Kyra Sedgwick Hilariously Detailed Her One And Only Dinner At Tom Cruise's House

Making a name for oneself as a Hollywood actor doesn't mean that getting invited to another A-lister's home is any less intimidating — or embarrassing when things go awry, as "The Closer" star Kyra Sedgwick learned the hard way when she was invited to Tom Cruise's house for dinner. She explained why that visit would be the last while on "The Drew Barrymore Show," describing the moment she let her intrusive thoughts get the best of her.


Sedgwick painted a picture of a star-studded dinner party that included notable guests like Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, Rob Reiner, and Nicole Kidman. She attended the soirée with her husband, Kevin Bacon, who was working with Cruise in "A Few Good Men" at the time. While looking at Cruise's fireplace, Sedgwick said she noticed a small button under the mantle.

Curious as to what the button did, Sedgwick pushed it and waited. When nothing happened, a nervous Sedgwick told her host what she did, to which the "Mission Impossible" actor replied: "That's the panic button." Unsurprisingly, a bit of chaos ensued.

Tom Cruise's panic button sent an immediate call to law enforcement

In the April 2021 episode of "The Drew Barrymore" show, Barrymore and guest Kyra Sedgwick got on the topic of snooping in people's homes at parties. While Sedgwick emphasized that she didn't actually rifle through her hosts' drawers, she thought the mysterious button under Tom Cruise's mantel might make something fun happen.


Of course, the only thing that actually happened was law enforcement was immediately dispatched to Cruise's house. While speaking of the panic button debacle on "The Late Late Show with James Corden," Sedgwick described the police showing up and demanding to see Cruise to make sure he was okay. 

"[Cruise] tried to send people down to say, 'No worries, I'm fine,' but they wouldn't leave until they actually saw him," Sedgwick said. She elaborated in her conversation with Barrymore that upwards of five cop cars showed up at Cruise's home. "It was something," Sedgwick told Barrymore. "I didn't get invited back."

Kyra Sedgwick's laughable goof put the brakes on the swanky shindig

Despite her prolific acting career, Kyra Sedgwick insisted to Drew Barrymore that she didn't often get invited to parties like the one she attended at Tom Cruise's house that fateful night. She repeated the same sentiments on James Corden's talk show, "I do not have a lot of celebrity friends. I had one, but that was it," she riffed.


Besides the brief interruption by concerned law enforcement, Sedgwick's recounting of the party paints a picture of quite the swanky soiree. "We went over to [Cruise's] home when he was with Nicole [Kidman]. After dinner, we all retired to the small library, where the men were smoking cigars, and everyone else was drinking. I think we had watched "The Godfather" or something."

Sedgwick, however, was pregnant at the time with the second of her and Kevin Bacon's two kids, which meant she couldn't partake in the festivities. And while her bored snooping might've booted her from Cruise's dinner party guest list, she undoubtedly added some excitement to the star-studded evening — and walked away with a hilarious story to boot.


