Sarah Ferguson Gets Positive Skin Cancer Update Amid Royal Family's Health Issues

Health issues among members of the royal family have been flooding the news as of late. Luckily, though, there's at least one piece of health news coming from the royals that has fans rejoicing. Sarah Ferguson received a breast cancer diagnosis back in June 2023, followed by a skin cancer diagnosis in January 2024. However, it has now been confirmed that there has been no further spread of Ferguson's cancer.


Just as King Charles III's cancer diagnosis was discovered during a procedure for his enlarged prostate, the Duchess of York was in surgery when her malignant melanoma was discovered. In the wake of her breast cancer diagnosis, Ferguson received a mastectomy and reconstructive breast surgery. During the reconstructive surgery, multiple moles were removed to be studied, and she was diagnosed with skin cancer as a result. 

In an Instagram post, Ferguson wrote, "It was thanks to the great vigilance of my dermatologist that the melanoma was detected when it was," adding, "Naturally another cancer diagnosis has been a shock but I'm in good spirits." Now, as of March 2024, Ferguson's doctors have confirmed that her melanoma hasn't spread. A source close to the duchess told People, "Fortunately, they have turned out to be clear. This is the best news she could have on it at this stage."


Sarah Ferguson is relieved that her cancer hasn't spread

After a year full of health struggles for Sarah Ferguson and the rest of the royal family it's easy to imagine how comforting it must feel to finally get some good news. As a result, it's no surprise that Ferguson's friend told People that the duchess "is very relieved." For now, Ferguson will get a checkup every 12 weeks to ensure that things are still moving in the right direction with her health. 


On New Year's Eve, Ferguson rang in 2024 with a celebratory post on Instagram. In her caption, she explained that in 2023, "I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I beat breast cancer and now I have got a Derek on my left." Derek is the playful name that she gave to her reconstructed left breast. She added that she had "more stories to tell," and said, "I am 64 and just getting started." 

Despite more curveballs being thrown her way in 2024, it seems that her positivity and optimism for the year to come were more than just wishful thinking. Hopefully, this news will be just the beginning of the tide turning for the royal family and their health-related discoveries.

