Inside Nacho Figueras And Delfina Blaquier's Relationship

There are power couples, and then there's Ignacio "Nacho" Figueras and wife Delfina Blaquier. He's a superstar polo player and Ralph Lauren model from Argentina, who The New York Times once described as "the David Beckham of polo." She's an Argentinian socialite who's gained recognition as a photographer, world-class athlete, and fashion entrepreneur. They're also longtime friends of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the royal couple whose controversial break from "the Firm" has generated an endless stream of headlines. 


The spouses have been together for most of their adult lives, meeting in 1997 and coupling up the following year. "We've been together for 12 years, so obviously we have lived and went through a lot of things together," Figueras said in a 2011 video for Marie Claire. "Romantic moments, and I think it's been an amazing trip, and we hope we're going to be together for 50 or 60 more, and I'm really looking forward to that."

By all indications, the couple seemed to be well on their way to making that prediction come true. Whether they're posing together on a red carpet or indulging their shared passion for horses, they continued to be renowned for the affection the show for each other throughout it all. To find out more, read on for a look inside Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier's relationship.


Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier met at a polo match

Nacho Figueras was raised in the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires, the son of an agricultural engineer. When his family moved to the countryside, he developed an interest in horseback riding, and eventually, gravitated toward polo. "I started playing polo when I was nine years old," he told Harper's Bazaar, explaining that polo is a far more common sport for young people to undertake in Argentina than it is in North America. 


Figueras turned pro at age 17, and was 21 when he attended a 2007 polo match that would change his life. While watching, he caught the eye of a fellow spectator, 17-year-old heiress Delfina Blaquier, who was sitting just a few seats away from him. "I just knew that I had to meet him," she recalled to Downtown NYC of the initial attraction she felt. "After the game I saw him talking with a cousin of mine. And after, I went around to ask her to introduce me to him."

While Blaquier comes from one of Argentina's wealthiest families, Figueras' background is more middle class. "My father worked hard for me to be able to have a horse, for me to be able to ride," he told Interview. Despite coming from vastly different levels of Argentinian society, they found plenty of common ground; the two began dating in 1998, and have been inseparable ever since.


Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier started a family before they got married

For most marriages, the typical trajectory begins with an engagement, followed by a wedding, and then the arrival of a baby. Polo superstar Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier, however, took a bit of a shortcut on their route to parenthood with the 2000 arrival of their first child, son Hilario. Hilario was joined by sister Aurora in 2005, and later that year, Figueras and Blaquier got married on December 15. "Happy anniversary to the love of my life," Figueras wrote in a 2018 Facebook post commemorating their love, accompanied by photos from their nuptials. "I would do it again every single day for the rest of my life. Lucky me." Their family expanded even more in 2010 with the birth of their second son, Artemio, and then again, in 2013 when they welcomed another daughter, Alba. 


Because her husband's polo career has required a significant degree of travel, Blaquier decided that she and their children would accompany him whenever possible. It's a decision she's never regretted. "They have been the best years of my life, traveling with the whole family is the best thing that has ever happened," she said in an interview with Fancy Kids. While Blaquier admitted that it's not always easy, particularly when adjusting the kids' routines to accommodate all that travel, she found the whole experience to be ultimately rewarding. "Having the family is essential," she explained. "Keeps everyone on the ground and you have to keep things simple."

Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier's family life revolves around horses

When Nacho Figueras and his life partner Delfina Blaquier are home at their ranch in Argentina, everyone's lives tend to revolve around horses and equestrian activities. For Figueras, that means starting each day with a visit to the stables. He and his wife run an extensive horse-breeding operation in where 500 horses give birth to 50 or 60 foals each year. As Figueras told Elliman Insider in August 2023, he's a firm believer in the old adage coined by Sir Winston Churchill: "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man."


The stables, in fact, serve as a place where the family winds up congregating on a day-to-day basis, which was always part of the plan. "It's a place where we gather," Blaquier revealed in a November 2022 interview with Vogue Australia, confirming that she shares her husband's passion for breeding thoroughbred horses. "Some people collect art," she explained, "we collect bloodlines."

Breeding horses is not only Figueras' retirement plan, it's also something of a practicality when it comes to his ongoing success as a world-class polo player. "Horses are a very important part of the game," he told Santa Barbara Magazine. "Without good horses, you can't win. It's like race-car driving. You could be the best driver in the world, but if I give you a 1964 Oldsmobile, and I drive a Ferrari, you can never beat me."


