Meet Rich And Becky Liss, The Couple That Helped Steve Harvey When He Was Homeless

Steve Harvey has enjoyed career success for decades as a comedian, actor, author, and host. However, over the years, he has been candid that his success took effort and sacrifice to achieve. Harvey's early days in comedy were filled with struggles, and he was homeless and living in his car for three years. 


"You have to jump and take a leap of faith in order to soar," Harvey shared on his website, and in 1985, that leap meant leaving his role as an insurance salesman to pursue comedy. At the time, Harvey's twin daughters were toddlers. Harvey's career change caused difficulties with his marriage and he and his first wife, Marcia Harvey, eventually divorced. While most of Harvey's scant early-comedy earnings went to his family,  he was fortunate to have Rich and Becky Liss to help him out.

The couple got to know Harvey when both their families were living in Ohio in the 1980s. Harvey was 26 at the time and trying to start a carpet cleaning business. The Lisses became the first people to hire him to clean their furniture store. After Harvey pivoted to comedy, Rich and Becky generously helped pay for his travel costs. While Harvey lost touch with the Lisses over the years, he and his old friends enjoyed an emotional on-air reunion in 2013. 


The Lisses were a birthday surprise for Harvey

In honor of his birthday on Steve Harvey's birthday on January 17, the team on his former talk show would plan special surprises. Back in 2013, the producers of "Steve Harvey," contacted Rich and Becky Liss, who were now living in Florida, and arranged for them to call into the program. 


"Do you still love me, baby?" Rich asked Harvey on the show's mystery segment. There was a long pause as the TV host was overcome with emotion at the sight of his longtime friend. After crying on air, Harvey responded with a heartfelt "I love you, man." After the couple wished him a happy birthday, a still-emotional Harvey explained to his audience that the Lisses had befriended him during a particularly difficult time in his life. Harvey candidly disclosed that their travel agency provided $11,000 so he could get to comedy gigs. 

After this poignant display of emotion, Harvey lightened the moment by noting the change in his fortune since he had seen the Lisses three decades earlier. "I got money now, Rich," he declared, eliciting laughter from audience members, some of whom were also wiping their eyes during his story. Harvey then said he would fly the couple to Chicago as his guests. "I've been looking for you for years, man," Harvey added.


Other birthday guests have moved Harvey to tears

Rich and Becky Liss weren't the only people who made Steve Harvey cry on air. In 2015, for his 58th birthday, all seven of Harvey's kids arrived on set, along with his wife, Marjorie Harvey. "This is the greatest moment I've ever had. I'm very proud to be your father," a teary Harvey said on the show.


Later during the same episode, the mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, announced that part of Harvey's childhood street would become "Steve Harvey Way." Harvey got misty-eyed as his sister and former neighbors appeared on screen and started crying in earnest when he saw his mother's house onscreen and reminisced about his childhood.  Harvey was overcome a third time when Bruce Ayers stood up in the audience and mentioned his Birmingham comedy club was the first to give Harvey top billing in 1989. As Ayers recounted a successful joke that launched Harvey's career at the prestigious Apollo Theater, Harvey started to sob. 

Off-screen, Harvey experienced similar reactions while thinking about the contrast between his current life and past struggles. In 2022, Harvey talked about how he was in the south of France at a restaurant when the DJ started playing the "Family Feud" theme music. As he watched the patrons recognize and react to the song, Harvey started to cry. "I'm from Cleveland, I come from nothing. And these people are doing the 'Family Feud' theme song in the south of France?" Harvey later remarked to Ellen DeGeneres.


