General Hospital: Has Dante Put A Target On His Back?

The World Security Bureau storyline is heating up on "General Hospital." The governmental agency's mysterious new director Mr. Brennan (Charles Mesure) had tasked agent Jameson Forsythe with killing former spy Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and retrieving an old report on a botched 1980s mission. Forsythe was eliminated for his failure to do both, and his body was found after having been hit by a speeding car. However, on the December 7 episode, the medical examiner — played by Barry Livingston who is well-known for portraying Ernie Douglas on the classic sitcom "My Three Sons" — told detective Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) that the WSB came in and took Forsythe's body and any files associated with it. A key to a train station locker was found in his shoe and only Dante and the examiner know about it.


Realizing that anything and anyone to do with Forsythe was most likely being surveilled, Dante bided his time and then checked out the contents of the locker personally on the December 12 episode. In it, he found a small envelope with three photographs: one of Anna, one presumably of Forsythe, and one of a young Mr. Brennan, although Dante didn't recognize him. He also found what appeared to be an empty wallet (which he kept), and the mission report which was chock full of alarming information.

It said that Forsythe led the old mission, which also involved Anna, as well as a General who was going to "provide key insight" into something "illegal."

Dante uncovers details of the WSB's botched mission

Images of the WSB report on the failed mission were fleeting on "General Hospital," but based on screenshots, it stated that the General would provide information in "exchange for safe passage" from an unnamed country and money. Anna was to accompany him to a gala being held at an undisclosed presidential palace. She and the General would later meet with Forsythe, and something, perhaps the cash, was hidden inside the car that would take them over the country's border. The vehicle was also "outfitted to hide the general." It further stated that the General would "cooperate if the money was in the car upon picking him up."


Amidst obscured details, the final line stated, "Overall, this mission is a critical failure," with "top secret files missing, and operation funds in the amount of $10,000,000 USD unrecovered," which was seemingly confiscated by the country's local authorities. At the very bottom, we saw an official WSB logo with the legend 'World Security Bureau' and 'Aperi Oculos Tuos' beneath it, which is Latin for 'Know thy foe.'

Dante Falconeri had previously worked with the WSB, which resulted in disaster when he was brainwashed and subsequently suffered PTSD. Tangling with the bureau again could put a target on his back, as now he's close to figuring out what Mr. Brennan is up to. He's headed into a truly dangerous situation, and may end up in the morgue if he's not careful!


