Awkward Lara Trump Moments That Were Captured By Millions

The Trump family often seeks media attention, with most members of the family having made public statements that have sometimes sparked major controversy. With Donald J. Trump vying for a return to the White House in the 2024 presidential election, it's no surprise that the spotlight has shined not only on him but also on those nearest to the former POTUS. In a bid to reclaim the U.S. presidency for a second term, Donald once again enlisted a number of his family members to assist in his efforts to return to Washington, D.C., including his third child, Eric Trump, and Eric's wife, Lara Trump.


The spouses have emerged as two of the most notable figures in Donald's 2024 presidential campaign, with Eric holding the position of Executive Vice President within the Trump Organization and Lara, who served as a senior advisor in Donald's 2020 presidential campaign, eyeing a role as co-chair of the Republican National Committee. While it's unsurprising that the public's attention is fixed firmly on the Trump pair, Lara might not be particularly enjoying the media attention as she had initially hoped for.

In addition to Lara's most controversial moments over the years, which she's had her fair share of, some of her most awkward moments have also been captured by millions, as they all occurred either on-air or on a stage of some sort. Here are Lara's top five most uncomfortable moments that have been etched into public memory, and you're unlikely to forget them either.


Anderson Cooper publicly criticized her lack of history knowledge

In 2019, Lara Trump publicly criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel for opening German borders to Middle Eastern refugees, claiming that the decision led to "the downfall of Germany." During an interview on the Fox Business Network, Lara was asked about Germany's open border policy, responding, "It was one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany." She then claimed that her father-in-law, then-President Donald J. Trump, aimed to prevent a similar outcome in the United States.


The discussion prompted CNN's Anderson Cooper to get involved by responding to Lara's remarks in "The RidicuList," CNN's show delving into funny and often absurd stories of the day, openly criticizing her for suggesting refugees were worse for Germany than the Nazi regime. "Look, if you don't know what the downfall of Germany really was, here's what you do — you ask a fifth grader," Cooper said, continuing, "Maybe even a fourth grader, a really smart third grader, or how about anyone who knows anything about World War II or the Nazis?" The anchor ultimately concluded that the horrors of World War II should never be trivialized or compared to any other situation.

Social media users echoed Cooper's sentiment, criticizing Lara for commenting on European affairs despite not living on the continent. "I'm from the U.K., and I'd choose to live in Germany over the U.S. any day," one person commented on YouTube, while another sarcastically penned, "We have not even noticed this downfall yet!"


When Lara Trump was told on-air that Donald Trump had lost his 'old magic'

Lara Trump found herself in another uncomfortable situation in 2022, this time on Fox News, when the network's anchor Stuart Varney suggested that her father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, might no longer have what it takes to become president in 2024. As the two discussed Donald's Mar-a-Lago announcement to run in the 2024 presidential election, Varney shared, "I have to say, there wasn't a great reception to the speech last night." He continued, "Those of us on the outside looking at it, it didn't seem that he got the old magic, you know what I mean?"


Lara Trump, visibly taken aback and with a lump in her throat, disagreed with Varney's opinion, stating, "The energy there at Mar-a-Lago was absolutely incredible. It really did to me feel like the 2015, 2016 campaign all over again." She proceeded to claim that the former POTUS was one of the rare people in politics who was dedicated to the American people rather than other politicians and the establishment in Washington, D.C.

Notably, a tweet from ABC journalist Olivia Rubin shed further light on the event, suggesting that some attendees were eager to leave during Trump's speech but were prevented from doing so by security. "They weren't being paid for overtime," one user joked under Rubin's post, referring to the visible lack of genuine enthusiasm among the crowd shown in the video Rubin shared.


Her Hillary Clinton bash did not go over well

Not only are Donald J. Trump's indictments getting him in trouble, but one of them created quite an awkward moment for Lara Trump, too. As the news of Donald's fourth indictment broke in August 2023, alleging his involvement in election interference in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election, Hillary Clinton was slated for an interview with MSNBC, and Lara took issue with Clinton's on-air reaction to the news.


As MSNBC host Rachel Maddow informed Clinton of Donald's indictment, Clinton burst into laughter, saying, "I can't believe this." After being asked if she found satisfaction in the accusations against Donald, Clinton responded, "I feel just profound sadness that we have a former president who has been indicted for so many charges." The former FLOTUS added, "The only satisfaction may be that the system is working." Despite Clinton's diplomatic response, Donald's daughter-in-law remained unsettled by Clinton's laughter.

In a subsequent interview with Fox News, as shared on X (formerly Twitter), Lara stated, "[Clinton] led into that interview ... laughing. She was laughing about this last night. Let me tell you something; there is nothing funny about this." She went on to denounce the court's decision as "an erosion of American values." Lara's comments drew criticism on social media, with many users mocking her for being overly sensitive and lacking a sense of humor. One user on X pointed out, "It's only funny when the Republicans laugh at other people."


Lara Trump once bragged about Trump supporters footing the bill for her meals

In 2023, Lara Trump encountered yet another uncomfortably awkward moment that could have been easily avoided. During a Q&A session on her podcast, "The Right View with Lara Trump," Lara delved into various Trump-related topics, including her family's 2021 relocation to Florida. One person asked her, "We love the Trump family, and you are a family to be admired. How does Florida treat you?" In typical Trump fashion, Lara steered the conversation towards politics, responding, "It's a free state down here. We're doing what we love down here, and it's working." She went on to share how her father-in-law's supporters often express their admiration when they see her and her husband, Eric Trump, out in public. "Eric and I would often go out for dinner, and before we [could] pay our bill, somebody would've just paid for our dinner," Lara explained.


Notably, Eric reportedly has a net worth ranging anywhere from $300 million to $350 million, while Lara is estimated to have around $10 million to her name. Given their considerable wealth, along with that of their close family members, it's perplexing why Lara would publicly boast about receiving complimentary meals from people who almost definitely have less money than she does. Some social media users have speculated that Lara may have made up the anecdote, with one person on X quipping, "Things that never happened for $200, please."

She claimed GOP voters wouldn't mind paying off Donald Trump's legal debts

One of Lara Trump's most awkward moments caught on camera happened during the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where she delivered a 15-minute-long speech and stated that she'll make sure that the Republican National Committee (RNC) directs the majority of its funds towards Donald J. Trump if appointed co-chair.


According to Lara, who Donald himself suggested for co-chair of the primary committee of the Republican Party, the RNC's primary responsibility is to fund her father-in-law's presidential campaign, which might include paying his legal bills. "I can assure you that my loyalty is to my father-in-law, and I will make sure that every penny is used properly," she said as she discussed her potential new role within the RNC. As of February 2024, the former POTUS' legal debt is reported to be over half a billion dollars. "I will ensure that every dollar goes to the causes that we the people care about," Lara continued after claiming that the Republican voters wanted to help her father-in-law fight "the attacks against him," which they also, according to Lara, perceive as attacks on the US.


However, Lara's statements did not go over well online. A user on X pointed out how the Trumps are starting to operate like a criminal organization, sharing, "Trump is installing Lara Trump to run the RNC so she can steal and funnel the money to [him]. He's got family in everything that involves money. That's how the mob steals, too."

