Rachel Boston's Favorite Hallmark Cliche Is A Total Classic

If you've watched a Hallmark movie or two in your day, then you'll already be aware that the channel's famous movies share some classic tropes. From high school sweethearts reuniting to two stars sharing a first kiss beneath some (fake) falling snow, there are plenty of heartwarming Hallmark elements that tend to come back again and again. One of the reasons so many folks love the Hallmark Channel as much as they do is how easy it is to count on the network and its content. It's not a mystery what you're getting when you sit down with a bowl of popcorn and turn on Hallmark. 


It seems that the folks making these feel-good movies are just as comforted by the content as the folks who watch them. As Hallmark leading lady Rachel Boston told the PC Principle, "I think there is so much darkness in our world, and people are looking for a place for uplifting stories that make you feel good ... A woman came up to me just a few days ago in the grocery store and was so thankful there is still television that is inspiring and hopeful." 

Hallmark movies' heartwarming messaging certainly sets them apart from the rest of television, and the tropes that we've come to know and love are a huge part of making the network so reliable and comforting. As for which trope is Boston's personal favorite, for the actor, it's all about the almost kiss. 


Rachel Boston loves the near-miss kiss

Rachel Boston has been a Hallmark Channel darling since she first joined the network in 2014 in the movie "A Ring by Spring." Since then, she's made it into the double-digits of starring roles in Hallmark movies. She's even got a new movie coming out in Fall 2023 called "Field Day." A Hallmark veteran with credits like that? she's clearly an expert in what makes Hallmark what it is. When it comes to Hallmark Channel tropes, everyone has their favorite, and a real fan of the network can recognize a true Hallmark trope anywhere. 


Since Rachel Boston is a seasoned pro at the Hallmark Channel, she's the perfect person to ask about which trope is really the best. "The near-miss kiss is always fantastic," Boston told Us Weekly. She's right, and this is a true staple of Hallmark. In fact, if the two romantic leads actually kiss the first time they lean in, it should come as a surprise. 

It's safe to say that Boston has performed her fair share of near-miss kisses in her day. She reminisced about one near-miss kiss that stood out. "I got to fall off a ladder and into Wes Brown's arms," she said of "Check Inn to Christmas," a 2019 Hallmark flick where she played opposite Brown. "That's always fun," she added, joking, "That's a good thing to do at Christmas to gently slip and be caught [by] a lovely Christmas man."


Rachel Boston is a big Hallmark fan

Rachel Boston may consider the near-miss kiss to be her favorite Hallmark cliche, but it's not all that she loves about being a Hallmark star. In 2022, she appeared with fellow Hallmark fan-favorite Paul Campbell in "Dating the Delaneys." In an interview with Media Village, she said, "Paul and I talked about Hallmark being like the old Hollywood world, where you're paired a lot with the same people to go on different journeys." 


She elaborated on this in conversation with Seat42F, saying of her filming time with Hallmark: "That's what I enjoyed the most: the people ... Getting to be a part of this loving family." She added, "So many of my friends now are making Hallmark films, so we all can talk about our experiences and we get to see each other at the press events ... And so you just develop relationships that mean so much to you." 

It's clear that the tight-knit group of actors that the Hallmark Channel casts time and time again is an important part of why Boston loves the network so much. So, since she has a lot of love for her castmates, it's really no surprise that she has no problem doing a near-miss kiss or two. And, we have a feeling that there will be more than a few of those almost kisses in Boston's future, and from the sound of it, they'll be with some of her best friends.


