Raven-Symoné Suffers Heartbreaking Loss Of Brother Blaize

Raven-Symoné has suffered a tragic loss. On Monday, December 11, the star took to Instagram to reveal the recent death of her 31-year-old brother, Blaize Pearman. Pearman died last month, two years after being diagnosed with colon cancer. Raven-Symoné opened up about her loss the day after her 38th birthday. "Thank you the all the love yesterday," the star wrote in her caption. She went on to add, "It was felt beyond. Hard to fully celebrate knowing that I'm here and he is not."


The brief caption accompanied a video in which Raven-Symoné spoke directly to the camera. "It was a little bittersweet for me to be honest because last month I lost my brother, Blaize," she explained. She went on to say, "He was battling colon cancer for about two years and he is in a better place now. He's loved and missed and the emotions that have been weaving in and out of my body and mind and my family, have been a roller coaster." She concluded her caption on the video with "More on Dec 16," a date that she revealed in her video would have been her late brother's 32nd birthday.

Stars shared their condolences

Blaize Pearman shared a close bond with his sister. Their birthdays were just days apart, and while he didn't follow his sister into show business, he did appear with her in the first episode of "Celebrity Family Feud" in 2008. He was also spotted with her at red carpet events over the years. Pearman was the star's only sibling.


In her Instagram post, Raven-Symoné said "I love you, Blaize," and went on to express love to those who've supported her in her time of grieving, as well, adding: "I love you, guys. My family on Instagram, my family at home and my family and friends. You guys have been such an amazing support system and I love you all." It's clear that the feeling is mutual, as her post's comment section was flooded with condolences and well-wishes from Raven-Symoné's fellow stars. 

The star's wife, Miranda Maday, commented, "love you," and her fellow stars from "The Cheetah Girls" movies also reached out. "I am so sorry to hear this news Raven! You were always such an awesome big sister who loved and adored her baby brother! Sending healing prayers to you and your family during this difficult time," Sabrina Bryan wrote. Kiely Williams said: "I am so sorry. There are no words that can ease this kind of pain, but I hope you can find moments of peace and comfort in the weeks and months ahead. You and your family are in my prayers." It's clear that, in spite of how difficult this time must be, Raven-Symoné has plenty of loved ones there to support her. 


