The Brutal Injury B&B's Katherine Kelly Lang Suffered After A Horseback Riding Accident

"The Bold and the Beautiful" has changed over the years, but continues to be loved by fans for its never-ending drama, outrageous storylines, and unbeatable fashion. Along with these elements, the thing that keeps the soap opera moving forward is the relatable and beloved characters. At the center of the soap for more than 30 years has been the character of Brooke Logan, played by Katherine Kelly Lang. Viewers have followed Brooke as she's been through many highs and lows on the show, and her sizeable fan base was understandably concerned when Lang was severely injured on a horseback riding excursion.


In May 2022, Lang posted a series of photos and videos to Instagram showcasing her Mother's Day celebrations, which included a horseback ride. What seemed like a peaceful and fun day quickly turned dangerous as Lang took a wrong step on the path and sustained a serious injury to her foot and ankle. Just like "The Bold and the Beautiful," there is never a dull moment to be had with Brooke Logan.

Katherine Kelly Lang broke three bones in her ankle

Katherine Kelly Lang's 2022 Mother's Day plans certainly did not turn out as she had expected them to. While on a horseback riding trip, Lang had traveled quite a distance on her horse and made the decision to walk part of the trail so that her horse could recoup before the end of the ride. The task was easier said than done, though; the part of the trail that Lang had decided to walk on was particularly rocky, and the actor took a wrong step and twisted her left ankle.


"My ankle and foot dislocated off to the left at a 90 degree angle to my leg," she wrote on Instagram. "I pushed it back into place. It was so gross but I had to do it."

Lang continued that she had broken three bones in her ankle and had surgery that same night, which left her with "rods, pins, and screws in my ankle." She was instructed not to put any weight on her injured foot for at least six weeks, which caused a bit of a problem when it came to returning to work at "The Bold and the Beautiful."  However, nothing stops the determined Lang from achieving what she wants.

Her injury couldn't keep her from the job she loves

Despite not being able to put any weight on her foot for six weeks, Katherine Kelly Lang was not about to let the horseback riding accident keep her from working. Only a few weeks after the accident, Lang was back and filming for "The Bold and the Beautiful," but with a few accommodations. First, with Lang's injury visible on-screen, the soap opera had to explain why Brooke was suddenly in a cast. So, Brooke was seen telling her beau Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) that she fell going up the stairs after her house lost power and she injured herself.  The addition to Brooke's storyline allowed Lang to keep pressure off of her foot while it healed, and to keep working while she waited to get better.


Lang also had help from her fellow cast and crew members at "The Bold and the Beautiful" to make her transition back to work a little bit easier.  On Instagram, Lang thanked everyone who had offered her support, saying: "Now I have a wheelchair from @kimberlin_brown and an electric sitting scooter from @boldandbeautifulcbs and now the Knee Rover.  All of them come in handy!  I really appreciate everyone's help to make my life a bit easier at this moment in time."

In November 2022, Lang was feeling better and posted an update on her condition to Instagram, writing in the caption: "Feels so good to be in the sun and the nature. Happy to be doing my running shuffle. Ankle is coming back."

