Jelly Roll's Daughter Is Growing Up Fast

The following article contains references to substance use.

When Jelly Roll (real name Jason Bradley DeFord) became a father to his daughter Bailee Ann DeFord, it turned his life upside-down — in a good way. At the time of her birth, he was incarcerated but determined to move forward. "The guard knocked on my cell door during lockdown in the early afternoon hours and informed me my daughter had just been born," he wrote on Facebook in 2020. "In that exact moment, sitting there uncertain about the future, I knew that if given a second chance ... I would get out of jail and do everything I could to be there for her."


The "Tears Could Talk" singer eventually gained full custody of Bailee, and she also has a loving stepmom in Bunnie Xo. "Over the years, watching her relationship with Bailee blossom into this beautiful mother-daughter bond that it has become has been nothing short of magical," Jelly Roll said of his wife and daughter in a Facebook post from 2020.

In celebration of Bailee's birthday in 2023, Jelly Roll made an Instagram post and referred to his daughter as his "favorite human on Earth" and informed fans of how he swelled with pride as he watched her grow up. Meet Bailee Ann DeFord.

Bailee Ann DeFord's birth 'saved' her father's life

Bailee Ann DeFord was born on May 22, 2008. Jelly Roll was serving time for drug dealing at the time. "I've never had nothing in life that urged me in the moment to know that I had to do something different. I have to figure this out right now," he told Billboard in 2023, of the moment he became a father. He met Bailee when she was 2 years old, and he would never be the same. "She's my little road dog — a daddy's girl through and through. My favorite part of every day is her," he wrote on Facebook in 2020.


In the "Jelly Roll: Save Me" documentary, the musician opened up again about Bailee's impact. "My daughter saved my life, and she doesn't even know it. On more than one occasion, my daughter was a divine intervention in my life." Jelly Roll speaks of his daughter with great affection and has praised her on social media. "Being a Father has been the greatest blessing of my life," he wrote on Facebook in 2020. He takes his role as a father seriously, and in addition to imparting wisdom to his child, he has learned many valuable life lessons from her. "Little did I know how much she would teach me," he wrote. Fans have been fortunate to get a front-row seat into their beautiful father-daughter bond.


She had a 'traumatic childhood'

Bailee Ann DeFord lives with her father and stepmother, but it was initially a challenge for Jelly Roll to gain custody. "Bailee's mother made it hard on me at first," he said in the "Jelly Roll: Save Me" documentary. "She made me go to court to even see her. I barely got to see her in the early years because I was traveling so much. I was a very less-than-present father. Not to mention, I was drinking myself to sleep every night."


When Bailee was a young girl, her mother, Felicia Beckwith, developed an addiction to opiates. "I see Felicia end up in a full-blown heroin addiction," Jelly Roll recalled. Beckwith, who has been in and out of recovery, has had a complicated relationship with her daughter. Bailee briefly touched on this in an Instagram post from 2022, which detailed the highs and lows of her year. "I had a rocky relationship with my mother (which we are working on)," she wrote. In the documentary, Bailee and Jelly Roll shared that Beckwith was sober.

Bailee also commented on the hardships she endured as a young kid. "I had an extra, interesting, traumatic childhood," she said, acknowledging that her father and stepmom have had similar experiences. "As a teenager, I've moved on. I've worked through my childhood. But that doesn't make it go away. It made me who I am today."


She is an excellent student

Jelly Roll regularly takes to social media to praise Bailee Ann DeFord and her achievements. For example, in 2019, he posted about one of her major milestones on Facebook. "Today she graduated from elementary school last night; she is officially a middle schooler," the "Wild Ones" musician wrote. "Man, she is growing up so fast, I'm a proud pappy. She passed with all A's." He also informed fans that he took a step back from touring to be a more present father.


When Bailee started high school in 2022, her dad commemorated this accomplishment with another sweet post. "My daughter started high school today — so proud of this girl," Jelly Roll wrote on X. "She is turning into an incredible young lady." In another post on Facebook, he went into more detail about what this moment meant to the family and their heartwarming school photo tradition. "It don't get any bigger than this — since her first day of kindergarten, we have taken a '1st day of school' picture. Today marks a monumental day — today, our daughter started high school," Jelly Roll wrote. He also noted how incredibly proud he is of his daughter, adding that she entered high school with "all honor and advanced placement classes." He also shared his excitement about what the future holds for his daughter.


