Stormy Daniels Once Exposed Donald Trump's Biggest Fear

After former President Donald Trump's scandalous hush money trial, one could argue that former adult star and key trial witness Stormy Daniels exposed a lot about the ex-POTUS, from sexually explicit details of their alleged affair to Trump's preferred style of pajamas. However, that isn't all Daniels has revealed about the former president.


In a 2011 interview with InTouch Weekly, Daniels recounted a meeting she had with Trump at the Beverly Hills Hotel. While the pair ate dinner in Trump's private bungalow, Daniels said the television was playing a "Shark Week" program about the deadliest shark attack in history. According to the ex-adult film star, Trump was enthralled — and not in a good way.

"He is obsessed with sharks," she explained. "Terrified of sharks. He was like, 'I donate to all these charities, and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all the sharks die.' He was like riveted. He was like obsessed. It's so strange, I know."

Donald Trump has been incredibly vocal about his fear of sharks

While former President Donald Trump has denounced a lot of things that his ex-mistress Stormy Daniels has said publicly, he's at least backed up the claims that he's terrified of sharks. At a Nevada rally in June 2024, teleprompter problems caused the ex-POTUS to start revisiting some of his favorite talking points, including his own intelligence, sharks, and his habit of not paying people who he's employed for various jobs and projects.


The technical issues led Trump to start riffing on what he believed to be the unreliability of electric boats. The former president said he had asked a boat company employee, "What would happen if the boat sank, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over [...] Do I get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark?" Trump declared, "I'll take electrocution every single time" (via YouTube).

Trump made the same argument against electric watercraft at a 2023 rally in Iowa, setting up the exact scenario with a sinking electrical boat and a nearby shark. (He said he'd rather be electrocuted at that political event, too.) Even years before his presidency, Trump expressed his disdain for sharks on X, formerly known as Twitter, writing in a 2013 tweet, "Sharks are last on my list — other than perhaps the losers and haters of the World!"


Stormy Daniels has revealed other things that Trump might've wanted to keep a secret

When it comes to having your "secrets" exposed to the world, a healthy fear of sharks is one thing — the intimate status of your marriage is another. Out of all the lesser-known details about the former president that Stormy Daniels has disclosed to the world, it seems like Donald Trump was the most displeased with testimony Daniels offered during the 2024 hush money trial. While on the stand, the former adult film star described talking to the ex-POTUS about his marriage to and sleeping arrangements with former First Lady Melania Trump.


Per CNN, "[Daniels] recalled Trump saying, '[Melania and I] don't sleep in the same room.' Trump closed his eyes, shook his head, and murmured to his attorneys at the defense table as she said this." Considering Trump's typically exhausted court appearance, the emotional reaction to Daniels' comments suggest that her story struck a nerve. The hush money trial wasn't the first time Daniels revealed the Trumps' alleged sleeping arrangements, though. Daniels said the same thing in a 2018 interview with Anderson Cooper where she confirmed that Trump said of him and his wife, "We have separate rooms and stuff" (via CBS News).

Daniels felt so unsafe during the Spring 2024 hush money trial that she opted to wear a bulletproof vest in and out of the Manhattan courtroom, proving that sharing an ex-president's secrets to the world — no matter how bizarre — doesn't come without potential fallout.


