Whitney Thore Shares Heartbreaking Video Of Visiting Her Mom Bab's Grave

Whitney Thore of the hit reality TV show "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" is no stranger to sharing personal details with viewers. After the death of her mother, the TLC star has been very open with her fans about how she's coping with the loss. 


Whitney's mom, Barbara "Babs" Thore, passed away on Dec. 7, 2022, according to a video tribute shared on Instagram. "My mother died last night just as the credits rolled on her favorite movie," Whitney captioned the video. "Dad, Hunter, and I held her as she took her last breaths. It was 10:32 pm, the same exact time she brought me into this world almost 40 years ago." Whitney said her mother's death was caused by cerebral amyloid angiopathy, a condition that can trigger deadly strokes.

Recently, she shared another heartbreaking video about her mother on social media, this time offering fans insight into her recent visit to Babs' grave. In the Instagram video, we get a glimpse of the golden-trimmed plaque affixed to Babs' mausoleum. The family had a touching message engraved onto it. "America's Mom," it begins. "Loved by her family and adored by millions. The love of my life, my sweetheart for 45 years. I'll love you 'til the 12th of never." Another personal message from Whitney was overlaying the video. "My mother was interred on December 17, 2022," she wrote. "This is the first time since Christmas that I've felt able to come back. I love you, Sweet Mommy."


Babs' publicized funeral sparked outrage

A day after posting the video of her visit to her mother's grave, Whitney Thore posted another video admitting a mistake. "Does grief just erase your memory?" she wondered. "I fully believed yesterday that I had not been there since December." She explained that her father reminded her that they'd visited her mother's grave on multiple occasions, including on Mother's Day. "Most people my age that I know personally haven't lost a parent," she explained, before thanking those who are experiencing the loss of a loved one for reaching out and offering comfort.


The charming southern matriarch named Babs Thore was cherished by her family, friends, and fans alike. The people who watched her on TLC's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" loved her antics and wholesomeness.

However, one controversial episode that showed Babs' funeral had some viewers accusing the Thores of crossing a line. The family received criticism for the episode, but Whitney quickly set the record straight. "My father wanted the funeral to be public and he wanted the public to come. He asked to post on social media," she said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. "Nothing makes him happier than people loving my mother. He is so proud of her and so obsessed with her. And he likes to, you know, she's a public figure. She was loved publicly and I want her to be mourned publicly."


