HGTV's Page Turner & DeRon Jenkins Proved Exes Can Still Work Together

Page Turner is a familiar face on HGTV, since she's participated in multiple seasons of "Rock the Block" and starred in her own series, "Fix My Flip." Turner got her start on the network back in 2017 when she joined forces with a former romantic partner, DeRon Jenkins. At the time, they applied to star in HGTV's "Flip or Flop Nashville." As part of the audition, the ex-couple appeared in a pilot  called "Joined at the Flip." From there, Turner and Jenkins segued into two seasons of "Flip or Flop Nashville." 


Turner and Jenkins' resilient connection goes all the way back to 2005. At the time, Turner was working as a realtor, and she met Jenkins at a home he constructed. While there was an immediate attraction, their romantic connection only lasted about five years. After that, it took additional years before the former couple could transition to being friends/working together. "After the traumatic breakup, yes, there was time in between," Turner informed People in 2019. Although the spilt was painful for both of them, Turner also noted that it was cordial. "We didn't have this huge blow up where we just stopped speaking and all that drama," she explained to Us Weekly a year earlier.

Turner and Jenkins' strong working relationship provided the impetus for them to take the plunge into an HGTV show. Both were confident in each other's skills, and they knew they could depend on each other to get the job done. 


Turner and Jenkins changed HGTV's original premise

When HGTV started searching for potential hosts of "Flip or Flop Nashville," they were set on romantic pairs. Page Turner was a single mom raising three kids, and she pitched an alternative angle, highlighting her and DeRon Jenkins' experience, their former romance, and a bit of word play. "I realized that we 'worked well together' — we just didn't 'work well together,'" Turner recalled to Grit Daily.


The network was intrigued, and Turner and Jenkin's camaraderie proved ideal. The ex-couple didn't hesitate to reference their former relationship for comedic purposes. While Jenkins has praised Turner's house-hunting skills, he also used humor to get in a friendly jibe at his ex. When one project required extensive construction, he joked, "I can't believe Page bought this house without telling me. That's probably why we broke up!" (via HGTV).

Turner and Jenkins were steadfast in their resolution that they didn't wish to revisit being a couple, so they've also had fun with their friendly-ex status on social media. Before "Flip or Flop Nashville" premiered in 2018, Turner posted an Instagram pic of her and Jenkins smiling and working closely together with the words "P.S. NOT a couple!" A month later, they posted a Valentine's Day message featuring silly moments that celebrated being single together. "You can sprawl out on the couch all by yourself," Turner enthused, as the camera panned to Jenkins perched on the end and using a pillow to block the space between them.


Turner and Jenkins went their separate ways harmoniously

Two months after "Flip or Flop Nashville" premiered in 2018,  the show was already renewed for a second season.  Despite Page Turner and DeRon Jenkins' engaging on-camera presence, however, the show didn't continue beyond Season 2. That same year,  after living in Nashville for nearly 20 years, Turner relocated to Los Angeles. Although she was returning to where she grew up, leaving Nashville was bittersweet. "That's where I raised my family and watched my girls grow into these amazing women," Turner informed HGTV. Meanwhile, Jenkins continued his work in Nashville with his company, DY Properties & Construction. 


While Jenkins was content to build homes out of the spotlight, Turner was pursuing a new opportunity with HGTV. For her show, "Fix My Flip," Turner partnered with contractor Mitch Glew. Although she didn't have the same lengthy history with Glew that she had with Jenkins, the two developed an instant rapport. They even tested the strength of their partnership by participating in the high-pressure "Rock the Block" competition. 

Although Jenkins and Turner live far apart, they still maintain a strong friendship. In September 2023, when Turner traveled to Nashville to celebrate her sister's birthday, she made a point to surprise Jenkins with a visit. Turner posted an Instagram video of the trip, including a throwback photo of her and Jenkins holding hands and smiling in front of a Christmas tree. She also shared that Jenkins had a special nickname for her: Gene, from her middle name, Eugenia.


