Arianne Zucker Says It's Time For Change After Days Of Our Lives Workplace Allegations

Behind-the-scenes misconduct at "Days of Our Lives" has come to light. A report from Deadline outlined the internal investigation into inappropriate on-set behavior by Albert Alarr, director and co-executive producer. He was accused of humiliating and verbally abusing women and fostering an unhealthy work environment, and the "Days of Our Lives" production company has said that the investigation led to on-set changes that they say will "ensure a safe and respectful work environment." The extent of any changes made on the set hasn't yet been made public — Alarr is still working for the show in the same positions he was in before the investigation. In the midst of all of this turmoil, one of the show's stars is speaking out.


Arianne Zucker has played Nicole Walker on "Days of Our Lives" for 25 years, so if there's anyone who really knows what it's like on set, it's Zucker. Zucker hasn't yet publicly confirmed or denied Alarr's misconduct, but she posted a message to the show's fans on Instagram: " In light of the recent information, trust in knowing that your love and messages mean everything. Also know that we are all supporting each other on the show. Cast and crew! It takes a village. Just hang tight ... " We're hoping that means positive changes at the show moving forward, but as Zucker said, we'll have to wait to find out more.

Arianne Zucker has dealt with poor behavior from men in power before

Arianne Zucker may have dropped a hint to what was happening at "Days of Our Lives," though we may not have known it at the time, when she posted an Instagram story in late July 2023 that read, "It takes time, bravery & courage for things to change. Well ... it's time!" per Twitter. Given what we now know, that post definitely seems to be about the show, and we're glad to hear that things are finally changing for the better.


If allegations that Alarr created a toxic environment for women at "Days of Our Lives" are true, sadly, it wouldn't be the first time that Zucker has had to deal with inappropriate behavior from a man in power. Zucker was the woman Donald Trump was going to meet when he was caught talking with Billy Bush in the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape that was released in October 2016. Before meeting Zucker while on set for a 2005 cameo on the soap, Trump said, "I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait."

Zucker responded to the tape on Today after it came out. Zucker called Trump's comments "offensive [...] for women." But she also said that she wasn't necessarily "shocked" or surprised by what Trump said considering his personality and the entertainment industry.


Former Days of Our Lives stars commented on the investigation

Arianne Zucker isn't the only "Days of Our Lives" actor to say something about the investigation and its aftermath, though as of now, she's the only one currently on the show to publicly comment. Some former "Days of Our Lives" actors have also reacted to the news about the Alarr investigation.


Lisa Rinna, who played Billie Reed on "Days of Our Lives" from 1992 to 2018 and again in 2021, posted on Threads about what it was like on set during the last time she was there: "I was shocked by the Hostile [sic] environment that it had become, and I was afraid for the young actors who had to continue to work there. I went to the producer I even spoke with Sony HR. I wonder where the union is in this and how was this left unchecked?"

And Peter Reckell, who has seemingly left "Days of Our Lives" for good, wrote on Twitter about the investigation and what it uncovered: "It's shocking to all who care deeply about the show, it's [sic] legacy, and the audience who love it so much. With quick resolution, I hope to see a return to its past values of family and respect for all." We agree with Reckell in hoping that conditions on set turn around quickly, and from the sounds of Zucker's posts, positive change may be on the way.


