The Nearly Unbelievable Words Donny Osmond Has Never Said Out Loud

Donny Osmond, the legendary singer and performer, has never uttered a few select words. Upon hearing this revelation, our minds immediately went to the token phrase everyone has been afraid to say at one point in their lives — "I love you." But one look at the "Go Away Little Girl" singer's expansive family and we're doubtful his wife of more than four decades, Debbie Osmond, would let him get away with that.


Instead, the words Donny has never uttered apply to a category more than they do a particular phrase. Speaking to People, Donny divulged that he has never said a swear word. It's almost unbelievable that someone who's spent more than 60 years on Earth and probably encountered his fair share of stubbed toes has never once used profanity. But he maintains that it's true. From his days on the school playground — when many of us encountered our first "bad word" — to the height of his music career, he has never said a swear word.

But he's not a saint. "Obviously I still think the words! There are certain people I would love to say certain words to at certain times," he confessed. So apparently, he just has the restraint of a saint, or as Donny believes, the restraint of his father.


Donny Osmond doesn't use profanity because of his dad

Though the occasional swear word may float through his mind, Donny Osmond revealed that he channels his father and squashes the thought before it passes his lips. "I never heard my father curse," he explains to People, "He was tough, but he never swore."


Donny's dad, George Osmond, is known as the patriarch of the musically talented Osmond family. He and his wife, Olive, raised nine children, including the famous singer Donny and his equally renowned sister Marie Osmond – those two went on to star together in "Donny & Marie," a hit TV variety show, in the 1970s. While the kids were growing up, the family lived in Odgen, Utah, before moving to California. According to the Guardian, his father maintained his military discipline from his days as an Army sergeant and held his kids to the same standards. "The house ran along a definite set of rules," Osmond said.

Additionally, as devout members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there were moral standards to abide by as the LDS church does not condone profanity of any kind. High expectations and obedience to his religion may play a role in why George never swore. Today, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree for Donny, at least as far as profanity goes.


Now Donny has his own children to parent

Donny Osmond also tries to be a great role model for his kids. The "Soldier of Love" artist has five boys, the first of them born in 1979, one year after he married Debbie Osmond. While being a dad may have been a bit more chaotic due to his intense performing schedule, Donny maintains his devotion to his kids and wife. "Family is the most important thing because the curtain will come down eventually, and then what do you have?" he said (via People).


He told The Guardian he retained some of his dad's parenting qualities, explaining, "I learned a lot from my parents about loving your children, treating them with respect and allowing them a voice. Our religion teaches that we are bonded together in eternity, so relationships are very respectful." He is still a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Debbie and I are religious but not over-fanatical," he said.

"The Masked Singer" contestant is busy being a grandparent these days, having more than a dozen grandchildren. Still, he admits that even though he initially tried to be just like his dad when raising his sons, he is more easygoing these days. However, swearing is one like-father-like-son quality of which he is apparently never willing to let go!


