4 Signs Maren Morris And Ryan Hurd's Marriage Wouldn't Last

The music business has recently gained two newly-single stars. Maren Morris and her husband, Ryan Hurd, have officially called it quits. And, if you were paying close attention to this former couple as of late, then you may have seen this split coming. The 33-year-old Morris filed for divorce from her 36-year-old partner on October 2, 2023. Per Us Weekly, the singer-songwriter cited "irreconcilable differences" as the culprit behind the breakup, but what exactly that means in this situation isn't entirely clear. 


The musical couple met on the job in 2014 when they were working together to write Tim McGraw's song, "Last Turn Home." They started dating in 2015 and got married in 2018. In 2020, they welcomed their son, Hayes, into the family. The pair continued to appear as in sync as ever in the months leading up to their breakup, continuing to support each other and collaborate together in their music. Even so, there were subtle signs that Morris and Hurd's marriage was nearing an end.

Maren Morris has had a difficult few years

We all know that personal and professional struggles can have a major effect on someone's relationship. Since 2020, Morris has spoken out in defense of COVID-19 safety, the "Black Lives Matter" movement, and transgender rights. Her views and politics have left her feeling attacked and ostracized by the country music industry. She spoke out about how she's asked to be excluded from country music award shows and even implied that she's leaving county music entirely. Ultimately, she said, that she "can't participate in a lot of" the country music world now, adding, "I'm kind of just doing my own thing. Come with me if you please; everyone's welcome," per the New York Times Popcast Podcast.


Receiving backlash when speaking out about equal rights clearly had an effect on her, and it likely took a toll on her marriage, as well. On September 20, 2023, Ryan Hurd took to Instagram to defend his then-wife in the last post he made before their split. "She deserves to be celebrated, not just tolerated," his caption about Morris began. He added, "I'm so sick of watching my wife get the s*** kicked out of her by the internet. I'm sick of every talking head having some kind of stupid opinion about what she says. It's the same every time, why are you surprised when she calls out something racist or homophobic, I'm sick of people getting rewarded for it."

Ryan Hurd subtly showed cracks in their marriage on Instagram

Ryan Hurd's final Instagram post of his marriage may have been the last time he paid homage to his wife on social media, but it was far from the first. Hurd was very open about his love for Maren Morris throughout their time together. However, one post from just six moths prior to their split may have been a clue that there was trouble in paradise.


In honor of Morris' 33rd birthday, Hurd added a photo of the couple up onstage sharing a kiss. The photo was from back in 2017, and Hurd wrote, "We don't take as many photos together these days but that's OK. Spent the day in NYC with my powerhouse celebrating her birthday. Love you, MM. Happy birthday," per People. As we get older, many of us tend to take fewer photos than we once did. Still, it's interesting that Hurd chose to mention that the couple no longer took photos together and showed off a photo from before they tied the knot. It's possible that for these stars, marriage didn't strengthen their relationship. 

Touring cut Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd's honeymoon period short

We all know that the "honeymoon period" should be a great time in a relationship. For Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd, though, the months after they got married were, in Morris' words, "probably the hardest part of our relationship," per Esquire. Morris explained to the outlet that she left for an international tour immediately after the couple's honeymoon with no downtime. Opening for Irish singer-songwriter Niall Horan, Morris said the tour was more extensive international touring than she'd ever done, and that she was "gone more than I had ever been on any other tour."


It was a tough summer for the couple, according to Morris, and they went to therapy to try to make it through. She added, "We have grown so much closer because we had to make some hard decisions and have some tough talks about what this future looks like and how we can make this better. I have always loved him, but I feel like I like him in ways I never knew I could before." Still, it was clear even early on that the careers that brought them together also brought challenges for the couple. 

Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd's struggles were apparent onstage

Music is what united Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd together, but the demands of being a touring musician can't be easy on any relationship, and theirs was no exception. Still, through it all, this couple seemed to love collaborating and performing together. Yet, their collaborations didn't always show us a perfectly happy couple. At the 2022, ACM Awards, a body language expert called out Morris And Hurd's lack of chemistry during their performance of "Chasing After You." Alison Henderson, a body language expert and Certified Movement Pattern Analyst at Moving Image Consulting LLC, told The List that the couple was visibly "not in sync" during the performance.


"I saw no love signals. There was no romantic heat and the last touch and kiss felt forced," Henderson explained. And this may not have been simply a result of bad choreography. Henderson added that Morris' award acceptance seemed equally tense and disconnected. "Even when Maren won for Song of the Year, Ryan escorting her up the steps wasn't with much joy or love. Where was the loving look between them?" Henderson asked, adding, "Maren's acceptance speech mentioning the song was for Ryan didn't even include a pause or loving look to him in the front row. Ryan sat awkwardly and stiff." While this couple's split was a surprise for some fans, the signs may have been there all along. 

