The Unusual Place Fox's Hillary Vaughn Went Into Labor

Hillary Vaughn, a correspondent for FOX Business Network, isn't a stranger to challenging situations. She's reported on hot topic issues ranging from presidential races to companies' legal troubles. However, conveying the details of a breaking news story can be much different than experiencing one. When Vaughn was approaching her due date with her daughter, Bridget Blake Doocy, in February 2023, she was lucky she didn't end up on the local news.


The wife of Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy (he was infamous for that moment with President Biden), Vaugh explained to People that she went into labor in a less-than-ideal location. Reportedly, her water broke while she was en route to her job. Vaughn works on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., and lives in the area. Fortunately, she tapped her reporter skills and reviewed her connections, trying to recall who had experience in the medical field. "I knew where all the offices were for senators who used to be doctors. Sen. Barrasso (Wyoming physician of the year) saw me the day before I went into labor and told me to reach out if I ever needed anything," Vaughn said.

The Fox News couple's daughter arrived safely on February 1, 2023, presumably at their hospital of choice in Virginia, as there were no headlines about Vaughn delivering her little one in her car. "Luckily, I didn't have to call him [Sen. Barrasso] to catch the baby!" she admitted.


The reporter worked right up to her due date

It likely wasn't too surprising to Hillary Vaughn's coworkers that she went into labor while on her way into the office. The correspondent worked up until her due date and potentially a bit beyond, as it was initially reported that she was due in January. But the soon-to-be mom didn't let a pregnancy bump hold her back from tackling tough topics.


In November 2022, Vaughn was relaying details of the presidential election while heavily pregnant. Often dressed in a stunning wardrobe of cool weather coats and sweaters, the reporter was absolutely glowing as she spoke on air about events unfolding in New Hampshire. She admitted to People, "I'm blessed to say this is my fourth election cycle with FOX, but for the first time I'm reporting — for two!" Even though her daughter Bridget Blake Doocy wasn't exactly present for the momentous occasion, Vaughn noted, "My daughter has a front-row seat to history."

The expecting mom also revealed she had to make some adjustments to her on-the-road reporter lifestyle. She swapped out her usually heavily caffeinated products, focused on drinking more water, and tried to eat healthier than she typically would while driving around the country and living out of hotel rooms.


Both parents took a well-deserved break post-birth

After Bridget Blake Doocy made her grand entrance into the world, her parents, Hillary Vaughn and Peter Doocy, took some well-deserved time off from their jobs with Fox. Both correspondents for the network, their reporting and filming schedules are likely pretty intense. However, their hiatus wasn't acknowledged or explained right away. As a result, it wasn't long before viewers started wondering where two of the program's most familiar faces were.


On February 9th, Peter's dad, Steve Doocy, who also works for Fox as a host on their show "Fox & Friends," got the great honor of informing fans of his son and daughter-in-law's whereabouts. "I have been getting a lot of text messages from my friends, and they've said, 'Hey Steve, where's Peter? Where's Hillary? I've got an announcement. I am now a grandpa!" he gushed on live television. Adorable photos of the happy couple and their newborn enjoying time together at home then played on the screen.

It wouldn't be until August 7, 2023 that viewers saw the White House correspondent return from his paternity leave. Vaughn has since made her return, too, and is right back at it, following leads and pressing interviewees for all the details.


