically different this is than the behavior we typically see from Trump at this type of event. Yet, it is interesting to compare his appearance at this RNC to that of his last presidential campaign in 2020.


A video of Trump's speech at the 2020 RNC shows a very different presidential hopeful. During this speech, Trump came across as more guarded and less open with his emotions. He appeared forceful and somewhat smug while making claims and awaiting applause — almost like someone performing a speech, rather than sharing the experience with those around him. At the 2024 RNC, he seemed to actually be affected by the deeper meaning of the event and taking in the moment, rather than just wielding power. Furthermore, to Traci Brown's point, it is easy to detect much more tension in his face during the RNC that occurred four years earlier.

Only time will tell whether this change in Trump will be lasting. It's clear, though, that he has been deeply affected at a pivotal moment in this tense election season.


