5 The Young And The Restless Characters We'd Love To Grab A Drink With

Genoa City is a world of its own, and it's filled with intricate relationships, secret affairs, and business dealings that would make any soap opera enthusiast's heart race. Behind these storylines are characters so intriguing and complex that we can't help but imagine sitting down with them, sharing a drink, and diving deep into their thought processes. Whether it's to pry into their latest plot, gain a nugget of their unparalleled wisdom, or revel in their charm, there are certain residents of this town we'd love to spend an evening with.


Most recently, family issues plague the heart of every dispute, and we love it! This engrossing dynamic adds layers of depth to already multifaceted characters, filling every episode with drama and suspense. So, who tops our list of intriguing personas with which we'd want to share a tête-à-tête? Let's dive into the five "The Young and the Restless" characters we're itching to get up close and personal with.

Tucker McCall

Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) sits high on the list of "The Young and the Restless" characters we'd like to have a drink with. Ever since his return to Genoa City, he's been involved in one foiled ploy after another. However, this isn't anything new for Tucker. He's always been one for underhanded schemes that get him deeper into messes than he could have imagined. On the plus side, there seems to be something new about Tucker these days, and we'd like to experience it firsthand. Whatever he did in Monaco must have really refined him, because the rough-around-the-edges Tucker has been replaced by a smooth criminal.


He's calmer, more eloquent, and a lot more fun. We imagine that Tucker would turn down our offer for a drink and offer us a night out instead. Considering that he's one of the richest men in Genoa City, it'd be a rendezvous to remember. We'd only need to slightly exaggerate the fun we had with the Abbotts to make Tucker determined to show them up. A helicopter tour of Genoa City while sipping exquisite drinks sounds right up his alley.

But best of all, it'd be a treat to experience Tucker's dry humor without being the recipient of his daggers. On a parting note, we might not be able to stop ourselves from breaking character to congratulate Trevor St. John, who is absolutely killing it as one of "The Young and the Restless" recasts who made the role their own.


Victor Newman

We've got many questions for the Newman Patriarch, Victor (Eric Braeden), and what better way to hash them out than over a stiff drink? Victor is known for his love for tequila, so we are confident he will choose The Genoa City Athletic Club for our gathering. As a bonus, Victor could put any drinks we order on his tab. It'd be a privilege to meet him, but we suspect he would want to cut to the chase. And we will. Victor is famed as a master schemer, but a number of his actions on "Y&R" make us wonder if he really deserves that title.


We haven't forgotten the period in 2023 when he was convinced that one of his offspring in the Newman Family tree had cruel intentions against him. While we can understand being wary of his daughter Victoria Newman's (Amelia Heinle) relationship with Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) because he betrayed his own family, it was clear that he wasn't handling the situation appropriately. Victor shared his suspicions with his son, Adam Newman (Mark Grossman), and later had a similar conversation with his other son, Nicholas Newman (Joshua Morrow). 

His circle of trust left out two Newman children, the harmless Abby (Melissa Ordway) and the ice queen Victoria. This leads us to our question for Victor: "How exactly did you plan to keep Victoria from discovering your plans when you shared it with two of her siblings?" That didn't seem very master-schemer-like to us. 


Phyllis Summers

Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) is at the heart of major events in Genoa City, and it would be a crime to pass up an opportunity to have a drink with her. We'll pick a spacious location like Neil Winters Jazz Lounge, ensuring enough room to duck when Phyllis, known to get defensive, is confronted. We'll also request the removal of all scissors and sharp objects so we don't meet the same fate as her late ex-husband, Jeremy Stark (James Hyde), the last of Phyllis' Husbands on "The Young and the Restless."


However, we'd pick Phyllis majorly because she's one of the few characters to own up to her mistakes, even if she does repeat them. Our initial focus would be on probing Phyllis about some of her more questionable choices. Does she harbor any regrets for her impulsive acts, like the incident with Sasha Green (Tina Arning), who knew the truth about her son Daniel Romalotti's (Michael Graziadei) real parentage? Remember the chilling moment when Phyllis chose to let Sasha die to keep her secret, only for the truth to surface later?

More significantly, we'd like to give Phyllis a chance to tell her side of the story. It can't be easy for her to live in a town where Adam Newman, with a body count higher than hers, is embraced while she faces judgment. However, despite this clear imbalance, Phyllis keeps her head up, cementing her place as one of the most iconic characters in Genoa City.


Diane Jenkins-Abbott

Diane Jenkins-Abbott (Susan Walters) graced Genoa's headlines by marrying her longtime love, Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman), after over 30 years of trials and tribulations. It only took a faked death, several marriages on both sides, and a baby conceived with Jack's stolen sperm. But there's more to this character than her romantic aims. We'd like to drink with Diane because she is resilient and elegant, and we could do with a few tips. 


We imagine that sitting across from Diane at a cozy bar in Genoa City would be an event to remember. She can captivate us with her tales of love and ambition and even give us insights into what she was up to during the times she left Genoa. And let's not forget her longstanding, complex relationship with Phyllis Summers. We'd like Diane to tell us if she regrets ever crossing Red and making her a mortal enemy. Perhaps she'd be ready to forgive Phyllis' dirtiest deeds on "The Young and the Restless" and make her a friend?

And, of course, we'd love to discuss fashion with Diane. Known for her impeccable taste, it'd be delightful to share style tips or even discuss the latest trends. We'd also ask Diane to leave us a couple of dresses in her will if Phylis succeeds and ends up killing her. It'd be a shame to let her fantastic fashion sense go to waste.


Audra Charles

Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) stands out as one of Genoa City's most underrated businesswomen, which makes her even more dangerous. Given a chance to share a drink with her, our choice would be The Genoa City Athletic Club — her favored rendezvous spot. We'd begin by applauding Audra for her unmatched skill in manipulating those around her without facing repercussions.


Three of Genoa City's most influential men — Tucker McCall, Kyle Abbott, and Nate Hastings — have been caught under her spell. She's even left scars on Noah Newman's (Rory Gibson) heart from their time in London. While it's tempting to bombard Audra with questions, especially about her ultimate ambitions, we'd likely refrain. Trusting her words is risky, as she seems more inclined to spin tales than reveal true intentions.

However, the real reason we'd want to drink with Audra is to suggest she author a manipulation strategy guide — surely, many would be eager for insights from the mastermind herself. Lastly, we'd advise her to be wary and heed advice from Phyllis. Genoa has witnessed the rise and fall of more sinister players than her, and longevity in this game requires genuine, deception-free alliances.