Bailee Ann DeFord is thankful for her father

As busy as his music career keeps Jelly Roll, he and Bailee Ann DeFord spend a lot of time together. "Being a father is so important to me, and just being as present as I can for her," Jelly Roll told People in 2023. And his daughter wants him to know he is doing a great job. "Just wanted to take a sec and let you and everyone else know how PROUD of you I am," she wrote on Instagram in 2022. "I am so freaking proud of the human, artist, and father you are." In an Instagram post from 2021, Bailee spoke about her dad's achievements again and noted his rags-to-riches story. "He's truly my inspiration," she wrote.


Bailee has acknowledged how her life changed when her father and Bunnie Xo took custody of her. In a 2019 Instagram post, she praised Jelly Roll for all he has done. This includes being present and attending events like graduation ceremonies and dances. "You have been by my side when nobody else could or would. Teaching me life lessons on everything, how to deal with bullies and my feelings," she wrote.

Bailee Ann DeFord has a close relationship with her stepmom

By all accounts, Bailee Ann DeFord and her stepmom have a special connection. According to Jelly Roll, his wife, Bunnie Xo (real name Bunnie DeFord), holds an important space in his relationship with Bailee. "I would have never got custody of my daughter without her," he told Billboard in 2023. "I wouldn't have had the stability or the money."


Bailee has shown Bunnie Xo a lot of love on social media over the years. For Bunnie's birthday in January 2023, for example, Bailee wrote on Instagram, "Happy birthday to my fav. person, my idol, my mentor, the most gorgeous woman I know, a kick a** businesswoman, my number one fan, and most importantly, my mama." The year before, Bailee told fans on Instagram how her life changed when Bunnie entered it and credited her for being so much more than a bonus mom. "She would soon become my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, my laughter, the reason I know how to communicate and not just cry," she shared. 

Bunnie has also posted about her love for Bailee, including an Instagram post from 2023. "I couldn't ask for a better bonus baby that keeps me on my toes, teaches me real life lessons & that I'm fiercely protective of," she wrote.


She performed onstage with Jelly Roll

At an early age, Bailee Ann DeFord developed a passion for music. In 2019, Jelly Roll informed fans of her contribution to his album. "Bailee wrote and rapped her own verse on the song 'Sunshine After the Rain' on 'Crosses and Crossroads.' She is so so talented. I could brag on her for days," he wrote on Facebook.


In 2020, she appeared in her father's music video for "Tears Could Talk." "Such a proud father moment — my daughter wrote this verse all by herself, and shooting this video with her was one of the best days of my life to share that experience with her," Jelly Roll captioned the clip.

Bailee joined her father onstage at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville in December 2022. In an Instagram post, she shared her thoughts on this moment, referring to it as among the "best experiences" of her life. In 2023, she joined Jelly Roll for his performance in Alpharetta, Georgia, where she sang their song, "Tears Could Talk." The musician addressed the crowd and informed them of the inspiration behind the track. "A few years back, Bailee came to me and said that she wanted to do a song, and she told me she wanted to use writing as a means of therapy," he said (via American Songwriter). "And I said, 'Well, I'd love for you to write something, and if it's good, we'll put it on my album.'" She took her dad up on that offer, and clearly, it all worked out.


Her dad is a big fan of her sense of humor

Whether they're filming dance routines for TikTok or doing their best Homer and Bart Simpson impression for a Facebook photo, it's clear that Jelly Roll and Bailee Ann DeFord get a kick out of each other. "I love her sense of humor," the "Bottle and Mary Jane" singer wrote on Facebook in 2020. "Being a father will always be my favorite."


Jelly Roll may love Bailee's sense of humor, but when Jelly Roll is on a dad joke roll? Bailee's ready to head for the hills. In a 2023 TikTok clip, Jelly Roll recorded himself as he ran some corny two-liners by his daughter. While some of them elicited eye rolls and head shakes, there were a few that got a reluctant chuckle out of Bailee. "She's not amused," the musician wrote in the caption. Fans were very amused, though; the comment section was filled with supportive messages.

