Our Favorite General Hospital Scene Partners

If actors have chemistry, whether it's romantic or not, they can make or break a scene. On "General Hospital," there are several characters who are fun to watch together, and many who start out promising, only to fizzle out. The romance between Dex Heller (Evan Hofer) and Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) was smoking hot when they first started to get together, but now they seem to have lost their sizzle. Ditto for Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Valentin Cassadine. It was a slow burn for them to finally dance between the sheets together, but their off the charts chemistry soon faded away when she became the target of an assailant and he started keeping secrets from her — despite the fact that both being former spies created an understanding between them that secrets were their stock-in-trade.


Watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) together. While Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) can often be uproarious with her acerbic wit, her formerly funny interactions with granddaughter Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) are painful to watch because she used the poor girl for her own terrible means. The late Sonya Eddy played the no-nonsense Epiphany Johnson, and many of her interactions with other characters were hilarious. Good scene partners just need to be characters who are fun to watch when they're together on screen, and some stand out from the rest as being particularly great to watch.

Max and Milo Giambetti

Although they come across as lovable buffoons, Sonny Corinthos' (Maurice Benard) bodyguard brothers Max and Milo Giambetti, played by real-life brothers Derk and Drew Cheetwood, were fiercely loyal to their boss, often putting their lives on the line to protect him and his family. Max even took a bullet twice, although once was when Jerry Jacks (Sebastian Roche) was holding him and several others hostage at the Metro Court Hotel. The second time was when the evil Heather Webber (then Robin Mattsson) shot him right in the chest to send a message to Sonny. The real-world bond that the brothers Cheetwood have translated well on the screen, as Max often scolded his younger sibling, trying to keep him in line.


We loved it not only when Max dated Sonny's attorney, Diane Miller (Carolyn Henessey), for a time, but also the romance between Milo and the late Epiphany Johnson (Sonya Eddy). Those two were so sweet together and we enjoyed their short love affair. Max and Milo haven't been seen on the show for quite some time, although the younger Giambetti did return for Epiphany's memorial service. We miss these guys, and "General Hospital" needs to bring them back to help Sonny and his second-in-command, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer), stop this new gang — seemingly led by Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) — that's been targeting Sonny and his organization.

Jason and Spinelli

When computer hacker Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) was needed by mafia enforcer Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) to help protect his and Sonny Corinthos' organization, an unlikely friendship was born. Although at first seeming extremely geeky and awkward, the self-proclaimed "Jackal of the Internet" has helped Jason and Sonny — as well as several other Port Charles citizens — time and again, and it wasn't long before Jason grew to respect Spinelli's skills. Spinelli doesn't speak like most people, instead using verbiage that often makes it hard for him to be understood by others. He even has nicknames for everyone, including Jason, who he often called "Stone Cold" because of his calm, emotionless demeanor.


Not only did the characters become loyal friends, the two actors became such good friends in real life that they host a podcast together called "That's Awesome!" and even do a comedy tour as "Stone Cold and the Jackal." It's too bad that "General Hospital" fired Burton for not complying with its COVID vaccine mandate. As a result, Jason was killed off during a cave-in, but since his body hasn't been found, fans hold out hope that he'll someday return to the role. Most scenes that Anderson and Burton were in together were often hilarious as Spinelli's antics would cause Jason to regularly raise an eyebrow, showing some emotion beneath his gruff exterior. The two were always entertaining as scene partners, and we also hope for a much-needed reunion one day!


Luke and Tracy

And speaking of unlikely pairings, the relationship between Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) and Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) was certainly one for the books. Putting the legendary anti-hero together with the irascible schemer had fans scratching their heads at first, but the on-screen chemistry between the actors was palpable and the couple soon became a fan favorite. Although the character of Luke became famous when he was paired with Laura Webber (Genie Francis), and the two saved the world together, their marriage couldn't last although they'd be there for each other over the years. But with him being a con artist by nature, and Tracy being a master manipulator, created a match made in some place shy of Heaven.


