Hunter Biden Suffers Biggest Career Blow Of His Life And Joe Can't Save The Day

Hunter Biden's 2024 federal gun trial is among his biggest controversies to date, putting painful details of his personal life and battle with addiction on public display. The fallout from the subsequent convictions is only just beginning to reveal itself, and CBS News reports that the president's son's legal team has already filed a request for a new trial due to a technicality. In the meantime, Hunter faces a new problem that even President Joe Biden can't help him overcome: His license to practice law in Washington, D.C. has been suspended.


As CNN reports, on June 25, 2024, Judge Anna Elizabeth Blackburne-Rigsby cited Hunter Biden's three felony convictions while ordering the license suspension. The order is effectively immediately, and may be the beginning of the end for Hunter's law career. The CNN article notes that once a law license is suspended in one state, it's likely to be suspended in any other state where an attorney is actively licensed. Furthermore, The Guardian reports that the D.C. court order will also usher in a review process that could lead to Hunter being disbarred in the nation's capital.

Hunter Biden's legal troubles are just getting started

Unfortunately, this latest development is only a small part of the personal and legal consequences Hunter Biden will battle in 2024. According to AP News, Hunter will stand trial again in the fall, facing multiple tax-related charges in Los Angeles, California. Hunter unsuccessfully fought to avoid this trial, which could lead to additional felony convictions. As reported by CBS News, Hunter and his lawyers filed eight motions to dismiss the charges against him, but Judge Mark Scarsi ruled that the charges will stand.


The gun trial has already been decided, but Hunter's legal team is not going to take his tax trial lying down. As attorney Abbe Lowell told CBS News: "We strongly disagree with the Court's decision and will continue to vigorously pursue Mr. Biden's challenges to the abnormal way the Special Counsel handled this investigation and charged this case." With his law career in jeopardy and a potential jail sentence already looming from the gun trial, Hunter is in desperate need of a legal victory.

