All Of Victor Kiriakis' Wives On Days Of Our Lives

Whether fans love him or hate him, Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) is one of the most notorious villains in "Days of Our Lives" history. From heading up a drug and prostitution ring to switching Sarah Horton's (Linsey Godfrey) and Kristen Dimera's (Stacy Haiduk) babies, Victor caused trouble from his debut on the soap in 1985. Among his many misdeeds, Victor also had many affairs and marriages during his time in Salem.


Victor has been married six times to five different women, each more dramatic than the last. Between having weddings in order to avoid a life-or-death crisis and having his wife entomb his love in a sarcophagus, Victor has had quite a complicated love life. Despite his dirty misdeeds, Victor has shown all of the other villains of Salem, like Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) and Gabi Hernandez (Camila Banus), that anyone can find love — even if they have to marry a couple of times to do it.

Victor married Carly Manning

Victor Kiriakis' first wife was Carly Manning (Crystal Chappell). The two met in 1991 when Victor suffered a stroke and became paralyzed. Carly was Victor's physical therapist, and he soon fell in love with her, even though she was in love with his son, Bo Brady (Peter Reckell). They got engaged anyway and planned to marry. Before the wedding, Bo wrote a letter to Carly encouraging her not to marry Victor, but the letter ended up in Victor's hands. He forged a letter from Bo encouraging her to marry Victor. He also forged a letter from Carly to Bo that said she was going through with the wedding.


Carly and Victor were married, but their relationship did not progress. Unbeknownst to the wedding guests, Emmy Borden (Susan Diol), who was in love with Bo, poisoned the champagne at Carly and Victor's wedding. Bo drank it and contracted a deadly disease. Carly managed to make the cure he needed and saved his life, along with the others who had been infected. Carly then found out about Victor forging the letters between her and Bo and annulled their marriage. Victor tried to kill Bo but ended up injuring Carly instead, after which both Bo and Victor's daughter Isabella Toscano (Staci Greason) disowned him.

His second wife was Vivian Alamain

Victor Kiriakis' second wife was Vivian Alamain (Louise Sorel), although the two were married under false pretenses. Victor started seeing Vivian after his daughter Isabella Toscano died, but he broke up with her when he found out that she had been keeping Carly Manning's child away from her. Victor then fell in love with Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslow), which sparked Vivian's jealousy. When Kate and Victor tried to have a child via in vitro, Vivian arranged it so that she was implanted with Kate's embryo. Believing it was a mistake, Kate and Victor made nice with Vivian, but she wasn't having it.


Vivian planned a wedding for Kate and Victor, but she disguised herself as Kate during the rehearsal and legally married Victor herself. Unaware of the manipulation, Victor still planned on wedding Kate. However, Kate found out what Vivian had done and planned to tell Victor, but Vivian caused Kate's plane to crash, and she was presumed dead. Victor and Vivian fell in love, but she started seeing another man to make him jealous. Instead, he granted her a divorce so she could keep seeing other people. Eventually, Kate returned alive and revealed what Vivian had done, and Victor left her and returned to Kate.

Victor wed Nicole Walker

The third woman Victor Kiriakis married was Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker). The two began as friends, and Nicole even saved Victor's life when Kate Roberts tried to have him killed after they broke up. But soon enough, Nicole and Victor's marriage turned ugly. Nicole developed feelings for Victor's grandson Brady Black (Eric Martsolf), and he got angry, offering her a large sum of money to leave Salem forever, but she refused.


In one last attempt, Victor threatened Nicole with "proof" that she was the Salem Stalker, the serial killer plaguing the town. Feeling trapped, Nicole went to her friend Jan Spears (Heather Lindell) and asked for her help. As Jan was just as devious and dangerous as any other citizen of Salem, she helped Nicole throw a toaster into Victor's bathtub and electrocute him. He seemingly died before help could arrive but soon turned up alive on Melaswen Island, where all the other victims of the Salem Stalker were being held. He returned to town as a single man.

Victor married Vivian again

Victor Kiriakis then wed Vivian Alamain again, but it was a marriage of necessity. When Victor's son Phillip Kiriakis (Jay Kenneth Johnson) fell in love with Melanie Jonas (Molly Burnett), all seemed well. But Melanie's paternity turned out to be a problem. She was the daughter of Carly Manning and Daniel Jonas (Shawn Christian), which meant that Vivian — Carly's enemy — had it out for her. Victor persuaded Vivian to marry him if it meant she would stop trying to kill Melanie. She said yes, but that did nothing to stop the chaos that followed Victor around.


During his second marriage to Vivian, Victor fell in love with Maggie Horton (Suzanne Rogers), which made his wife jealous. She tried to bury Maggie alive but ended up being the one in the tomb, courtesy of Victor's grandson, Brady Black. Vivian was rescued by her henchman and returned to her original plan, burying Maggie alive. Luckily, Maggie was eventually rescued by Victor, who was disgusted by Vivian's actions. After all that had transpired, Victor left Vivian for good.

Victor's fifth wife was his love, Maggie Horton

Victor Kiriakis' fifth and final wife was Maggie Horton. As one of the staple matriarchs of Salem, Maggie is not known for being involved with villains and criminals, so she was originally put off by Victor's dark streak. However, when Maggie was accidentally shot during a fight between the Kiriakis and the DiMera families, she moved in with Victor so he could take care of her while she healed. The two fell in love, and when he proposed, she accepted.


They were married during the Horton Town Square dedication and were completely happy to be together. Their relationship has not been without its ups and downs, though. When Maggie drove Adrianne Kiriakis (Judi Evans) off the road and caused the accident that led to her death, Victor covered up the crime and framed Will Horton (Chandler Massey). Victor left most of his illegal ways behind when he married Maggie, and the character earned some redemption before being written off the show in 2022 after the death of actor John Aniston.

