Amal Clooney Has Made Her Feelings About Donald Trump Extremely Clear

Amal Clooney is so much more than George Clooney's wife. She's a renowned international human rights lawyer who has represented human rights victims in courts across the world. She and her husband co-founded the Clooney Foundation for Justice, which works to combat injustice around the world, including providing legal support to those in the media who have been jailed for telling the truth.


And if there's one group of people that former president Donald Trump doesn't seem to like that much, it's the media — he's referred to them as "the enemy of the people." Amal is not having it with that kind of language, or with Trump in general. She's made it clear on multiple occasions that she feels the things Trump says can be deeply problematic and even dangerous. The best part is, she doesn't even deign to use his name when she calls him out. 

When Trump was running for president in April 2016, Amal was asked about the election. While referring to him simply as "the leading candidate on the Republican side," she noted her confusion as to his popularity given how he's spoken about women and what he said about shutting down the borders to immigrants, per the Irish Mirror. And Trump's language and behavior after winning the election seems to have only solidified Amal's negative opinion of him. 


Amal Clooney sees Donald Trump's words as a benefit to authoritarian governments

Amal Clooney was named the 2018 UN Correspondents Association (UNCA) Global Citizen of the Year Award. In her acceptance speech, Clooney spoke about how journalists in authoritarian countries who report the truth can end up jailed as a way for the government to both control the narrative and scare other journalists from reporting what's really going on. And as she described that, she called out Donald Trump. "The U.S. President has given such [autocratic] regimes a green light and labeled the press in this country the enemy of the people" (via UNCA). Clooney clearly thinks that Trump's words about the media have implications far beyond America.


She also referred to how vital it was for people to get their news from reliable, fact-based sources in order to progress as a society. Clooney brought up how challenging it is to make progress on international issues when there are people who "think climate change is a hoax" and those who believe "that refugees and Muslims pose an inherent danger to society." And who has used those as political talking points? That's right — President Donald Trump. At different times, he has both called climate change a hoax and railed against refugees and Muslims.

Amal Clooney has called out Donald Trump's attacks on the press

A couple of months before the UNCA speech, Amal Clooney called out Donald Trump for his mocking of Christine Blasey Ford, who testified during Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing about how he had sexually assaulted her in high school. As she spoke at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women about women's rights and the #MeToo movement, Clooney said: "A president shouldn't ridicule a woman who courageously comes forward to allege abuse," as reported by Philadelphia Magazine.


Trump came up again when Clooney spoke at the 2019 Global Conference for Media Freedom in London. And her opinion of him doesn't seem to have gotten any better. In her speech, Clooney talked about the value of media freedom and the fact that journalists around the world are being killed for exposing the truth. "As James Madison, one of America's founding fathers, warned us more than 200 years ago: The right to a free press is 'the only effectual guardian of every other right,'" Amal said, via Gov.UK.

Later in the speech, she brought it back to American founding father James Madison as she dropped the hammer on Trump. "Today, the country of James Madison has a leader who vilifies the media making honest journalists all over the world more vulnerable to abuse."


