Celebs Criticized For Being Too Thin

For celebs in Hollywood, there's also such a thing as being too skinny. It's a place where designers refuse to dress actresses above a certain size and where Jennifer Lawrence was told to lose weight. Despite La La Land's obsession with thinness, many celebrities have come under fire for not weighing enough. While many experts argue that thin-shaming and fat-shaming aren't one in the same, we can all agree that any form of body-shaming is just plain wrong.


According to Jes Baker, body positivity activist and author of Landwhale, both thin- and fat-shaming are rooted in the same place. She told Self that "it's important to realize that even skinny shaming stems from damaging, dangerous, and oppressive fatphobia." No doubt celebrities who've been criticized for their size on both ends of the spectrum look forward to a day when weight-shaming is no longer a thing. Some famous names have even taken matters into their own hands. Here are some celebrities who've clapped back at body-shamers for dubbing them "too thin." 

Ruby Rose trains her a** off

Australian model and actress Ruby Rose is all too familiar with being body-shamed. After posting a photo of herself on Instagram in October 2017, several commenters chimed in, calling the celeb "anorexic." According to Teen Vogue, Rose took notice of the accusations being tossed around and shared a message with fans in an Instagram story. "It's so frustrating," wrote the model (via Teen Vogue). Although Rose said she doesn't get upset at the criticism itself, she revealed that she hates it "because it worries fans or shames them." She continued, writing, "I hate it because it uses no logic and basically is just someone projecting their experience and expectations on others."


The star further revealed that she eats a healthy, plant-based diet and doesn't drink alcohol or eat processed foods. "I trained my a** off for 3 action films, I used to be a boxer," she explained. "My body is just my body."

LeAnn Rimes says thx for your concern

After Dean Sheremet and LeAnn Rimes divorced, many became focused on the singer's weight. After taking to Twitter to share a photo of herself in a bikini in 2011, Rimes was hit by a barrage of comments. "Whoa, you're scary skinny! Sorry don't mean to offend but that's a lot of bones showing through skin," one person tweeted (via Salon). Rimes replied, writing that those "bones" were actually "abs." She continued (via Shape), "This is my body and I can promise you I'm a healthy girl. I'm just lean. Thx for your concern but no need to be."


Although fans may have genuinely been worried about the star's weight, Rimes surely didn't appreciate having her body labeled as "scary." Rimes' fitness trainer dispelled some of the concern when detailing the star's workout routine to Fox News Magazine (via StyleCaster). He also discussed her diet. "She eats a lot of lean meats — fish, chicken, maybe on occasion, lean turkey," he revealed. "A lot of vegetables — broccoli, carrots, and asparagus."

Lucy Hale is healthy and happy

When singer and actress Lucy Hale shared a photo of herself on Twitter in September 2017, one man informed the star that "no straight men are signing off on that anorexic look" before petitioning Hale to "please eat a hamburger." Ouch. As you could've probably guessed, the celeb wasn't feeling that horribly offensive message.


"As someone who used to struggle with anorexia, I don't take these comments lightly," she retorted. "I'm healthy and happy and you don't know me." In a separate tweet, Hale told the trolling commenter, "I am disgusted that a man would even think of saying these absolutely awful words to a woman. You should be ashamed of yourself." Although the Twitter user didn't come to share her opinion, Hale's following at least got the message. Despite the mean words thrown her way, many of Hale's fans not only came to her defense, but they also expressed their gratitude for her decision to stand up to the person criticizing her body.

Sarah Jessica Parker doesn't want women to idolize her weight

Sarah Jessica Parker's weight has long been a topic of discussion. In May 2010, one dietician told Hollywood Life that she worried the star wasn't consuming enough calories. Regardless of her body fat percentage, Parker recognizes that her size is not the norm. In fact, she doesn't want women looking to her weight as if it is. "Actresses have this weight standard for professional reasons, but I think the standard is impossible for women in America," she told Oprah during her Sex and the City days. "My job requires me to put on a little dress and run around the streets of New York in heels. But I also had the financial means to hire a yoga teacher to come to my house while my sitter watched the newborn. For 95 percent of the world, that's not realistic."


Parker also recognizes that there are likely genetics at play. While the actress admitted to People in 2008 that she eats seriously "everything," she said she thinks she has a "predisposition" to being slim. In addition, she said running after her kiddo and, sadly, anxiety are contributing factors.