Bailee also has fun with her mama, Bunnie Xo. In a July 2023 Instagram video, Bunnie and Bailee lip-synced along with audio from Brandon Calvillo's "Gen Z Therapy Session" TikTok. In their version, Bunnie plays the "cool parent" and Bailee takes on the roll of "dramatic Gen-Zer."


Bailee Ann DeFord has a little brother

Bailee Ann DeFord has a younger brother, Noah Buddy DeFord. When Noah arrived on August 23, 2016, Jelly Roll announced his birth on Facebook. "God Bless this Child to be everything I am not! Noah Buddy DeFord! I pray he nor Bailee ever have to pay for their father's sins," he wrote. After Noah's birth, the musician updated fans on how Bailee was adjusting. "She's so happy to be a big sister! I've seen it all, and nothing compares to this!" he wrote on Facebook four days after the original post.


Unlike Bailee, Noah's life is more private. His mother is a woman named Melisa, who keeps out of the public eye. In an Instagram Story (via Taste of Country), Bunnie Xo expressed her love for Melisa. "She's one stand up chick & we couldn't imagine our lives with her," Bunnie wrote. 

In August 2023, Jelly Roll offered another glimpse into what the blended family's dynamic looks like. "With Bailey, I'm the full-time parent; I'm the judge, the jury, and the executioner when it comes to decisions with her," he told Taste of Country. "I try not to get in the way of what she (Melisa) is building over there, and I never want to step on her toes with what she's doing with him, that I want to just respect that boundary."


Bunnie Xo has spoken out against Bailee Ann DeFord's trolls

As the kid of a celebrity, Bailee Ann DeFord's life is in the public eye. Unfortunately, some people think this means they have the right to comment on her appearance and her decisions. Social media users have made unkind comments about her body, which Bunnie Xo publicly addressed in a TikTok video. "For you to even come on my page and say something about my underage daughter's body shows the type of human you are, and I just hope you have the day that you deserve," she said. "People like you don't make it far in life."


Earlier in the video, Bunnie commented on the rude comments people have made about her husband online as well. "You need to give people who have eating disorders, any type of eating disorders, the same grace that you would give a drug addict in your family," she said. She told her critics how sensitive topics need to be approached delicately instead of the individual facing hateful remarks, especially from those closest to them.

Bailee has been fortunate to have Bunnie on her side. Her mama has been there through all the ups and downs, which Bailee addressed in an Instagram post from 2020. "She has held my hand through anxiety, cried with me in sad times, smiled with me when I am glad, and celebrated with me at big events," Bailee wrote. 


Her dad doesn't want her 'experimenting' like he did

Jelly Roll not only served time for selling drugs, but struggled with addiction. "I had to learn that you could drink alcohol without doing cocaine. It took me a long time to learn that," he told People in 2023. "I've never said that, but that's real." As previously noted, Bailee DeFord's biological mother also has a history of addiction. Jelly Roll wants a different path for his daughter. 


When it comes to drug use, the musician worries about Bailee's safety and well-being, especially given the dangers of fentanyl. In recent years, there's been an uptick in fentanyl-related overdoses, and Jelly Roll has advocated for anti-fentanyl legislation. "We've seen crack. We've seen cocaine. We've seen opioids. But we've never seen something that is so deadly in such small amounts that's being mixed in so many different things," the "Son of a Sinner" musician told People in an interview in 2024. "My daughter will never experience the safety of experimenting with drugs," he continued. "I know that sounds crazy to say, but when I was a kid, my mother would be like, 'You're going to try everything once. Just be safe.'" As far as Jelly Roll is concerned, there's no such thing as "safe" experimenting nowadays. 


