Details About Britney Spears And Justin Timberlake's First Kiss

Pop icons Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake took the world by storm as a power couple from 1999 to 2002, and the thunder has returned following shocking new details of their relationship disclosed in Spears' new memoir, "The Woman in Me." Amid tragic stories of infidelity, pregnancy, and depression, there were brief moments of innocent levity — like the two "Micky Mouse Club" stars sharing their first kiss at a sleepover.


Spears wrote in her memoir, "[Once] at a sleepover, we played Truth or Dare, and someone dared Justin to kiss me. A Janet Jackson song was playing in the background as he leaned in to kiss me" (via People). In a 2013 interview with "Good Morning America," Spears revealed she was 13 at the time.

The two Mousketeers both touted their instant connection while on the show, but unfortunately, their relationship took a far more dramatic turn as they grew up.

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake had an immediate connection onset

Britney Spears' tell-all memoir offered a closer look into the set of "The All New Mickey Mouse Club," which also cast other future stars, like Christina Aguilera and Ryan Gosling. Spears described the cast of preteens forming their own social groups and mentioned that she "quickly connected with a boy named Justin Timberlake" (via People).


Timberlake, too, felt an instant connection to his Mouseketeer costar. "I was in love with her from the start," the "Sexyback" singer told Lisa DePaulo in a 2006 GQ interview (via CBS News). "I was infatuated with her from the moment I saw her."

This mutual attraction survived the two performers parting ways after the "New Mickey Mouse Club" season ended, eventually rekindling when Spears joined Timberlake's new boy band, *NSYNC, on tour in 1998. The pair were dating by 1999. In a "Rich and Famous" interview in 2001, Spears said, "I want to scream it to the world that I love him. I'm not ashamed of that. We love each other, and that's what matters."

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears' puppy love didn't survive long

As Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake matured in the limelight, the sexual nature of their relationship became a hot-button media topic. But at a time when women's sexuality was vilified far more than men's, the press quickly began painting Spears as a "harlot" and Timberlake as a "stud." This narrative persisted years after Timberlake broke up with Britney Spears via text message.


What unfolded next was years' worth of pop culture highlights, from Timberlake's scathing "Cry Me a River" music video — complete with an unfaithful actress who is a Spears doppelgänger — to Barbara Walters' infamous interview with Spears where she accused the young woman of breaking Justin's heart, eventually pushing Britney to tears. After Spears' memoir revealed that not only did Timberlake cheat, but he also pushed her to get an abortion she didn't want, putting the long-held narrative of an overly promiscuous Spears to rest.

Although Timberlake has previously apologized to Spears on Instagram, the former *NSYNC star has been experiencing swift backlash due to Spears' memoir. The Daily Mail reported that Timberlake traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and turned off his Instagram comments following the book's publication. A source told the site, "Justin has not reached out to Britney at all about any of this, and he is not going to because there is nothing he can say to her. Justin is not at all happy about what has come out in this book."


