What The Cameras Don't Show You On HGTV's 100 Day Dream Home

Since 2019, Brian and Mika Kleinschmidt have starred in HGTV's "100 Day Dream Home." Not only are the Kleinschmidts fun and joyful to watch, but Brian and Mika have an adorable connection that began when they went to high school together. As the name suggests, their show's aim is to provide clients with a finished home with a deadline of just 100 days. 


As with many reality TV shows, there's sometimes a difference between what fans see on camera, and what the production looks like behind the scenes. For example, like their fellow HGTV stars Erin and Ben Napier, height difference is something that's not readily apparent when Brian and Mika do on-camera interviews. Since Mika's around 12 inches shorter than her husband, the production crew often uses a box to boost her. This method eliminates a big gap above Mika's head during close-up shots of the couple. From Brian's point of view, the box is the most comfortable option by far. Otherwise, "I have to stand with my legs spread so I'm lower down," Brian explained to Realtor.com. "I have severe knee problems during all of our interviews because this one's just short," he jokingly added.


Another thing viewers don't see on the finished show it that there's no hair and makeup trailer for the Kleinschmidts. Mika posted a behind-the-scenes video on Instagram where she was sitting next to a car in a garage while her stylist prepped her for the cameras.

The Kleinschmidts prep projects extensively

Hair and makeup facilities aside, the premise of "100 Day Dream Home" has some viewers wondering if there's something the cameras aren't showing. In particular, some people have expressed skepticism that Brian and Mika Kleinschmidt can get all the paperwork in order and complete their project with this tight timeframe.  However, the 100-day stipulation doesn't include building permits. "That is out of our control," Mika explained to Realtor.com. "Permitting time takes a long time," added Brian.


While dealing with red tape can be a wildcard, the Kleinschmidts take a super-organized approach to ensure they don't miss deadlines. To help the project move forward quickly, they take an optimistic approach to the multiple inspections needed. They're ready to proceed with the next phase immediately after the previous one is approved. On the flip side, Brian and Mika also plan for the unexpected as they work to meet their goal. Bad weather can create obstacles,  and even with their stellar record of meeting the 100-day benchmark, Brian and Mika actually went 12 days over in a Season 4 episode. The show is based in Florida, and in this instance, a hurricane and tornado prevented the couple from finishing their project on time. 


No matter what, the Kleinschmidts emphasize authenticity over TV editing magic. "The great thing about our show is we try to capture everything in its real-time in real life to make it feel as real as possible," Brian informed Distractify.

Mika and Brian focus on fun and don't think about the cameras

Fans may not know that Brian and Mika Kleinschmidt both have musical theater experience, and, even with the tight timeframe on "100 Day Dream Home," they bust stress with levity between takes. During shooting for Season 3 in 2021, Mica posted a dramatic, slow-motion video clip of Brian jumping over the back of a sofa to sit beside her. "We always have so much fun behind the scenes and have the best crew to capture it," she wrote on Instagram. In September 2022, Mica shared her own off-screen antics with an Instagram video of herself dancing and holding some oil-absorbing sheets to her face like a fake mustache.


Reflecting back on their TV careers, Brian and Mika have observed that they felt comfortable on camera from the start, and their sense of ease increased over time. "It sounds weird but after a while you forget the cameras are even rolling," Brian explained during a 2023 appearance at the Fort Lauderdale Home Design and Remodeling Show. "They want to follow the natural process so it feels more real."

In another bout of on-set silliness, Mika pushed Brian in a wheelbarrow while he stretched his long legs stretched out for an HGTV promo for their show. While this may look like fun and games, it's actually pretty strenuous. "I had to push this man about 20 different times to get the right shot," Mika revealed on Instagram in January 2022.


