Hillary Clinton's Snarky Response To Donald Trump's Guilty Verdict Has Everyone Shouting The Same Thing

Back in 2016, Hillary Clinton transformed herself from a former first lady, senator, and secretary of state to the Democratic presidential candidate, and her victory seemed like a given. Clinton's opponent, Donald Trump, was a political newcomer who brought little more than "Apprentice" -style bluster to the campaign. In a foreign policy speech she gave in San Diego, back in 2016, the presidential hopeful slammed Trump's "dangerously incoherent" ideas, his dodgy economic policies, "bizarre fascination with dictators and strongmen," disrespect for America's military, and demonstrably short fuse (via TIME). She railed, "He is not just unprepared — he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility." 


Sadly, defying predictions, Trump ultimately won — but Clinton has now gotten the last laugh. Following the guilty verdict in Trump's fraud trial, the bestselling author took to Instagram to promote a new product line from the Onward Together progressive PAC. "We recently had some new merch made based on a phrase I hear a lot. The design happened to be finalized today," Clinton wrote. The "merch" in question is a coffee mug with a silhouette of Clinton drinking tea, along with the caption: "Turns out she was right about everything." 

Followers were overwhelmingly there for both the mug (the design is also available on a tote bag) and the sentiment. "I need some Hillary dunking on Trump merch," one quipped, while another suggested an additional item: "Make a shirt that says 'Lock WHO up?'" Mostly, though, the comments expressed regret that the 2016 election ended how it did. 


Lots of people wish there had been a second President Clinton

If the family's reactions to Donald Trump's guilty verdict were salty, then Hillary Clinton's told-you-so mug was sweet revenge. Among the famous friends who couldn't get enough of her Insta post were Amy Schumer, chef Chadwick Boyd, and CNN contributor Rachel Sklar. "If only we could have had you," mourned actor Meredith Salenger. "You are and have always been the most worthy. We love u." A fan agreed, noting, "You would have been a brilliant president and you earned the presidency. You won the popular vote. Everyone who could have voted for you and didn't, is part of the problem." Musing on the Trump verdict, another follower pointed out, "Tonight feels incredibly bittersweet. Some of us knew with total certainty that election had been stolen from you. And you know what? 8 years later, it still hurts."


Other comments on the well-timed merch drop praised the "smug mug" and the "sass," and even encouraged the former secretary of state to shout, "I TOLD YOU SO." In fact, one supporter wanted to put in a deluxe order, so they could use it as their good china, presumably only for special occasions (like now, for instance). However, at least one commenter expressed concern that Clinton's shade would only make Trump more popular among the faithful. "Sadly, this isn't quieting or dissuading [Trump's] radical base. Only inciting them," they asserted, acknowledging, "I don't understand what needs to be done to be OVER with this goat rodeo clown." 

