Donald Subtly Slights Melania By Sharing Bizarre 'God Made Trump' Video

Who knew Donald Trump was such a favorite of the Almighty? That's the message sent loud and clear through a video the former president shared on his Truth Social account. The promo, whose creator is as yet unidentified, begins with a narrator intoning, "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on His planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump." 


Thus begins a promotion asking viewers to believe it's literally God's will to put Trump back in the White House. The narration goes on to say the Lord wants a president who's "willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state." The businessman and former "Apprentice" host is that rare combination of toughness and tenderness, according to the video. He'll defeat the "fake news" and liberal "wolves," and yet he's also a "shepherd to mankind who will never leave nor forsake them." 

It's not surprising Trump is flattered enough to share "God Made Trump" with his followers. At this writing, the post has gotten more than 14,000 likes and 6,000 "ReTruths." What's more concerning is his putting his seal of approval on a video that puts his wife, former first lady Melania Trump, in a negative light. Detractors on rival platform X (formerly Twitter) are bringing that detail to attention. 


Melania Trump comes off as a stumbling slacker

The bizarre "God Made Trump" video — no one is quite sure whether it's a joke — portrays former first lady Melania Trump as a slacker next to her husband. We learn Donald Trump "[comes] home hungry" after a hard morning's work. But he has to "wait until the first lady is done with lunch with friends, then tell the ladies to be sure to come back soon, and mean it." Yet the clip accompanying the narration is obviously of Melania dining as a guest at a large reception, not noshing with a couple of besties. 


Odder still, the clip immediately following shows the Trumps headed toward the Marine One helicopter. Melania's boots make her trip on the grass, and her husband steadies her. That didn't go unnoticed on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. "We know she's stumbled big time with her choice of who to marry," mused a commenter. Another sensed a more disturbing motive: "Trump is so incredibly evil. He even sent a message to his wife: you refuse to play the role of devoted wife, he will show the world her weakness."

Some political analysts think Melania Trump will suddenly become more active in her husband's campaign this year. If so, it might be for damage control. No one wants to be known as the first lady who lounged about while the president was working 20-hour days and delivering his own grandchild (yes, the video suggests that, too).


