Amy Duggar King's Icy Reunion With Anna Duggar Proves There's No Thaw In Sight

For a little over a year, Josh Duggar has languished in a Texas prison, serving out his time on charges involving the most innocent victims. Meantime, his wife Anna has been keeping a low profile — so low, in fact, that no one seems to know where she is. Reportedly, Josh's father Jim Bob had offered to put up Anna and her seven children in a converted warehouse on his Arkansas compound. She was occasionally seen in the background in family YouTube videos of Christmas parties and similar events. However, in June 2023, a source claimed Jim Bob had kicked Anna to the curb following a vicious argument. The insider told The U.S. Sun that Anna felt her in-laws didn't do enough to help her husband when it was clear he had serious psychological issues, and that she had moved to Texas to be near Josh.


But a recent surprising encounter may put those rumors to rest. On Aug. 4, 2023, Jim Bob's niece Amy Duggar King reported seeing Anna in Arkansas. In a TikTok post, she and her mother, Deanna Jordan, explained they'd been at a visitation service for a friend when they spotted Anna among other Duggar family members. Anna was with a young teen (possibly her oldest daughter, Mackynzie). "I looked up, and she was literally a couple of inches away from me," Amy said. She and her mom agreed Anna looked "so angry" and "so ticked at the world." It didn't get better from there.

Anna Duggar made it clear where she stands

Amy Duggar King and her mother, Deanna Jordan, paid their respects at a memorial for their friend Heather Schisler, a mother of four who died far too young. (Jill Duggar Dillard announced the heartbreaking loss on her Instagram page.) Amy was startled to see Anna Duggar among the mourners. The two had once been close, but the relationship turned frosty after Amy became an outspoken critic of the Duggars' church ministry, the Institute in Basic Life Principles. (Deanna refers to it as "this crazy nut Bill Gothard thing.") The so-called "rebel" Duggar has also posted online messages begging Anna to leave Josh for her children's sake, despite the church's ban on divorce.


Sadly, the cousins' reunion was anything but heartwarming. Amy called Anna's name and touched her lightly on the back, causing Anna to recoil and snap, "Just give me space." This, says Amy, is proof her cousin is aware of her opinions. "She obviously knows I've been putting it out there, that 'Anna, you do not have to be alone in this. We're here for you, we're going to protect your children,'" Amy said. "But...she made it clear she does not want our help, she does not care for our help, and she's going to do what Anna does."

Amy and Deanna still hope Anna sees the light one day. But for now, be it in Texas or Arkansas, Anna Duggar is still standing by her man and is still on the outs with that branch of the family.


