Body Language Expert Tells Us Kevin Spacey's Recollection Of King Charles' Support Is The Real Deal

Years after Prince Andrew's controversial friendship with Jeffrey Epstein cast an unflattering and scandalous light on the British royal family, the monarchy finds itself yet another unsavory glow following Kevin Spacey's June 2024 appearance on "Piers Morgan Uncensored" where he appears to admit (albeit halfheartedly) that King Charles II, then-Prince Charles, offered the actor a message of support when Spacey's sexual assault accusations first broke in 2017.


Spacey began the tense exchange by explaining that he worked as an actor at The Old Vic Theatre in London, of which the former prince's grandmother was a patron. "He loved the Old Vic. He believed in it," Spacey told Morgan (via X, formerly known as Twitter). "He came to see our productions. I was always honored to be able to do what I could for The Prince's Trust." But when Morgan — known for his takes on the royal family — started pushing Spacey to confirm whether the prince had offered his support for Spacey amid his sexual misconduct scandal, the actor was far less forthcoming.


The List spoke to fraud-busting body language expert Traci Brown, CSP, a fraud-busting body language expert, who told us why she thinks Spacey was avoiding giving Morgan a straight answer as to whether the future king reached out to the actor in solidarity (and what body language clues she caught that reveal the truth behind Spacey's words).

Body language expert argues Kevin Spacey mannerisms reveal he's hiding something

The first thing body language expert Traci Brown noticed about Kevin Spacey's body language during the Piers Morgan interview was his immediate eye blocking when Morgan first pressed Spacey on the issue of King Charles' support. The actor used an open palm to push up his glasses and repeatedly compressed his lips in a downward scowl, which Brown says suggests disagreement. After Morgan asks former "House of Cards" star if he heard from the royal family during his scandal, the actor begins to stammer. 


"Stuttering can often indicate trying to get his emotions around a comment before he speaks, but it is a significant departure from baseline," Brown said. "He's been very well spoken up to that point." Spacey eventually told Morgan that receiving a message from the monarchy "may be true," which Brown said is "a ridiculous answer." Spacey also mentioned that if Morgan paid his guests, they might give him the answers he was looking for, but otherwise, the actor wasn't going to admit to receiving royal support outright. 

In Brown's expert opinion, this is the most forthcoming thing Spacey says about the matter. "I think he says exactly why he won't answer the question. He wants to be paid." That comment, paired with his subversive body language, indicates to Brown that Spacey did receive a supportive message from then-Prince Charles, but Brown says, "We're not going to know what it is til he gets paid."