The couple collaborated on Nacho Figueras' polo-themed romance novels

In 2016, Nacho Figueras added a new entry to his résumé: romance novelist. He announced not just one book, but an entire series of romance novels, under the banner "The Polo Season." Hewing close to his own experience, the plot followed the lives of an Argentinian family deeply involved in the world of polo, with the first book, "Nacho Figueras Presents: High Season," quickly followed by two more.


His wife, Delfina Blaquier, was instrumental in assisting Figueras with the details involving story and characters — although he made it very clear that neither of them actually wrote a word. As he revealed in an interview with Tatler, he left the heavy lifting to a pair of anonymous ghostwriters, but he insisted that he and Blaquier were deeply involved with guiding the duo. "We started talking on the phone, every week for a couple of hours, telling them stories, what we do, the places we travel to," Figueras said.

The whole point of the novels, Blaquier told People, was to expand the popularity of polo. "In 'High Season,' the plot is romantic, spicy and sexy while describing the details of how the sport of polo works," she said. Figueras also pointed out in an interview with Atlantic Books that they chose to emphasize the sexier aspects of polo. "I think there's something very sexy and romantic about polo, and horses, and sport in general," he said.


Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier split their time between Argentina and Florida

When in Argentina, Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier live with their four children on an expansive farm just outside of Buenos Aires, boasting a large stable complex and the couple's horse-breeding facilities. The stables are far from typical, including a family-friendly leisure area that doubles as an office. "I wanted it to be really warm and cosy and ready to have dinner, or a meeting, or lunch," she told Vogue Australia of the unique space. 


The couple and their kids also own another luxurious home in Wellington, Florida, on the outskirts of Miami. The location is strategic, given that Wellington is a major equestrian center in the winter months. In a 2023 interview with Architectural Digest, the couple revealed that their Florida home underwent massive renovations after they purchased it because of its primo location. "It's the best lot in the development because it's on a corner and surrounded by water," Figueras explained.

Blaquier was heavily involved in the design of their Florida abode, and she's no dilettante. As Architectural Digest pointed out at the time, she was nearing the final stages of earning a degree in interior and garden design. According to Blaquier, the family's extensive traveling only made her appreciate their Miami and Argentina homes even more. "The nice thing is, when you travel a lot, every time you return, you see your surroundings with fresh eyes," she said.


Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier are best friends with royalty

While competing in the 2007 Sentebale Polo Cup benefiting Prince Harry's charity, Nacho Figueras met the redheaded royal. The two immediately hit it off as they bonded over their mutual love of polo. As the years passed, their relationship expanded as Figueras and his wife Delfina Blaquier both became close friends with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.


Not only have Figueras and the prince continued to play polo together, their wives have forged a tight connection. In a 2022 interview with People, Figueras heaped praise on Harry and his family. "Delfi and I have known Harry for a very long time," Figueras said. "I know firsthand how much he wanted to have a family. He found an amazing teammate, or partner, in Meghan. They love each other very much; their children are lovely."

In spring 2024, the couples were together once again when Figueras and Harry competed together in the Royal Salute Polo Challenge in Palm Springs, Florida. As the Daily Mail reported, Blaquier and Markle were seen warmly hugging, with Markle also sharing a hug with the couple's daughter, Alba. After the event, Figueras paid tribute to Harry in an Instagram post. "I'm so proud to have shared this experience with my very good friend, Prince Harry," Figueras wrote, accompanying a photo of him and Harry on horseback, polo mallets in hand. "It's always an honor to ride alongside Prince Harry, whose commitment to making a difference is truly inspiring."


Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier share a passion for philanthropy

In addition to their love of horses and polo, Nacho Figueras also bonded with Prince Harry over their desire to give back via philanthropic efforts. That's a passion that Figueras also shares with wife Delfina Blaquier, who can frequently be seen cheering him on at one of the many charity polo matches in which he competes each year. 


In fact, Figueras is an ambassador for Harry's Sentebale charity, which is devoted to bettering the lives of young people in South Africa, and he's frequently supported in that endeavor by Blaquier. "As an ambassador for Sentebale since it started, I've been to Lesotho two times with [Harry] and seen firsthand the things this charity is doing for kids who need a better platform in life," Figueras said of his commitment to working with Sentebale in an interview with Palm Beach Illustrated. The 2024 charity match, in which Figueras and Prince Harry participated, ultimately raised $1 million for Sentebale. 

Figueras has long used polo as a way to contribute to charitable causes. "When polo is used as a platform to give back, then it becomes much more beautiful, I think," he said when interviewed by Harper's Bazaar, sharing gratitude for being in a fortunate position that allows him to help others. "I'm a lucky guy, I've had a great life, I have a great family. I'm very blessed that way, so I believe in giving back a lot."


