General Hospital: Will Sonny Finance Finn's Malpractice Defense? Here's What We Think

Despite being a ruthless mobster with an incredible amount of power, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), has always been known for his generosity to the Port Charles community on "General Hospital." In 1995, when his close friend Stone Cates (Michael Sutton) died from AIDS, he donated $30 million to General Hospital to create the Stone Cates Memorial AIDS wing, which became the catalyst for the hospital's annual Nurses' Ball fundraising event. He even donated his own blood to save the life of Brenda Barrett (Vanessa Marcil) in 1994.


His charitable side was illustrated again on the December 13 episode when he approached Stella Henry (Vernee Watson) and Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) — both of whom are patient advocates — to let them know that he was going to finance all of the hospital's holiday celebrations. The two women were shocked and ecstatic at his altruism, and he explained that the love his late father Mike Corbin (Max Gail) had for Christmas was what inspired him.

This generosity of spirit perhaps comes in the nick of time, because Dr. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) is being sued for alleged malpractice in the death of a patient. But head of hospital Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleson) and hospital board chair Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) have both agreed to back him, despite the fact that the suing family is very wealthy. Is it possible that Sonny will come to the rescue for what could be a drawn-out and expensive court battle?


Monica may be the one to reach out to Sonny for help

Dr. Hamilton Finn is worried about what will happen to his career on "General Hospital." His father, Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison), and his friend and former attorney, Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn), have both warned him that the hospital will throw him under the bus to save itself. However, Alexis did counsel him, telling him to let go of his abrasive manner and keep his answers in court simple.


The fact that Monica and Tracy are behind Finn is a good thing, but their faith may not be enough to win the case. However, because the show has been illustrating Sonny's largesse, it seems to be a setup for him to ride to the rescue. He hasn't interacted with Finn very much, but because he's so chummy with the hospital and in their good graces, they may reach out to him for financial backing in the matter.

Tracy can't ask him because she's just too acerbic, so Monica would most likely be the one to approach him. She used to have a low opinion of Sonny because her son, Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), ended up becoming his chief enforcer until his death, but their relationship has warmed up over the years. There's no doubt that if she asked him for help, Sonny wouldn't refuse, as the hospital is near and dear to his heart, and our fingers are crossed that bails Dr. Finn and the hospital out!


