Body Language Expert Breaks Down Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's Relationship With Her Mom Angelina For Us

Angelina Jolie and her daughter, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, have always had a loving and supportive relationship. In her adolescent and teen years, Shiloh frequently joined the "Salt" star at her movie premieres, often stealing the show with her unique fashion choices. When Angelina spoke to Reuters in 2010, she shared how much she enjoyed watching Shiloh's style evolution, asserting, "I would never be the kind of parent to force somebody to be something they are not. I think that is just bad parenting." The Oscar winner continued, "Children should be allowed to express themselves in whatever way they wish without anybody judging them because it is an important part of their growth." Angelina reportedly stayed true to her word of wholeheartedly supporting her daughter's self-expression after videos of Shiloh showing off her dancing skills went viral. 


According to an Us Weekly source, the actor and activist was incredibly proud. Moreover, Angelina and her ex-husband, Brad Pitt, would be pleased if she chose to pursue dancing as a career but weren't pressuring her decision-making either way. If all of that wasn't enough proof of the mother-daughter duo's supportive dynamic, their body language further cemented their bond. When we showed footage of their public appearances through the years to Nicole Moore, celebrity love coach and body language expert, she spotted how the actor evolved from a doting and protective mother to an ever-reliable advisor. Furthermore, Moore exclusively told The List that she saw several instances of Angelina being a phenomenal parent more generally. 


Angelina Jolie respected Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's need for independence from a young age

When celebrity love coach and body language expert Nicole Moore viewed this YouTube clip of Angelina Jolie shopping with three of her six children back in 2018, she immediately noticed how then-12-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt was trying to lead the pack by walking a few steps ahead of them. The youngster's desire to maintain a slight distance from her family showcased her independent spirit. Despite Shiloh's free-spirited nature, she wasn't acting aloof from her loved ones as she consistently checked in with them by turning around. 


The expert detailed the meaning behind Shiloh and Angelina's non-verbal interactions: "Shiloh's body language here demonstrates a very close bond with her mother." Further, "Even as she's searching for independence as children typically do as they grow older, it's clear that at this point, her mother is her anchor." The expert also shared that Angelina didn't seem to have any qualms about her daughter's desire for independence because she always greeted her with a huge smile and undivided attention when they spoke. 

Likewise, Shiloh was beaming through every little interaction too. Moore elaborated that their facial expressions confirmed a tight-knit bond between the mother and daughter. Despite everything, it didn't seem like Angelina was playing favorites with her little ones as she bestowed equal amounts of attention on everybody who accompanied her.


Angelina Jolie's love for Shiloh Jolie-Pitt was evident at a movie premiere

Nicole Moore reckons that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt and her mother, Angelina Jolie's, bond was especially strong at the 2022 premiere of "Eternals." After viewing this YouTube clip, the body language expert acknowledged that Angelina was "in movie star mode" because of her stiff posture and facial expressions. However, she instantly lit up whenever Shiloh spoke to her. Moore remarked that the noticeable shift indicated their relationship was strong enough to get past Angelina's razor-focused work persona. 


And yet, Shiloh's demeanor at the movie premiere didn't appear quite as unconstrained as the 2018 outing since she was happy to stick by her mom's side during their red carpet walk. The celebrity love coach offered insight into the reason for the subtle shift, suggesting, "Shiloh grips Angelina's hand tightly and she's walking very close to Angelina during this entire clip, her body language indicating that she wants to be close to Angelina at all times perhaps for a feeling of safety or protection in front of all of the cameras." 

Moore also noticed that the "Girl, Interrupted" star often encouraged her children to walk ahead of her and maintained a slight distance to show that she wasn't afraid to let the limelight shine on them. In fact, the expert stated that her actions showed where Angelina's priorities lay, proclaiming, "Her body language here [indicates] that she puts Shiloh and her children first above work and she also takes a protective role over them."


Angelina Jolie only grew more comfortable with her daughter's quest for independence

As Shiloh Jolie-Pitt grew older, she became even more independent from her famous mom. In an October 2022 paparazzi video of them grocery shopping (via YouTube), we witnessed the then-16-year-old carrying a heavy bag while Angelina Jolie held a lighter pack as they made their way to their car. Nicole Moore believes this particular clip is a stunning example of how Shiloh and Angelina's relationship evolved over the years. According to the body language expert and celebrity love coach, the Oscar winner's body language demonstrated that she felt at ease letting her teenage daughter walk at a distance from her, presumably because she didn't feel the need to be as protective of her as before. 


Moore further explained, "In contrast to clips from previous years where the two walked side by side, always glancing at each other to check on each other, here Angelina walks in a relaxed manner in front of Shiloh as if she's finally comfortable giving her the independence she needs and not shielding her from the cameras as much." Notably, during their 2018 shopping spree, Shiloh frequently turned around to check on her mom, but this time around, she was focused on transporting their grocery bags to their car. The expert reasoned that the teen may have felt uncomfortable because of the paparazzi and didn't want to make eye contact with them, succinctly concluding, "Her body language here is of independence and she's not using Angelina as a shield anymore."


Shiloh Jolie Pitt continues to see her mom as 'her anchor'

After watching this YouTube clip of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt and Angelina Jolie enjoying a Måneskin concert in 2023, Nicole Moore noted that the teen seemed far more self-sufficient than in previous years. The body language expert pointed out that the mother-daughter duo was independently vibing along to the music without making too much eye contact. Thus, the "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" star appeared to be respecting her then-17-year-old's wishes by keeping her gaze pointed away from her and maintaining a short distance. Moore further detailed, "Her body language here shows once again that Shiloh comes first." She continued, "Instead of being an intrusive mom during the concert, she's acting in Shiloh's interest and keeping space, perhaps because Shiloh was at the concert with a friend and Angelina did not want to intrude on their space." 


While the dedicated activist was happy to respect her daughter's space, she seemed even more pleased to get to speak to even her for a brief moment. Moore remarked that the small interaction made Angelina extremely happy as she continued smiling even after her child refocused her attention on the stage. As such, the Oscar winner's joy was clearly an indication of her boundless love for her daughter. The celebrity love coach also noticed that the teenager occasionally snuck a few glances at her mom while enjoying the concert. Thus, "Although she's found some independence, she still views Angelina as her anchor."

Shiloh Jolie Pitt has already started to venture out into the world by herself

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt hasn't followed in her famous parents' footsteps and taken up acting as a career just yet. Instead, she's reportedly chosen to explore a wide variety of passions that earned her similarly big bucks. According to a Life & Style magazine insider, in 2023, Shiloh was earning nearly $15,000 a week by working on several projects, like "small dance jobs, tutoring and reading books to produce as films." If the teenager didn't already have enough on her plate, she also picked up work as a production assistant for a film that her mom, Angelina Jolie, was also working on. Meanwhile, another source told the publication that Shiloh was considering some modeling jobs albeit purely as a way to make more money to invest in her passion projects. 


Likewise, another source made it clear to Entertainment Tonight that Shiloh wasn't cashing in on her famous parents to get ahead in life. "Shi is a sincere and straightforward person who never uses her celebrity status to her advantage," they stated. The insider continued by sharing a request to readers, "I understand that it can be difficult to see the person beyond her celebrity status, but I urge you to make an effort for her. Believe me, it's worth it," (via OK! magazine). The confidant also stressed that Shiloh put a lot of effort into polishing her dancing skills. All-in-all, it certainly seems like she is using her newfound independence to pave her own path in adulthood. 

