King Charles Proves His Sense Of Humor Over Viral Pen Moment

King Charles III was the United Kingdom's longest monarch-in-waiting, which makes sense considering Queen Elizabeth's historic 70-year reign. His becoming king was undoubtedly overshadowed emotionally by the grief he felt over the death of his mother. 


In the days after the queen's death, as King Charles carried out his new official duties, he didn't always seem to be in the best of moods. All you have to do is check out the video of King Charles' accession council when he was almost overshadowed by a pen. If that wasn't enough, a few days later, King Charles' had a leaky pen moment when the fountain pen he was using to sign the book at Northern Ireland's Hillsborough Castle. Not the most regal moments for the new king.

However, in a recent speech at a high-end dinner at Mansion House in the City of London, the king showed he had a sense of humor about it all. The king was speaking about the gifts and strengths that the British people have and the benefits that can come from having "a sense of humor laced with an invigorating dash of self-irony. [...] and our ability to laugh at ourselves is one of our great national characteristics. Just as well, you may say, given some of the vicissitudes I have faced with frustratingly failing fountain pens this past year," via The Royal Family.


King Charles and Queen Camilla were resplendent for the event

As the crowd chuckled, King Charles gave a grin, clearly able to look back at his highly publicized pen debacles with humor instead of any embarrassment. Along with King Charles' speech and the dinner at Mansion House, King Charles and Queen Camilla participated in the presentation of the Pearl Sword, a centuries-old ceremonial tradition held when a new monarch first visits the City of London — the historic square mile area where the Romans first settled the area.


King Charles was looking particularly dapper for the event; his suit was adorned with various medals and honors. Queen Camilla was decked out in royal jewels and wore the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara. The tiara was originally a gift to Queen Mary and named for the group that gave it to her, according to the Royal Collection Trust. Queen Mary then gave it to Queen Elizabeth when she got married to Prince Philip. It's the first time that Camilla has worn the piece, which Queen Elizabeth wore often. Camilla also wore the matching diamond bracelet and necklace that Queen Elizabeth was gifted on her 21st birthday. 

