Did Chelsea Clinton Get Plastic Surgery? What We Know About The Rumors

Chelsea Clinton's stunning transformation has stirred plastic surgery rumors on several different occasions. While speaking to Feel Beautiful in 2010, plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Walden suggested that Hillary and Bill Clinton's only child likely had a rhinoplasty and another procedure to alter her chin. However, the blog noted that Chelsea also put in the hard work to achieve such impressive results by religiously following a healthy diet and regular exercise regime. Then, in 2018, conservative author Janie Johnson took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to respond to a post falsely claiming that the former first daughter bragged that she easily outdid Ivanka Trump in the looks department. 


Johnson called Chelsea a hypocrite for criticizing someone else's looks when she had seemingly gone under the knife to alter her own. The activist wasn't having any of it, so she took to X herself to clap back in the sweetest way possible, writing, "(1) Never said that, which I imagine you know. 2) Since I was 11, people in public have said they think I'm ugly. I would never comment on relative beauty. It's gross. 3) My chin is the one I was born with, just 38 years later. 4) Hope you & yours have a beautiful day." Commentators were impressed by how Chelsea managed to keep her cool against Johnson's judgment. 

Unfortunately, though, these remarks paled in comparison to vocal Clinton family critic Roger Stone's wild speculation that the former first daughter may have underwent cosmetic surgery to keep a dark family secret under wraps.


Roger Stone doesn't believe that Bill Clinton is Chelsea Clinton's biological father

In Roger Stone's book, "The Clintons' War on Women," he posited that Chelsea Clinton had multiple plastic surgeries to reduce her likeness to Webb Hubbell, a man the controversial author believes is her real father. In a discussion promoting his book, Stone proclaimed that, according to Hillary Clinton's account in her own book, she learned how to carry her infant daughter correctly after a man with a well-built physique gave her pointers. The author reckoned this description perfectly matched Hubbell, who played football professionally before serving as Associate Attorney General under Bill. He insisted, "[Chelsea] looks just like her daddy, despite four plastic surgeries, the youngest one when she's only 18." Stone added, "What 18-year-old gets plastic surgery unless you're trying to, I don't know, thin out the lips and make you look less like your daddy?" (via Salon).  


While there are obviously tons of other reasons to get cosmetic work done, the growing speculation about the former first daughter going under the knife was swiftly debunked by professionals all the way back in 2004. Speaking to the New York Post, plastic surgeon Dr. Z. Paul Lorenc argued that Chelsea hadn't enhanced her features with surgery since the vice chair of the Clinton Foundation's facial proportions remained consistent throughout the years. Instead, he had a perfectly reasonable explanation for her transformation: "She's an example of good aging, good skin care –- she's just turning into a beautiful woman."

Hillary Clinton instilled confidence in her daughter early on

Even makeup artist Robin Narvaez, who's worked on Chelsea Clinton in the past, firmly assured the New York Post that she hadn't had any work done. In fact, in Narvaez's professional opinion, Chelsea's face may appear altered simply because of some well-placed beauty products. She offered a plausible explanation for Chelsea's supposed chin transformation: "By choosing light peach tones for Chelsea's lips, [the makeup artist] kept the whole area of the lower face looking brighter and sharper." At the end of the day, though, it doesn't seem like the former first daughter is losing any sleep over the rumors because she achieved self-confidence the hard way. Appearing on "The View" in 2022, Chelsea admitted that she didn't look back on her teenage years in The White House too fondly, partially because she endured so many unwarranted remarks about her looks from older men. 


The outspoken writer and businesswoman pointed out that some of them even criticized her when she was still just a kid. Dealing with harsh, negative statements at such a young age could've had a lifelong impact on Chelsea's mental health if it weren't for her supportive parents, Bill and Hillary Clinton. The duo always ensured that Chelsea's primary focus was her internal health and happiness. As a result, the former first daughter developed a thick skin and gradually understood that the horrible comments were a reflection of the insecurities of the people handing them out and really had nothing to do with her. 

