Why Wasn't Tom Cruise At Suri's High School Graduation? Evidence Points To Bad Blood

Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes — just ask Suri Cruise. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's teenage daughter received her diploma on June 21, 2024, after graduating from LaGuardia High School (officially known as Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts), in New York City. The ceremony took place at the United Palace Theater in Manhattan, with the graduates wearing red robes. Suri also donned a white sash declaring her primary studies: "Vocal" and "Music." 


The only child of superstar couple Holmes and Tom, Suri was born in April 2006, with her parents marrying in November of that year. She was six years old when they split. The "Dawson's Creek" star took primary custody of their daughter, and the two settled in New York City. Suri's mom was, of course, in the audience watching her walk across the stage. As for Suri's dad? Tom was in London, hours away from being in the audience to watch Taylor Swift perform "Bad Blood" at Wembley Stadium.

The actor has been in the UK filming the latest "Mission Impossible" movie for a while, but it's no surprise he didn't book a flight back to catch his daughter's momentous milestone achievement. The relationship between Tom and Suri has been almost nonexistent over the years. So much so that the "Cruise" name didn't even appear on the graduation program.


Suri continues publicly foregoing her dad's famous last name

Earlier this year, Suri Cruise ditched her one remaining solid link to her estranged dad: Her last name. In May 2024, a school production listed her as simply "Suri Noelle," with the young woman notably taking on her mother's middle name instead of her father's last name. It apparently wasn't a one-time thing either, because when she graduated from high school in June 2024, the teen was once again listed as "Suri Noelle" in the official program.


Since turning 18 in April 2024, Suri seems to be taking her legal separation from her father seriously. No longer responsible for child support, Tom's legal obligation to his daughter has terminated with her entry into adulthood. While no official documents have been filed to date, much like fellow famous kid Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, whose decision on her 18th birthday spoke volumes about her fractured relationship with dad Brad, it appears Suri may also be gearing up to terminate things on her end by changing her last name for good.

The two have been estranged for years, with reports circulating that even claim the "Edge of Tomorrow" star hasn't seen his daughter in over a decade. Rumors continue to swirl that Tom's devotion to Scientology is the main cause, with the controversial group frowning upon close relationships with those outside the church. Whatever the cause, the bad blood between the father and daughter doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. 


