Mary Trump's Eye-Opening Claim About Uncle Donald Suggests He's Always Had A Boiling Hot Temper

Donald Trump's niece, Mary Trump, has made it abundantly clear how she feels about her uncle running for office since the first time around. Mary isn't one to mince words, and she has openly given her perspective on why Donald never should have been president of the United States to begin with, let alone a second time. Now, she's spreading the words about her uncle's tantrums, and they date back to his childhood.


As someone who knows Donald well, Mary has offered a unique insight into what makes the former president tick. On May 28, 2024, she headed to TikTok to share some anecdotes about her uncle and how he sometimes deals with stress. "Donald is prone to temper tantrums," she explained, noting that these outbursts often include throwing objects, such as, "his food, the plate it's on, the tablecloth it's on." According to Mary, she believes that Donald's outbursts stem from one thing: he does not and has never handled embarrassment well.

On several occasions, Mary has told a story of Donald being humiliated by his brother as a child, which she called "a Donald Trump origin story" in another May 2024 TikTok video. At around six or seven years old, Donald was acting out and ended up with a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Mary said that the tale of this incident has lived on in their family for decades, and it still seemed to bother Donald to this day.


Donald Trump's temper started with mashed potatoes

According to Mary Trump's secondhand account, when Donald Trump was a child, he enjoyed picking on his younger brother, Robert Trump. In a TikTok video about the incident, Mary explained that Donald "never had any respect for my grandmother — even at six or seven." One night, while waiting for dinner, Mary said that Donald wouldn't stop bullying Robert or listen to any of the adults. According to Mary, her dad, who was the oldest of Donald's siblings, Fred Trump Jr., picked up a big bowl of freshly made mashed potatoes and dumped them on Donald's head. Everyone in the room proceeded to laugh, and Mary hypothesized that Donald "probably felt humiliation for the very first time in his life."


Despite how it may have embarrassed Donald, Mary said that the mashed potato moment became a funny family story that was often shared at holiday dinners. Mary said that in 2017, Donald's sister, Maryanne Trump, even told the story at the White House. However, long after the childhood incident, Donald still seemed embarrassed about the story despite being the president. "While everybody was laughing about it, he crossed his arms, and he pouted, and he sulked," Mary recalled. That's certainly a look that most people have seen from Donald Trump before.

