What Ivana Trump Called Her Ex-Husband Donald's Only Weakness

Before Donald Trump was president, he was known as a New York socialite, real estate mogul, and TV personality. Before his best-known TV role on "The Apprentice," Trump got cameos in movies like "Home Alone 2" and "Zoolander," and he also starred in a number of TV commercials too. Along with promoting his own batch of name-brand products, Trump appeared in commercials for, among others, Pizza Hut and McDonald's. And while they may not be restaurants with the Trump name, they're definitely favorites of his — it's no secret that Trump is a fan of fast food.


In fact, he publicly shared his fast food love while serving as president. When the Clemson University Tigers football team came to the White House in 2019, after winning the national championships, they were greeted by the president and a table full of food from McDonald's, Domino's, Burger King, and Wendy's — the country was in the midst of a partial government shutdown, and Trump paid for the meal himself. It was a menu that he himself would love. And it's that love of fast food, specifically Big Macs, that his first wife Ivana Trump claimed was his only weakness.

The former president is a big fan of Big Macs

When Donald Trump was hospitalized with Covid-19, in October 2020, his first wife, Ivana Trump, spoke with People about her ex-husband's overall health, noting that she saw Donald as "very healthy," except when it came to his diet. Here's what Donald typically eats in a day so you can judge for yourself. "His only weakness is food," Ivana shared. "He likes the Big Mac — it's his biggest weakness."


Donald has been open about enjoying burgers, though he likely wouldn't characterize it as a weakness. In 2010, the former "Apprentice" host told Us Weekly that he was a fan of hamburgers. Then, at a 2016 CNN Republican Presidential Town Hall, in South Carolina, it got more specific. Anderson Cooper asked Donald what he ordered from McDonald's to which he replied, "The Big Macs are great. The quarter pounder with cheese. [...] It's great stuff." 

After he was elected president, Donald reportedly asked the White House kitchen to make him a fried apple pie and a quarter pounder with cheese and extra ketchup, without pickles, per Politico. Apparently, they couldn't always get it quite right and his Director of Oval Office Operations would frequently head to McDonald's to pick up the real thing for him.


Donald Trump likes fast food because of cleanliness and consistency at the restaurants

It's not just the taste of the food from McDonald's and other fast food restaurants that Donald Trump appreciates, it's the standards that come with getting food from international franchises. He told Anderson Cooper that a big part of his loyalty to these places was also because: "I like cleanliness, and I think you're better off going there than, maybe, someplace that you have no idea where the food's coming from. It's a certain standard."


Trump's love of fast food was made even clearer in a couple of books about his presidency. In "Let Trump Be Trump," former Trump campaign staffers Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie wrote about how seriously the former president took his food. According to the authors, Trump's go-to order from McDonald's was: "Two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted," per People

And, in Michael Wolff's infamous book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," he detailed how Trump liked to watch TV in bed with a cheeseburger in the evenings (via The Guardian US). A pretty relatable, though perhaps not the healthiest, pastime!