Plus-size model Crystal Renn can't win

Drama ensued when "plus-size" model Crystal Renn went from a size 14 to a size 8. "I think that by placing a title on my head, which is 'plus-size,' and then the picture that these people have created in their mind about what plus-size actually is, I've basically failed you just with that," the model revealed (via ABC News). "Because I couldn't possibly live up to that, and at this point in my life I would have to actually have another eating disorder to live up to that expectation."


Renn first came onto the modeling scene when she was 16 years old. She struggled with anorexia in order to fit the mold of a "traditional" model, but she apparently still wasn't considered skinny enough. Renn railed against that thought and became an incredibly successful model at a size 10 to 14.

But, after dropping to a size 8, she hit what her agent, Gary Dakin, said was "in between the two" modeling sectors. Although she faced criticism for being too thin, Dakin confirmed that the model is "healthy and feels amazing."

Angelina Jolie has always been lean

After her mother passed away from ovarian cancer in 2007, Angelina Jolie lost weight. That weight loss neither went without notice nor criticism. The actress spoke up about her thinner figure, telling Grazia (via Digital Spy), "I have always been lean and this year I lost my mother and I've gone through a lot." The star's weight loss was not intentional, no, but born out of grief — something that Jolie was adamant about clarifying. "I want people to understand who I am as a person is not somebody that's trying to look thin, but just trying to work through a very difficult year," she told the publication. Dealing with both the loss of her mother and the judgement from the masses couldn't have been easy for the star.


Jolie further expressed that she found it "disturbing" that people wouldn't first consider if a person who'd lost weight was going through something traumatic, but merely focus on the person's weight and how they'll "fit into skinny jeans."

Kelly Ripa trolls the body-shamers

Live with Kelly and Ryan host Kelly Ripa enjoys a good trolling sesh. In an Instagram video of herself reading mean comments others left for her, the actress revealed, "I like trolling. I love trolling a troll. It is my favorite thing to do." After Ripa revealed one commenter's complaint about the star wearing "too much makeup," claiming that it made Ripa "look like a wax figure," Ripa shared her own response. The good-natured host said that she actually wears more makeup than a wax figure — and she would know, since there's a wax figure of her at Madame Tussauds.


Despite the fair warning that Ripa thoroughly enjoys getting back at hateful commenters, one person responded to the video, writing, "Her head looks to big for her tiny body." The host replied, letting the person know that "to" was misspelled, as reported by E! News.

Unfortunately, Ripa is also all too familiar with comments about her small frame. In 2018, Ripa's husband, Mark Consuelos, came to his wife's defense on Instagram after several people criticized her weight. "She works extremely hard in her professional life and her commitment to exercise, healthy diet is admirable and the benefits show," he stated (via HuffPost).

Bethenny Frankel knows being a skinny girl is polarizing

Although The Real Housewives of New York star and Skinnygirl products founder Bethenny Frankel has been harshly judged for being too thin, she took the time to respond to the criticism in a thoughtful way. "I think being thin is a very, very polarizing thing," Frankel said in an interview with the podcast FORTUNE Unfiltered with Aaron Task (via People). "I think people get mad at you for it, or it makes themselves feel better if they can say, 'Well, she doesn't eat and she works out every day' — neither of which are true."


Contrary to the apparent rumors, the star clarified to listeners, saying, "I do eat." Frankel said she stays away from fat-free foods and instead just sticks to smaller portions of the foods she loves. She's also adamantly against weight-loss programs. "The word 'diet' has the word 'die' in it, and it's a multi-billion dollar business because diets do not work," she opined. 

Kendall Jenner hates being criticized for being too skinny

In 2013, Kendall Jenner sat down with Harper's Bazaar Arabia and revealed that she was currently dealing with weight-shaming. "I'm constantly criticized for being too skinny," the star told the magazine (via Us Weekly). "I'm trying to gain weight but my body won't let it happen." She continued, saying, "What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat." 


In a 2018 promo for Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian, the host revealed that Jenner had actually been battling such criticism since she was a child. According to sister Khloé Kardashian, Jenner was always very thin and was bullied because of her weight. Kardashian continued, saying that she thinks all forms of body-shaming are wrong and that "people don't sympathize when people are body-shamed for being too thin." Despite being the highest-paid supermodel of 2018, even Jenner is not immune to being body-shamed.

