Speech Expert Tells Us Biden Made Clear Robert Hur Crossed The Line With Question About His Memory

It's that time again — the time for politicians, young and old, to get behind their podiums and impress the citizens of the United States with their plans for a better, brighter future. The 2024 campaigns are in full swing, including for the top spot of U.S. president, and this election year is sure to be an exciting one. Robust and well-known politicians are lining up to be the frontrunners of their party's tickets. Biden is one of the major figures vying to run on the Democrat side of the ticket, meaning he is likely to be running against his "archenemy" Donald Trump once again in 2024.


One thing that has become a big political issue for President Biden in particular is his age. Jess Ponce III, body language expert, communication coach, and author of "A.W.E.S.O.M.E.," pointed out as much to The List in an exclusive interview. "President Biden's age has become a prominent political focal point, expected to feature prominently throughout the upcoming election year," Ponce explained. "The issue is poised to be a recurring theme as Republican pundits endeavor to challenge his capacity for discernment and effective governance over the next four years." 

The President faced backlash over his age after the release of a document by the Justice Department's special counsel Robert Hur. Biden did not take the charges against his age lying down and quickly responded. According to our body language expert, the politician was flustered, offended, and upset when it came time for him to respond to Hur's claims.


President Biden was clearly angry about the accusations

Once again, a politician's age is under scrutiny by the public, but this time, President Biden had something to say back in response to the disparaging remarks about his age. He was downright angry and offended.


In a report released on February 8, 2024, special counsel Robert Hur declined to prosecute President Biden for his mishandling of classified documents, citing Biden's apparent poor memory and age as the reason for his decision. Hur slammed Biden's memory in general as "significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023." 

Though the decision to not prosecute was good for Biden, he did not appreciate the attacks on his memory, as body language expert Jess Ponce points out. This is particularly true regarding Hur's statement that Biden's memory of the day his son Beau Biden passed away is limited. In a White House press briefing held on February 8, 2024, Biden was the picture of indignation, Ponce declared to The List. "Despite being known for a stuttering issue, the President delivered his response deliberately and thoughtfully," the expert noted. "He vehemently declared, "How in the hell dare he raise that?" punctuating his statement with purposeful pauses for emphasis." What really signaled the President's outrage was his subtle head movement during this statement. "Briefly looking down and then up, he employed a common visual cue to underscore his point," Ponce recalled.


Biden's late son was the triggering point

President Joe Biden's response to special counsel Robert Hur's claims of poor memory was fiery, to say the least. Per body language expert Jess Ponce, there was one point in Hur's document that really set off Biden's anger. Ponce pointed to the sensitive subject of his deceased son, Beau, as the one part of the document that truly struck a chord. Beau died in 2015 from brain cancer. 


The expert suggests this won't be the last time that Biden's memory will be judged harshly by his critics. "As the campaign unfolds, President Biden is likely to face a barrage of such contentious issues, necessitating his ongoing defense," Ponce remarked. "It remains to be seen which challenges he will choose to confront head-on and which he may choose to dismiss. The evolving dynamics of these exchanges will undoubtedly be intriguing to observe."

Both Biden and Trump's memory and age seem certain to define the presidential election of 2024. As the election grows nearer, we'll have to see what comes next for these two outspoken politicians.