'The world's most romantic couple' shared their love in a Ralph Lauren campaign

In parallel with his career as a polo player, Nacho Figueras has also enjoyed success as a male model, particularly for Ralph Lauren. However, he's insisted that modeling has always been secondary to polo. "I'm not a model, I'm a polo player," he told CNN while describing himself as a brand ambassador. "Models are on the catwalk," he explained.


In 2011, Figueras was joined by wife Delfina Blaquier for an advertising campaign for the Ralph Lauren fragrance, Romance. In a lavish photo shoot by famed fashion photographer Bruce Weber, the two got lovey-dovey for the camera. Marie Claire went so far to dub them "the world's most romantic couple." In a behind-the-scenes video of the shoot, they opened up about the togetherness that has characterized their relationship. "We work together all the time, and she's with me every single day of my life," Figueras declared. "If I could bring her on the horses, I would too — but you're not allowed to do it."

For Figueras, appearing alongside his wife in a Ralph Lauren campaign was something of a full-circle moment, given his longtime affinity for the brand. "When I was 12 years old, my uncle gave me a Ralph Lauren shirt ... with a little polo thing," he recalled during an interview with Charlie Rose. "So, I kept it in my closet. And you know, 20 years later, I'm here representing them."


Polo is at the core of Nacho Figuera and Delfina Blaquier's life together

Given that Nacho Figuera and Delfina Blaquier met at a polo match, it's not all that surprising that the years they spent together since were focused on the sport. In fact, both the couple's sons have followed their father's footsteps — or is it hoofsteps? — onto the polo field, and so has their daughter, Aurora. The couple's eldest son, Hilario, even pursued the sport professionally, playing with the Beverly Polo team. "When daddy is a polo player and you have a horse, there is a big chance that you will be a polo player too," Figuera told Equestrian Living.


That excitement about horses and polo is shared by Blaquier, whose father played polo and was raised amidst the sport. "It's in our DNA," she explained in an interview with Palm Beach Illustrated. "Polo is my life. It's my family's life, too," Figueras added. In fact, both Figueras and Blaquier are passionate about expanding the reach of polo. Their ultimate goal is to smash the perception of the game as an elitist sport for the one percent. "Nacho will be very happy when kids go to a polo game instead of a baseball game," Blaquier said.

"My aim has always been for polo to grow," Figuera told Financial Times, predicting the sport's elevation into the mainstream is on the horizon. "Polo today is what golf was 50 years ago," he declared.


Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier teamed up with Harry and Meghan for Netflix

In addition to the instrumental role that Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier played in popularizing polo, they also partnered with their royal friends, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, for a new venture aimed at promoting the sport even further. The project is a docuseries for Netflix that delves into the world of professional polo. "The series will pull back the curtain on the sport, known primarily for its aesthetic and social scene, capturing the full story of what it takes to compete at its highest level," Netflix said in an April 2024 press release announcing the series.


While the extent of the couple's involvement hasn't been divulged, Figueras and Blaquier were spotted filming the series in April 2024 during a Palm Beach polo match. Figueras also discussed his participation in the project when he spoke with People that same month, explaining how it dovetailed with his own efforts to bring polo to the masses. "I have always wanted to introduce polo to a wider audience," he said. "Prince Harry and I have talked about polo for years. The production company is incredible, and Netflix has a huge platform to reach the biggest hearts in the world. I am happy to be involved and think this is a great opportunity for the sport."

Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier's marriage thrived because they never took it for granted

Nacho Figueras and Delfina Blaquier have been together for more than a quarter-century, yet it's not uncommon to read tabloid reports in which they behave like newlyweds. So how have the two managed to not only keep the spark alive, but build it into a roaring fire after so many years? "I think you have to water the plant every day. That's also important," Figueras declared during an October 2020 interview with Fox News. "You cannot take anything for granted. I really don't imagine myself with anybody else but her." For Blaquier, the secret to keeping their romance healthy is to ensure they always spend some precious moments together, sans children. "I think alone time with your husband should be a must," she told People.


Yet there are other reasons underlying the strength of their relationship than romantic notions. Another key factor in the couple's long-lasting and successful marriage has been their commitment to each other and the enduring partnership that they've forged. "Most of what we have achieved, we have achieved together," Figueras explained to Palm Beach Illustrated. "The roots are so deep. That's what has allowed us to be so happy for so long." He expressed similar sentiments when he told Business Insider, "I've been with her since I was 22 years old, so we're a good team. We get along well and we have fun together."

