The Bold And The Beautiful's John McCook And Thorsten Kaye Take Fans Inside Eric And Ridge's Feud

Since the beginning of "The Bold and the Beautiful," Eric Forrester (John McCook) has been the driving force behind fashion design company Forrester Creations. But because he felt his son, Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) — who is now CEO of the family business — wants him to retire, and because he's dealing with severe arthritis and cerebral vascular disease, Eric's on a mission to create one final fashion line. It's become a badge of honor for him and he's going to do it no matter what, creating a battle of the lines within the company which will ultimately be determined on the runway in another fantastic "B&B" fashion show. But all Ridge sees is his dad being cantankerous and he has no idea about Eric's health issues.


It's great to see Eric back at the forefront, and this conflict is one of the "B&B" storylines we can't wait to see play out. McCook and Kaye were interviewed on Michael Fairman's YouTube channel, posted on October 11, and discussed this current story. McCook explained that because he's an older man dealing with issues of health and feeling pushed out of the family business, it plays well for audience members who can identify with his character. "I think there is a large percentage of our audience who are over 50, 60, or 70 years old. They like to see stories about people their age and with the same kinds of problems," he said.

McCook loves having stories with Kaye

In their interview with Michael Fairman, Thorsten Kaye explained that because Eric put Ridge in charge, there's a conflict since, "Eric has decided that he wants to take over again. That he wants to do something. So it's not even about my designs against his. We have something in place that works and you're gonna mess it all up." He noted that the fashion competition between them isn't the core of the story. Eric's health is, and that revelation is going to be a key factor. "The competition is a standalone thing as far as I'm concerned," he stated, adding, "It has nothing to do with their relationship as father and son."


McCook enjoys having father and son storylines with Kaye. "This is a story about how they love each other," he observed, noting that, "The conflict that happens ... begins from a place of great, deep love between these two characters." Explaining that the story is about an older man/younger man struggle, McCook further stated, "It could be a tire shop, and we could be having the same trouble." He described that the older person feels things are good, while the younger person wants to change things up. "There's a feeling of disrespect and disloyalty that gets exaggerated in the mind the more it goes on. This is a great story between the two of us and I love it. The more conflict we have, the richer our love story is, frankly."