She has a giving spirit

When Jelly Roll got involved with a toy drive in 2023, his daughter played a big part in his decision. At the 2023 Country Music Awards, he told reporters (via Taste of Country) that Bailee Ann DeFord has been involved in her community for years. "It was kinda my daughter's dream, to be honest," he said. "She started doing it at a real small local level with her aunt that owns a bar in Whitehouse, Tennessee, for the last five years. It's called Buddy's Toy Drive, after my late father. So I thought we had a platform to do it big."


This is just one of the many positive personality traits that Bailee has. And her proud father shared a few more in a Facebook post in 2021. "Our daughter Bailee Ann is blossoming into a decently mannered teenager. She's smart, witty, and funny like her pops," he wrote, giving himself a little credit. In 2022, Jelly Roll posted on Facebook again, this time in celebration of Bailee's birthday, to praise her and inform fans of the wonderful young woman he had raised. "Your ability to communicate on such a personal level and maintain a flare of humor is second to none," he wrote. "You are everything I hoped for in a daughter."

Bailee Ann DeFord teases her dad about his tattoos

Jelly Roll is a fan of body art, and he has an impressive collection of tattoos. Among his most important designs are Bailee Ann DeFord and Noah DeFord's names, which are on his face. Alas, Bailee isn't the biggest fan of these particular tattoos. "She picks on me about it all the time. Now she makes fun of me," the musician told People in 2023. "She's like, 'How did my brother get your face and I got the side of the head?' I used to rock the undercut, and if I shave the side of my head, you see it. It's huge. I mean, it takes the whole side of my head up."


While Jelly Roll may stand by those tattoos, he isn't exactly on board with every other piece of ink he's gotten over the years. Frankly, he no longer likes most of them. "I have more tattoo regrets than I do. 'Man, I'm glad I got this,'" he said on "Audacy Check In." In the same chat, he admitted he'd considered covering all of the tattoos on his arms. "How you think at 16 years old and how you think at 36 years old are so dramatically far apart from each other," he said. "It's embarrassing." Jelly Roll did say that in addition to the tattoos of his kids' names, he's still cool with some of the tattoos he got while on tour because they have sentimental value. 

Bailee Ann DeFord's basketball team 'changed' her

Bailee Ann DeFord has a sporty side. In 2018, she shared on Instagram that she'd joined a basketball team at her local YMCA. "I always thought it was better to work alone than with my friends. I never thought I could ever work on a team. These girls changed me," she wrote alongside a photo of herself and her team. Bailee also credited her father for getting her involved. 


Though music ultimately was his calling, Jelly Roll was also drawn to sports at a young age. "I played football, basketball, and soccer. When I was in middle school, I was absolutely mediocre at all three of them," he told Billboard.

Jelly Roll combined his love of sports and music when he performed at the NBA All-Star Saturday Night as part of the TNT All-Star Celebration on February 17, 2024. The "Save Me" musician is also a fan of football and celebrated the Tennessee Titans with a post on Facebook in 2020. "Woke up proud of them Titans baby," he wrote while wearing a Titan's jacket. He has also supported high school football.

If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).


Bailee has come to accept Jelly Roll's fame

Growing up as the child of a famous musician is not always easy. Like many children of celebrities, Bailee has had to deal with the instability that comes with her dad's role. Whereas a lot of parents work eight-hour days, Jelly Roll's lifestyle is a little more complicated than that. For many years, Bailee struggled to accept her father's busy concert schedule.


Speaking to Taste of Country in March 2024 about this issue, Jelly Roll explained, "I think for a while she loved [my celebrity], but she was like maybe a little bitter about it because it took her father away from her. So she looked at this thing like, 'This thing's really cool and it helps out family and all this other stuff, but this dude is also gone 200 days a year because of it.'" All the nights that Bailee missed having her dad at home certainly added up. At times, she even began to question her dad's career choices.

Since she's gotten older, however, Bailee has shifted her perspective. In the same interview, Jelly Roll revealed, "Bailee Ann's 15, and I think she just now kind of 'gets it.'" Apparently, her taste in music also matured, and she has started to enjoy the perks of her father's job. "Now, she's like, 'This is the coolest thing ever, I get to fly to see him in New York, I get to fly to see him in L.A.," the rapper said.