Luke and Tracy got married one night when he tricked the drunken heiress in order to get his hands on her vast wealth. But soon, they started falling for each other. However, their relationship would have a turbulent ride over the years, but their many scenes together were hilarious, and we loved seeing what mischief the two would get into next. Unfortunately, Geary retired from acting in 2015, and "General Hospital" made the ridiculous decision to kill him off-screen. Tracy's back on the show, and we'd love to see Geary return one last time to save the day, and ride off into the sunset with his wacky wife.

Heather and Ryan

The seriously maladjusted duo of Heather Webber (Alley Mills) and Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) on "General Hospital" was an unexpected and amazing treat for the viewers. Serial killer Ryan had been faking locked-in syndrome, biding his time at the Spring Ridge sanitarium, and giving orders to his dastardly daughter, Esme Prince (Avery Pohl). Fans were shocked when Heather, an expert at getting in and out of prisons and mental institutions, slipped into Ryan's room and it was revealed that she was Esme's mother. Putting these two together was genius, not only because of Mills and Lindstrom's superior acting, but also because the sheer thought of these two supervillains teaming up did not bode well for the citizens of Port Charles. We were giddy just pondering the amount of damage the two could cause. 


When Esme ended up in Spring Ridge after getting amnesia from a fall, she was horrified to learn not only of her own past crimes, but also that these two demented killers were her parents. The couple made a daring escape, taking Esme with them, and although it looked like they would unleash a horrifying reign of terror on the city, Ryan was shot dead, and Heather re-captured. It's really a shame because their deranged chemistry was a sight to behold. Although Ryan seems truly dead, even for a soap opera character, he could hopefully resurface as a vision that Heather sees, because we just can't get enough of these two!

Lucy and Scotty

Whether or not they are romantically involved, Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and Scotty Baldwin (Kin Shriner) are always entertaining when they share a scene on "General Hospital." With wise-cracking Scott's use of old-time catchphrases and lingo, such as "cockamamie," and Lucy's penchant for getting herself into mischief, the two have shared an on-screen chemistry that goes back decades. Lucy and Scott would famously become on-again off-again lovers, even getting married at one point. But when he was later married to Dominique Stanton (Shell Danielson), and she was diagnosed with a terminal illness, Lucy agreed to become a surrogate mother for them and bore Scott and Dom's child, Serena Baldwin. This cemented their relationship and since then they'd always have each other's backs.


If you see Scott and Lucy together in a scene, chances are something outrageous is going to come about because of their shenanigans. On the October 9, 2023 episode, Lucy explained to her employees at Deception cosmetics that she had a plan to save the company from the lawsuit filed by Tracy Quartermaine. Scotty showed up bearing champagne, and stated, "You know, Lucy, this decision is crazy. But it's my kind of crazy. So, let's celebrate!" Clearly the two still have what it takes and we're dying to know what they're up to now. They don't have to have a romance to keep us engaged, and that's why they're one of our favorite pairings!

Sonny Corinthos and Anna Devane

Hands down, our favorite "General Hospital" scene partners are Sonny Corinthos and Anna Devane (Finola Hughes). When these two get together, it's always epic as they are legendary titans on the show. Anna is a former super spy for the WSB, as well as former police commissioner of Port Charles. Her allegiance to law and order puts her directly at odds with Sonny, who is the most powerful mafia boss in the Northeastern U.S. Sea Front. Yet, when they're in a scene, these two shouldn't go well together, but much like ham and pineapple on pizza, they absolutely do. For decades, Anna has recognized Sonny's honor, integrity, and loyalty, and she totally respects that, sometimes consulting with him on an investigation.


When the truth about her double-agent past became public knowledge, she was feeling that the world was against her, and Sonny showed up to comfort her, giving her high praise for her own loyalty and integrity. The two have a clear connection and for once, we're glad it's not romantic and hope it never goes down that path. Anna has reluctantly agreed to let Sonny have his bodyguards clandestinely follow her to keep her safe, as a mysterious person has been terrorizing her, and disrupting her life. Their mutual admiration and respect for each other makes their scenes always great, and we'd love to see more of them together!

