Amy Robach Suffers Heartbreaking Loss Of Her Friend Olivia, Dead Of Cancer At 34

A breast cancer diagnosis places women (and yes, even some men) into a sisterhood that bonds them for life, and yet it's also one they'd give anything to leave. So it is with Amy Robach. The popular "Good Morning America" host underwent a mammogram as part of a breast cancer awareness segment for the show, only to discover that she not only had the disease but it also had spread to her lymph nodes, classifying it as Stage 2. In the decade since, Robach has become a dedicated advocate for breast cancer awareness — including the sobering recognition that not everyone diagnosed with it will be a survivor.


Robach connected with fellow patient Olivia Summer Hutcherson in 2014, a year after her initial diagnosis. As she explained on Instagram, Hutcherson was also in Stage 2 at the time, and they both felt "hopeful and positive" that the treatment they were receiving would be enough to eliminate the disease for good. Tragically, that wasn't the case for her new friend. While Robach has remained healthy, Hutcherson, a dancer and dance teacher, experienced a number of recurrences as the cancer reached Stage 4, the point at which the disease is considered incurable. 

On November 29, 2023, Robach shared the heartbreaking news that Hutcherson had died at the far-too-soon age of 34: "Rest in peace my friend," she wrote. "Your last words to me were of encouragement, love, acceptance and faith. I will continue your mission of love. May you rest in peace and fly."


Amy Robach and Olivia Hutcherson shared a poignant bond

Born in Atlanta, Olivia Hutcherson grew up in Ridgefield, New Jersey, with her mother and brother. A communications and media major in college, she pursued her passion for music and dance after graduating, with numerous credits as a dancer, singer, and songwriter. Hutcherson was also a Gold Rush cheerleader for the San Francisco 49ers, and a contestant on "So You Think You Can Dance," making it to the Top 30 in Season 8. However, "Her biggest accomplishment of all," according to her obituary, was "Fighting the good fight (against cancer), finishing the race, and keeping the faith." Indeed, Hutcherson's strong Christian beliefs were reflected on Instagram.


When Hutcherson learned her cancer had spread beyond hope of recovery, "[S]he took that news and fought. She danced. She inspired. She believed. She loved. She LIVED," Amy Robach wrote in her sweet Instagram eulogy. The two became good friends through their shared diagnosis and their determination not to let it slow them down. While Hutcherson continued to dance and write poetry, Robach ran marathons, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, and pursued a romance with co-worker T.J. Holmes, though she knew it could get her fired from "GMA."

Among the many fans who sent condolences and appreciation through Robach's post was Hutcherson's mother, Diana Sullivan. "Thank you Amy," she wrote. "I pray you stay healthy and well. Your words about my daughter brought tears to my eyes. God bless you. She loved you." 