Sarah Hyland was sick — not dieting

Modern Family star Sarah Hyland took to Twitter in May 2017 to respond to some of the body-shaming she'd been receiving. "I normally don't comment on things like this because it draws attention to those trying to spread negativity but I'm here to explain a few things and spread love." At the time, the actress wasn't ready to share all of what she'd been going through, but she did tell her fans that she'd "been on bed rest" over the course of several months and thus "lost a lot of muscle mass." 


In late 2018, Hyland was ready to share more information about her health struggles. The actress told Self she had received a second kidney transplant and underwent additional surgeries, including one for endometriosis and another for an abdominal hernia, within the six months before the interview. Naturally, Hyland's body changed, and, yes, she lost weight. It's terribly sad to know Hyland's body was being criticized at the very same time she was striving so hard to heal.

Ariana Grande is the queen of positivity

When one person tweeted about being asked who he would prefer, singer Ariana Grande or Modern Family actress Ariel Winter, he said he'd choose the latter because "curves are sexy" and "sticks aren't." Although he probably couldn't have imagined getting a response from either celebrity, Grande made sure to give him a piece of her mind.


The singer first condemned the remark and then explained, "We live in a day and age where people make it IMPOSSIBLE for women, men, anyone to embrace themselves exactly how they are." While the star said diversity and self-love were both attractive, "misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing, and body shaming" were definitively "NOT sexy" in her opinion. Hear, hear. 

Grande also called on others to celebrate being themselves in addition to celebrating the differences in others. Fans chimed in, thanking the star and further condemning the original tweet directed at her and Winter. One fan even dubbed the singer the "queen of positivity." And, you know, that's not wrong.

Ariel Winter will keep on clapping back

Although one person pitted Ariel Winter and Ariana Grande against each other, labeling them "curves" and "sticks," respectively, Winter has actually also been on the receiving end of thin-shaming. When the Modern Family star shared a series of photos of herself on Instagram in January 2019, comments about her size poured in. According to People, one person commented, "Omg you lost your butt." Another added, "Too skinny now." Other fans also took a more passive-aggressive route. "I'm sorry you felt the need to so dramatically change your appearance," the person wrote, before expressing hope that Winter was "happy" with her new look.


One fan said they were only commenting to help prevent other girls from "chopping up" their bodies, as the fan assumed Winter had. The actress replied, "I appreciate you wanting to help girls love themselves the way [they] are, but you are also kind of cutting someone (me) down which isn't what I think you were trying to do?" Winter clarified that she didn't get plastic surgery, and she reminded the fan that their behavior wasn't an appropriate way to support women.

Gigi Hadid calls for more empathy

In February 2018, model Gigi Hadid revealed that she was once considered "too big for the industry." She clarified on Twitter, writing, "For those of you so determined to come up [with] why my body has changed over the years, you may not know that when I started [modeling at] 17 I was not yet diagnosed [with] Hashimoto's disease." Hadid said those who felt she was too heavy to be a model were actually seeing water retention and inflammation, symptoms of her thyroid disease


In addition to being thought of as too fat, Hadid has also been considered too thin. In a separate tweet, the model said her health has improved since her teenage years and she's better able to manage her condition, and so her outward symptoms have dissipated. "I may be 'too skinny' for u, honestly this skinny isn't what I want to be, but I feel healthier internally..."

Later, Hadid urged people to "have more empathy for others" — presumably on social media and IRL — and to "lift those that you admire rather than be cruel to those [you] don't." Surely, this is something from which we could all benefit.

Celine Dion wants people to just leave her alone

Singer Céline Dion's response to others' criticism about her weight was, well, pretty epic. In a 2019 interview with The Sun's podcast, The Dan Wootton Interview, Dion said those who don't like her looks need not be bothered. "Don't take a picture," she suggested, presumably in response to haters remarking on her slim frame (via Yahoo! Lifestyle).


The star further revealed that she's just experimenting with different looks, as she wants to "feel attractive." She continued, saying, "I'm doing this for me. ... I want to feel strong, beautiful, feminine, fierce, and sexy." According to the celeb, it's not about being thin — or too thin, as some have claimed. "If you like, I'll be there. If you don't, leave me alone." Fair enough! Dion — who lost her husband, René Angélil, to cancer in 2016 — may just be trying to start a new chapter in her life and thus a new look. It doesn't matter to her whether people agree or disagree — and why should it!

