The False Rumor Everyone Believed About Sydney Sweeney's Fiancé Jonathan Davino

Fake rumors and harebrained theories are inevitable slices of the rich and famous pie — in Sydney Sweeney's fiancé Jonathan Davino's case, pizza pie, specifically. Although Sweeney's beau spends far less time in the spotlight than his leading lady fiancée, that hasn't stopped the rumor mill from producing some hilariously off-the-wall theories about Davino.


Sweeney addressed some of the fake news surrounding her partner in a 2023 Glamour UK interview, explaining: "He's not a restaurateur. I have no idea where that came from. He's also not the heir of a pizza company. He's a business guy. He's from Chicago. We've been watching [this narrative] for six years now and I'm like, 'What the hell?'"

The "Euphoria" actor has stayed relatively close-lipped about her relationship with Davino, which she told Glamour is unique in its longevity and privacy amid other couples with high-profile stars like Sweeney. She credits the low-key nature of their engagement to the creation of the marinara-laden rumors about Davino's family business, which is a far stretch from his actual professional pursuits.


How the Jonathan Davino pizza rumors got started

Multiple outlets have reported on Sydney Sweeney's fiancé Jonathan Davino's purported pizza business, most of which appear to cite a 2013 article from Chicago Business that detailed a business feud between a Chicagoan Davino family who had been making pizza and other Italian eats since the early 1900s. The article listed Roger Davino and his nephew, Jonathan Davino, as the owners of two pizza joints: Pompeii Xpress and Mista Pizza.


Given that neither Jonathan nor Roger responded to Chicago Business' request for comment, many were quick to assume that this must be the same Davino family of Sydney Sweeney's fiancé. However, Davino is not an exceptionally uncommon surname. Paired with Sweeney's insistence that her fiancé is not the heir to a disputed-over pizza empire, we think it's safe to say this rumor is debunked.

In 2022, TMZ reported that Davino's actual family business was far less tasty. According to the outlet, his family owns 14th Round and Finalbell, a device technology and packaging company. And indeed, this seems far more in line with Sweeney's description of her fiancé as a "business guy from Chicago."

Jonathan Davino and Sydney Sweeney's work lives have started to overlap

Jonathan Davino's "business guy" career path might not have started in show biz, but his relationship with "Anyone But You" star Sydney Sweeney is starting to change that. Sweeney revealed in her Glamour interview that she and her fiancé worked together on her December 2023 rom-com with Glen Powell, with Davino serving as a producer on the film.


"We produced ["Anyone But You"] together. Jonathan is my producing partner, so he helped put the whole thing together," Sweeney explained. "It's really great to work with someone who knows you so well, who fully supports your ideas, your vision, and your voice. And it's nice. I mean, who doesn't want to be with their best friend all the time?"

Sweeney said "a best friend" was exactly who she was looking for in a long-term relationship in a 2022 Cosmopolitan interview, revealing that she preferred to be with someone out of the limelight. "I can just be normal Syd that way, and it's easiest," the actor explained. Pizza heir or not, it's clear that Sweeney has found her dream match in Jonathan Davino, who lets her shine as the talented leading lady she is while he holds down the fort in Chicago.


