Prince Harry Used To Party In A Secret Club Safe From Prying Eyes

Before Prince Harry became the Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle's husband, and the family man he is today, he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. Actually, make that an eligible bachelor who loved to party so much that he used to go to a secret club just to avoid prying eyes.


Then again, Harry's love for parting goes way back. The fun times he had in Las Vegas back in 2012 have been well documented by the press, along with all of the times that he looked like he was enjoying the time of his life thanks to London's vibrant club scene. And who can forget when Harry partied in Croatia and jumped into a pool after a night of raving, right? Harry told ABC News in an interview in 2013 that he always sees and reads what the papers write about him and his personal life. He said, "I don't think there's any such a thing as a private life anymore," and added, " Every mobile phone has a camera on it now."

And because the cameras always happened to be there every time he stumbled out of a club during the wee hours of the morning, Prince Harry did a lot of his partying at a club that was off the map — so much so that even Google Maps wouldn't be able to find it.


Prince Harry didn't want his grandmother to see him partying

Back in the day, Prince Harry didn't want anyone to know where he was partying, including his own grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. British television personality Paddy McGuiness revealed on the Restless Natives podcast that the Duke of Sussex used to party at a secret underground club in Chelsea. But it was a secret club patronized by royals like Harry and the celebrity crowd. The venue even had a secret door. Things were so wild inside that Harry once tore a picture of his grandmother from the wall just because he didn't want her to see what he was doing. McGuiness said that at one point, the prince was "ripping my t-shirt off, f***ing snogging and kissing me" before he pulled a photo of the Queen of England down next to them. McGuiness added that one Met Police officer even told him that night, "The never see the light of day. This is one of the clubs where the royals go, and they can let off steam."


Then again, Prince Harry has made it no secret that letting off steam has always been important to him.

Prince Harry has a different way of letting off steam these days

In his same interview with ABC News in 2013, Prince Harry said that one of the reasons why he went to Las Vegas the previous year was because he wanted to just be himself one more time before he left for Afghanistan with the British army. The only issue, of course, was that cameras were everywhere filming his partying for the world to see. Harry explained at the time, "It was probably a classic example of me being too much army and not enough prince. People may look at it and go, it was letting off steam."
Clearly, Harry is no longer frequenting his secret underground club in Chelsea. That's because the Duke of Sussex has a different way of letting out steam these days. He is often spotted going for a run near his home in Montecito, California. That, or he's hitting the gym for a workout session in Santa Barbara. This royal father-of-two has swapped the club life for a more low-key gym life instead, and it seems to be working for him just as well.


