Psychologist Tells Us Why Donald Trump's Birthday Could Be Hard On Barron

On June 14, 2024, the man who wants a second term in the White House will make another turn around the sun. In other words, Donald Trump's 78th birthday is near. Never a fan of celebrating his special day, Trump may be even more ambivalent this time. There's only a four-year age difference between him and President Joe Biden, a fact he'd rather forget as he tries to convince voters that Biden is too old and feeble for the job. But there's another person who may also be getting the feels over this birthday: Barron Trump. The former president's youngest child is 18, making for a 60-year age difference more often associated with grandparents and grandchildren. Having just graduated from high school, Barron may be more aware of this gap than ever.


To understand this unusual dynamic, The List spoke exclusively to Sanam Hafeez, Psy.D., a neuropsychologist and director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, a diagnostic and treatment center in Queens, NY. "A father-son relationship with a significant generational difference faces several complex challenges," she explained. Trump was born at the tail end of the Silent Generation, the age group reared to live by a strong work ethic and conservative family values. Barron is squarely Gen Z, the idealistic bunch who can't imagine a time without smartphones, social media, and streaming platforms. "This generation gap extends to diverse viewpoints on technology, social norms, politics, and career choices, potentially leading to disagreements and misunderstandings if both parties fail to appreciate each other's perspectives," Dr. Hafeez said.


Making memories may be difficult for Donald and Barron Trump

With college on the horizon, Barron Trump will soon begin a much more independent life than he had either at the White House or at Mar-a-Lago. For dad Donald Trump, this means the opportunities to connect with his youngest son are rapidly dwindling. And let's face it — there have been plenty of times when Trump was more affectionate with friends like Logan Paul than he was to his own children. But this could change as The Donald realizes his son is entering manhood. "Donald Trump may want to provide emotional support and maintain a strong connection with [Barron]," Dr. Sanam Hafeez exclusively told The List. "This involves being available for discussions, offering guidance, and fostering a supportive relationship despite potential age-related differences." Having a septuagenarian dad can have its limitations when it comes to bonding experiences, Dr. Hafeez added. "There could be differences in energy levels and activities that Barron and his father can engage in together." Of course, if Barron likes golfing — problem solved.


"Expectations within the family can also create tension, with the father expecting the son to uphold family traditions or values, and the son feeling pressure to meet these expectations," said Dr. Hafeez. Trump may be assuming that Barron will one day join the Trump Organization, and if that's not on the teen's agenda, that could spell trouble. 

Barron may be anticipating a sad future

Barron Trump may never realize the kind of relationship with his father that his siblings did. The older Trump children, such as Donald Jr. and Ivanka, were able to help Donald Trump in his business and his presidential administration. But by the time Barron is ready to enter the workforce, his dad may be thinking of retiring. And though the former POTUS enjoys bragging about his physical fitness (Trump claims to be healthier than Barack Obama, who's 15 years younger), there's no getting around the fact that his age will eventually catch up with him. "It could potentially be challenging for Barron Trump to see his father nearing his eighties, as this phase of life often brings various emotional and practical considerations," neuropsychologist Dr. Hafeez told The List in our exclusive interview. "Witnessing a parent age can evoke feelings of concern, especially if there are health issues or changes in physical capabilities. Barron might experience stress or worry about his father's well-being and may need to adjust to a role where he may provide more support or caregiving." 


As he wishes his dad a happy 78th birthday, Barron may also secretly be wondering how many more years he has left. "[F]acing the eventual loss of a parent is a profound emotional challenge for anyone, and Barron may need support in navigating his feelings and coping with the changes that come with his father's aging process," Dr. Hafeez explained. For that, he'll probably turn to his mom Melania Trump, with whom he shares a tight bond.

