5 Times Kimberly Guilfoyle Took Photoshopping Her Pics Too Far

Kimberly Guilfoyle clearly cares a great deal about her appearance, as she rarely goes out in public or on Instagram without going full glam, and the right-wing political pundit and future wife of Donald Trump Jr. has become notorious for her use (and some might say abuse) of Facetune and Photoshop. 


In fairness to Ms. Guilfoyle, there's nothing wrong with taking pride in how you look. And given the amount of criticism that has been levied against her photo editing, it's obvious that she likes the style of an ultra-edited picture, even if the rest of the world does not.

Even though Guilfoyle actually looks pretty fabulous without makeup and despite the fact that her inappropriate outfits and overdone images have raised the ire of critics, she just keeps on tweaking her snaps for social media. But, in some instances, she took the edits so far that her photos started to look downright inhuman.

Seeing triple

Since becoming a Trump in all but name herself, Kimberly Guilfoyle has been one of Donald Trump Sr.'s most ardent public supporters. However, there are rumors that many members of the Trump family might not be big fans of Guilfoyle, and this photo-editing hack job certainly won't quell any speculations.


Both Guilfoyle and Donald Trump have gotten the same overdone editing that has become the hallmark of Kimberly Guilfoyle's social media snaps, but what is even more noticeably bizarre about this image is the overall composition itself. Frankly, it looks like two individual photos were taken of Donald Trump Sr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and those two portraits were then laid over a stock image of two American flags. The picture is so intensely edited and unrealistically glossy that it's hard to tell if the two subjects took this photo together, or if they were ever really in this room. And even more bizarrely, this isn't the only time that Guilfoyle has posted something like this to Instagram. 


Perhaps she and Donald Trump are just really big fans of the same poses with the same backdrop? Or perhaps Guilfoyle is just getting as much bang for her buck out of her Shutterstock subscription as possible.

A mask-like makeover

Kimberly Guilfoyle must have been suffering from a bad makeup day or something when she took these photos because they look extra edited, even in comparison to her typical portrait revamps. 

Sure, she's rocking the inhumanly smooth skin that is her social media standard, but something about her aesthetic for this event where she sported a pink mini-dress covered in metallic palettes makes her head look like a mask. It could be the combo of her poses plus a way-too-intense Photoshop job, but in this particular Instagram slideshow, it looks like her head isn't sitting where it naturally lands on her body. 

Guilfoyle seems to pay extra attention to her actual face when she Facetunes, so her visage looks more two-dimensional than her body, and that in combination with the slight shade difference between the two might be what's causing her head to look so distinct from the rest of herself and the people around her. 


Uncanny valley of the dolls

There's smooth skin, and then there's whatever this is. Kimberly Guilfoyle clearly isn't a fan of wrinkles, but the refresh job that she did on herself and her future husband has done neither of them any favors. The skin on her body looks more 'shopped than usual, but it really doesn't help her look more cohesive or realistic. Donald Trump Jr. looks unnaturally polished here, but at least most of his facial features still have a generally human appearance to them. 


However, the whiteness of both parties' teeth seems to be turned up to the max, giving off the Ross from "Friends" look rather than looking fresh. Even more strangely, the whiteness of Kimberly Guilfoyle's eyes looks far too bright, and the contrast between that and Donald Jr.'s peepers is eerie. Even Guilfoyle's hair looks weirdly and sloppily edited, as the strands toward the top of her head look Photoshop smooth but inexplicably transition to frizzy and frazzled toward the bottom of her mane.

Strange separates

One of the recurring quirks of Kimberly Guilfoyle's photo editing skills is that she tends to tweak herself so much and her photo companions so little that it oftentimes doesn't look like she's actually standing with the person that she's sharing the screen with.


In what appears to be a promotional shot with jewelry designer Cameron Patrick Neth, Guilfoyle has given herself her preferred super-bright, super-smooth facial makeover. But, the seemingly altered saturation and contrast on her visage specifically makes her look so distinct from Neth that they don't look like they're in the same place. Or at the very least, they don't look like they're being lit by the same light source. Similar to some of Guilfoyle's other Facetune flubs, her hair once again looks strangely unruffled at the crown while descending into a more natural texture complete with flyaways toward the bottom, and her face doesn't quite look like it belongs on her body or in this setting in general.


Getting back to nature?

Although Kimberly Guilfoyle's style might not be for everyone, at least it does make sense most of the time. She clearly loves rocking a full glam look from head to toe as much as possible, so the heavy makeup beat, glittery garb, and ultra-edited photos is an understandable overall aesthetic. But, when Guilfoyle deviates from her norm, her heavy-handed tweaks become all the more obvious.


Take this snap of her and her fiancé Donald Trump Jr. from a 2018 fishing expedition in Montana as an example. Clearly, they're surrounded by some incredible natural beauty, which makes their unnatural faces stand out even more starkly than normal. Their inhumanly smooth skin and weirdly white teeth are obvious signs of a badly-done Photoshop, but the creepiest part is actually the abnormal glint in both of their eyes. Calling someone "bright-eyed" would typically be a compliment, but Donald Jr.'s doll-like gleam and Guilfoyle's eyes glowing in near darkness just makes them look like two Terminators pretending to be people.