Jelly Roll's daughter engages with his fans – and they with her

Although Jelly Roll's daughter, Bailee, initially struggled to accept her father's career, she has come to enjoy elements of the music industry. Over the years, Jelly Roll has acquired an enthusiastic fan base. And as she has gotten older, Bailee has learned to appreciate just how awesome her dad's fans can be. 


This was especially true in 2024 when Bailee accompanied her father to the Stagecoach music festival. Surrounded by the enthusiastic crowds, Bailee was no shrinking violet. During the middle of Jelly Roll's performance, she joined her father onstage. At one point, the rapper announced that it was almost Bailee's birthday, and the crowd began to sing "Happy Birthday" in response.

Chatting with "Good Morning America" about this special moment, Jelly Roll revealed, "It was really cool, man. She's about two weeks away from her birthday, but it was the closest I was ever gonna get to having that many people singing to her." Apparently, Bailee enjoyed the experience — even if it was a little overwhelming. "She was embarrassed, but in a good way. Like in a real fun-hearted way," the rapper added.


Bailee is planning a future outside of the music industry

Bailee may have accepted her father's rapping and singing career, but that doesn't mean that she is ready to follow in his footsteps. Although some celebrity children have cringey takes on being nepo babies, Bailee has expressed more interested in living a normal life than pursuing her own place in the spotlight. The teenager opened up about this reality with her stepmom, Bunny XO, on the "Dumb Blonde" podcast. "I want to go to Columbia for law," Bailee revealed. She went on to explain that her ultimate goal was to become a criminal defense lawyer. Of course, the teen also admitted that she could eventually change interests. "I have a lot of options at Columbia," Bailee said.


Although Bailee is still young enough to change her mind about becoming a lawyer, she is already confident about what she doesn't want to do. Medicine is apparently not in Bailee's future — something that she realized after a trip to the emergency room. "The real decision was made in the ER the other night. ... I decided I don't want to do that for the rest of my life," she joked. Instead, Bailee hopes to be a source of positive social change. For now, she feels that law is the best way to accomplish that. "I want to turn the judicial system upside-down, and the best way to do that is from the inside," Bailee revealed.

She knows not to compare herself to Jelly Roll

Despite being close with her dad, Jelly Roll's daughter Bailee is totally different than he was at her age. Whereas the teenage Bailee has dreamed of one day studying law, the teenage Jelly Roll actually got into trouble with the law. Indeed, Jelly Roll was arrested when he was just 13 years old. The rapper has since learned from the experience and moved on with his life — but that hasn't always stopped Bailee from reminding her dad of his complicated personal history.


In a conversation with People, Jelly Roll admitted that he has had to ask Bailee not to bring up his past in moments of disagreement. Sometimes, he has even told his teenage daughter, "Don't try to talk your way out of getting in trouble, Miss Sassy, by weaponizing my past." Jelly Roll says that he and Bailee are different people — and he reminds her of this occasionally.

When speaking to his daughter about this reality, Jelly Roll tries to keep his overall message positive. As he relayed to People, he once told Bailee, "I don't judge you based on what you do. I judge you based on what I know you're capable of. You're so much smarter than I was at 16. You're so much better, so much more emotionally intelligent. You can read a room so much better." These words have helped Bailee learn to be her own person — and not compare her teenage experience to her father's.


Bailee started dating – to her parents' chagrin

Dating can be a normal part of growing up, and for the teenage Bailee Ann, it's been an exciting part of her high school experience. That being said, for Bailee's parents, the process hasn't been easy. Although Jelly Roll and Bunny XO are thrilled to see Bailee thrive, they also can't quite wrap their heads around how quickly she has grown up. This was obvious when Bunny XO posted a TikTok video of Bailee getting ready for her first date — complete with the caption "Can she stop growing?"


In the reel, Bunny XO tried to warn Bailee about some of the red flags you can spot on a first date. In her motherly opinion, this meant that Bailee's date would need to pay for her dinner. "If you pay for dinner, that's the last time you're going on a date with that dude," she said. Bunny XO also reminded Bailee that there's nothing wrong with ditching a guy who might give her the creeps. "Call me if you need me," she told the teen. "If you get any weird vibes, come f***ing home." 

