The Subtle Clue Prince William Just Gave About Kate's Recovery

The world was shocked when Buckingham Palace announced King Charles III's recent cancer diagnosis. The king's health issues spell a major wake-up call for William, Prince of Wales, who may have to prepare for more royal responsibilities sooner than he planned while his father steps back from public appearances. William's wife Catherine, Princess of Wales, stepped back as well following an operation she had in January. While she was in the hospital, William took a break from engagements to be with his family. 


On January 29, Kensington Palace shared via Instagram that Kate Middleton was back at home after her hospital stay. They also said, "She is making good progress," regarding her recuperation. Once she was settled at home and following the news of his father's diagnosis, William resumed official responsibilities on February 7. 

The fact that William has already attended multiple events in February implies positive things for Kate's health. When royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams spoke with the Daily Mail in January, he said: "William will be with [Kate] and forgoing royal duties for as long as he feels it is necessary. He has always put his family first." If it no longer seems "necessary" for William to stay home, it's highly probable that Kate is indeed doing better.


One source said Kate 'is already eager' for a return to her duties

Insiders have also shared the scoop on how Catherine, Princess of Wales, is after her recent surgery and hospital stay. At the end of January, a source spoke with Us Weekly and said Kate Middleton was "back working from her bed" and "planning engagements and speaking with her team" on moving forward. "Kate will still be healing for several weeks but is already eager to get back to work," they said.


Although he didn't give updates on how his wife or father are doing, William, Prince of Wales, mentioned Kate and King Charles III at one of his first events back to work. During a charity fundraiser for London's Air Ambulance Charity on February 7, William gave a speech and said, "I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind of messages of support for Catherine and my father, especially in recent days. It means a great deal to us all" (via the New York Post). The prince also couldn't help but crack a joke about how he attended the event as an escape from all the medical-related things that have happened recently.

William will not be at engagements all the time, however. Sources have said his focus will still be on his family.


William's focus is still his home life

After William, Prince of Wales, replaced his father at an investiture ceremony and attended the charity dinner, various sources have spoken about what his likely next steps will look like. William didn't have anything else planned in the days following those engagements, nor did he have anything planned the week following due to his children's school holiday. A source for the Daily Mail said William's main focus is his family and added, "He will make a return to duties on Wednesday [February 7] but you should not expect to see him again for a bit after that." The outlet reported that Buckingham and Kensington Palace are working together to determine which of King Charles III's events William could go to instead.


An insider speaking to People discussed William's situation and said things are difficult due to Catherine, Princess of Wales, also having some health issues, "but he will step up." Counsellors of State, or royals officially acting on the king's behalf while he's unable to, haven't been designated. The source said: "[Charles] wouldn't want to put that pressure on William. He has always wanted to save his children from having that pressure too early and that will remain. Particularly as William has other priorities [with Kate]."

