General Hospital: Is Mr. Brennan Really Jerry Jacks?

The mysterious newcomer to Port Charles, Mr. Brennan (Charles Mesure), might ring a bell in the memories of "General Hospital" fans. As one viewer pointed out on X, formerly known as Twitter: "The Australian accent, the mannerisms, and the swagger in his voice all seem very finely tuned and with a purpose to me. Wait and see obviously, but I think this is a recast (silver fox) Jerry Jacks, folks." He may be right.


Jerry Jacks, the brother of billionaire Jasper "Jax" Jacks (Ingo Rademacher), was originally played by Julian Stone in 1998 but fled town in 1999 after his criminal activities caught up with him. When he returned in 2007, the part was recast with Sebastian Roche and Jerry went by the name James Craig, initially going by just Mr. Craig. He had plastic surgery, so no one knew he was Jerry for some time.

Due to a botched robbery, Mr. Craig and his henchmen ended up taking several people hostage at the Metro Court Hotel, putting the city under siege. His reign of terror continued throughout the years which included poisoning the Port Charles water supply, and he was presumed dead several times. Ultimately, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) managed to subdue him, and he was remanded to Steinmauer Prison. However, in 2019 we learned that Jerry had escaped, and now that Mr. Brennan has arrived and seems eerily similar to Jerry, the two could be one and the same.


Jerry Jacks could have had plastic surgery yet again

On the December 5 episode of "General Hospital," we learned the bombshell news that the enigmatic Mr. Brennan is the director of the WSB, and wants Anna Devane dead. We're not exactly sure why, but it involves an '80s mission that went sideways which she was part of, but its failure was blamed on a now-deceased agent named Jameson Forsythe. 


If Brennan is actually Jerry Jacks, he would clearly have a grudge against Anna, but it's unclear as to what his connection is to Forsythe. Anna initially believed Forsythe was stalking her, and Brennan had explained that he ordered the man to not only kill her but also steal files she kept about the botched operation. If Jerry wanted to get back at Anna, he could have used Forsythe's own antagonism as an incentive to take her down.

Considering that Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) knew Jerry, and was previously one of his hostages, she would have recognized him right away when he spoke with her at Kelly's diner. So, if Brennan is indeed Jerry, he must have gotten plastic surgery yet again, and the two have the same kind of menace in their demeanor. Despite being a soap opera trope, the reveal of Brennan really being Jerry would be thrilling, as one fan wrote on X, "That would be great. Jerry Jax was definitely one of the best villains we ever had on 'GH.' "


Fingers crossed that we're right!

