Everything JFK's Grandson Jack Schlossberg Has Said About RFK Jr.'s Presidential Run

As the grandson of 35th President John F. Kennedy, Jack Schlossberg is a member of one of America's most powerful political dynasties. Yet he's adamant about his belief that family ties should not supersede his personal politics. Ever since his cousin Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his presidential bid in the 2024 election, Schlossberg has been openly critical of him, using his platform (he has a whopping 136k Instagram followers) to denounce his campaign. Rather than simply distancing himself from his relative, Schlossberg has been vocal about his support for President Joe Biden, urging Americans to vote for him on social media and national television. 


Curious about the young Kennedy descendent's critiques? Here are all the comments that Schlossberg has made about his cousin (who is running as an Independent), from accusing him of using the family name in selfish pursuit of fame and fortune to arguing that his economic and military policies just aren't up to snuff. 

Jack Schlossberg called Robert F. Kennedy Jr. an embarrassment

Jack Schlossberg has felt strongly about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid from the start. In July 2023 — three months after Kennedy Jr. announced his campaign — Schlossberg posted a video to Instagram condemning him. Schlossberg began the video by paying tribute to John F. Kennedy. "President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather and his legacy is important," he started, sharing a bit of JFK's legacy of "public service and courage." Schlossberg went on to declare his endorsement for President Joe Biden: "Joe Biden shares my grandfather's vision for America — that we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard."


After listing a number of crises that Biden addressed during his presidency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, infrastructure, and green energy, Schlossberg criticized his cousin's platform and intentions. "These are the issues that matter, and if my cousin, Bobby Kennedy Jr., cared about any of them, he would support Joe Biden too. Instead, he's trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories, and conflict for personal gain and fame." His final statements were especially pointed: "I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is, his candidacy is an embarrassment."

The video make waves amongst Schlossberg's following. While some commenters praised Schlossberg's take, others expressed shock that he wasn't standing with his relative.


Jack Schlossberg defended his Instagram comments on TODAY

In September 2023 — just two months after he criticized Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Instagram — Jack Schlossberg appeared on "Today" with his mother Caroline Kennedy. Anchor Savannah Guthrie was quick to ask him how he felt after posting his controversial video. "What led you to do that? Why was it important to you? Are you glad you did it?" she asked.


Schlossberg doubled down, emphasizing his belief that Biden would better suit the role of President. "I'm very glad I did it," he said. "I stand by what I said in my video. While he noted that he loves his family and their legacy of serving this country, he again endorsed Biden over Kennedy Jr. "I think Joe Biden is a fantastic president. On every issue, from the economy, health care, climate change, civil rights — his record speaks for itself," he shared. When Guthrie noted that Schlossberg had used "harsh words," against his cousin, he remained steadfast, stating that the election was too crucial for anyone to be "distracted."

Jack Schlossberg further criticized his cousin in a series of skits

In May 2024, Jack Schlossberg took to social media once more to highlight his issues with Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s campaign. This time, he uploaded a series of video skits to Instagram critiquing Kennedy Jr. from the perspectives of various fictional characters. In the first video, Schlossberg plays Jimmy, a Massachusetts voter who warns that Kennedy Jr. is "a freakin' prick," adding that "he's lying to you." In another video, he plays a Southerner named Wade. Wade states that he's voting for Joe Biden because "behavior matters, and I think the example we set for our children matters." He adds, "You can always tell when a horse is being pumped full of testosterone and steroids. Doesn't make the horse think any better or run any faster."


Playing Anthony, an Italian man from Long Island, Schlossberg criticizes Kennedy Jr. for wanting to reduce the military budget. "This guy says he wants to cut the military budget in half. Why? ... You don't got my vote," he says. Yet another video shows Schlossberg donning the persona of Joshua, a Jewish man. Joshua notes that Kennedy Jr. dislikes the idea of a Federal Reserve and adds, "If we didn't have a Federal Reserve, who's gonna protect my money?"

In a follow-up post, Schlossberg clarified that he didn't mean to disrespect any particular group. "I'm not making fun of anyone, because I am Jewish, and I grew up in New York City," he shared. 

